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Texas venue to stop hosting 'all ages' drag queen events after undercover video shows performer exposing himself, children offering tips
Image Courtesy Tayler Hansen / Twitter (screenshot)

Texas venue to stop hosting 'all ages' drag queen events after undercover video shows performer exposing himself, children offering tips

A Dallas-Forth Worth, Texas, venue says it will no longer allow "all ages" drag queen shows at the establishment after undercover journalists published video from a recent event.

Live music venue Tulips was at the center of controversy after independent journalist Tayler Hansen posted video on March 28, 2023, that showed video from inside the venue during an "all ages" drag queen show the night before.

"Yesterday an 'All Ages' Drag Show was hosted at Tulips [Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas]. During the show, a drag queen sat with his legs open and exposed his crotch to children in the crowd," Hansen wrote on Twitter.

"Children were being encouraged by parents to hand money to the Drag Queens and wave Trans flags around. Sara Gonzales was denied entry and ID’d at the door to prevent her from exposing what was going on," Hansen added.

Sara Gonzales, BlazeTV host of "The News & Why It Matters," attempted to enter the venue, but was recognized and turned away at the front door. One of the performers was later recorded on video bragging about how the journalist was prevented from entering.

"After I was denied entry to an all-ages drag show ... a drag queen bragged that I had been removed and said I’d go home and 'drink wine alone,'" Gonzales said on Twitter.

Two weeks later on April 10, 2023, however, Gonzales announced that Tulips' landlord informed her group that the location would no longer be willing to host any "all ages" drag shows after seeing the undercover footage.

"VICTORY!! Tulips confirmed with us that they will NO LONGER host 'all ages' drag shows at their venue. Their landlord saw our coverage and said ABSOLUTELY NOT," Gonzales exclaimed.

"Upon arrival, security denied me entry at the doors and told me they had been given my name and picture by the venue and were instructed not to allow me to enter," Gonzales told TheBlaze.

"What they didn't know was that I had a team of citizen journalists spread throughout the entire venue getting footage of the performers dancing for and receiving tips from children," she explained.

Gonzales, who is also the executive director of Defend Our Kids: Texas, confirmed with Tulips staff that the landlord said Tulips would be "kicked out of the building" if the venue tried to host another drag queen show aimed at children.

"Activism works. Pressure works. Sunlight is the best disinfectant," Gonzales added.

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Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados is a writer focusing on sports, culture, entertainment, gaming, and U.S. politics. The podcaster and former radio-broadcaster also served in the Canadian Armed Forces, which he confirms actually does exist.
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