'The dumbest thing you can do': Dan Crenshaw slaps down the Jim Jordan bullying campaign
Dan Crenshaw (CNN screenshot)

During an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) took a swipe at some of his Republican House colleagues and conservative activists who are attempting to bully House caucus members into making Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) the new House speaker.

Asked by host Jake Tapper about reports that close allies are promising "retribution" against lawmakers who refuse to fall in line behind the controversial Jordan's speakership bid, Crenshaw said the effort is counterproductive at best.

Admitting that he has every intention of voting for Jordan to replace the ousted Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Crenshaw made it clear he thinks the reported bullying campaign is ill-advised and dumb.

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Asked by the CNN host if he had any advice for Jordan's avid advocates who are making threats, he replied, "That is the dumbest way to support Jordan.”

He continued, "I’m supporting Jordan. I’m going to vote for Jordan. As someone who wants Jim Jordan, the dumbest thing you can do is to continue pissing off those people.”

“When I ask people who are taking that tact, I’m like, 'Did that work on you, when you were one of the 20 against McCarthy, and everybody was bashing you?'” Crenshaw stated before adding, “Everybody’s got to grow up, get it together. If there are differences, let’s sort them out.”

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