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an interval timer for learning new habits

Photo of the asiko timer on a desk, with a user's hand reaching towards it.

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Learn at your own pace

How long does it take to form a new habit? It depends. Learning anything, particularly a new habit, takes time and dedication. But you know that already.

Beginning a new habit is easy, what’s hard is sticking to it. The current science on forming new habits shows that the best way to get habits to stick is to start small and slowly increase your commitment as you get better. The easiest way to start small is by controlling how long you spend at the new habit.

We call this your interval. Whether it’s 15 seconds or 15 minutes, your interval is personal to you. That’s where you start your learning journey. When you’re comfortable with that interval, move on to two intervals, then three, and more…

Asiko utilizes intervals in this way to help you build new habits. Set the timer by increasing or reducing your pre-set interval and you’re on your way to becoming the new you.

Set your own interval

Choose your own interval on starting up the device, from as low as 15 seconds up to 15 minutes. You can change it at any time.

Photo of the asiko timer with a user's hand changing the count.

With your interval set, you can set the timer by simply counting up or down in multiples of your interval time.

Use any of the two modes

Asiko has two modes: regular, where the timer counts down in silence and only beeps when the time has run out; and training, where the timer beeps each time an interval goes by.

Photo of the asiko timer (with a count of 29:10) beside a user who is writing code on a laptop.

This is helpful when switching between different habits, such as reading (where you need quiet) and exercising (for tracking reps). You can toggle between modes using a switch on the device.

No cords necessary

Powered by a single AA battery, asiko does not require any cords to charge the device. It is designed to last for 6 months at regular usage.

Photo of the back of an opened asiko device, with its electronic parts displayed.

When the battery needs to be replaced, the text “HI” will appear on the screen. Simply slide out the plastic cover to replace the battery.

See how long you went over

Sometimes when you’re focused on a task, you could go over time. Instead of ringing until you turn it off, the timer rings for 3 seconds then begins to count up.

Photo of two users using the asiko timer.

This is helpful for two reasons: first, going over means you might need to increase your interval. Second, instead of ringing to signal when you’re over time, you’ll be notified in a silent way: you’ll see the count reading up instead of down.

Hack your own schedule

Do you have a schedule that works for your productivity? You can add it to Asiko. Write your own firmware and flash it on the Asiko device.

Our product design allows for techies to run their own timing system with the device. You can develop a regimen that works for you and share it with others.

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