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Behind The Deep State | BRICS & Regional Regimes: Deep State New World Order Emerges

1 year ago

The Deep State's vision for a New World Order is rapidly advancing through the new mechanism known as BRICS, with each of those BRICS governments and regimes serving as an anchor in a broader regional government, explains The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. This regionalism is just an interim step on the way to globalism in a strategy outlined by people like Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab. Late last month, governments of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa met in Johannesburg for the BRICS summit. They are working quickly to increase trade in the own currencies and roll out central bank digital currencies on the road to potentially setting up a BRICS currency. These are major developments on the road toward the New World Order, Alex warns.

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  • 0/2000
  • wow, good work Alex Newman and New American!

  • Alex....... Alex....... think mirror.... 5GW-THE ART OF WAR Aliance.....

  • Looks like the same people attacking me are attacking you - Tawnya Kay Martin gab timeline

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  • Hola Alex, I am so confused with BRICKS...some say it will be good for Sovereignity which is all those Countries are looking for. What you say makes total sense though. I would love for you to interview Sean at sgtreport.com and his last guest from laroucheorganization.com

  • But are Russia and China lying to the liberal deep state, psychotic nutcases and the politicians in the United States? I pretty much assume that what you are outlining here is exactly what they are up to and that they are all in it together and that this is in fact, actually, the plan. Just like Hitler can write a book outlining his plans and no one goes and reads the book except those who are committed to the plan and a few who are against it and so you can actually print something and put it down in a book or on paper, and people simply won’t read it… But Satan is the author of confusion so it’s a little hard to know exactly what’s going on… But the fact that they have not actually produced their one world or even alternate currency suggest they are running across stumbling blocks… They certainly don’t have it all together because if they did, they would already have it in place.