Mark Smith’s Patreon

creating curated javascript, tech and web development links from

  • $0.82/month
Hi I’m Mark...

I’m a web developer originally from the UK.

I post links to javascript / tech / web development articles every day on my linkblog:

Then on Saturday I send out a newsletter with the best links from the week:

I haven’t quite figured out all the patreon tiers yet.

For now you can see:

- All the links on the linkblog daily
- A link to each linkblog day in the RSS feed
- The best links from the linkblog in the newsletter

It’s a pay what you want model. 

I do have bills to pay, so...

Any contribution would be hugely appreciated.

Another way to contribute is to send web development work my way:

I might add more things later down the line.

I’ve seen some other developers add tiers for funding development on interesting open source projects:

So I guess something like that is a possibility in the future. It sort of depends on how well the linkblog and newsletter take off, and if I get some freelance work.

Tell me what you want, if you have any ideas get in touch with me:

Thanks for stoping by, it would be great to have you as a patron!



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