Labour won't contest 'unwinnable' Port Waikato by-election

October 20, 2023
Labour party signage.

The Labour Party will not stand in the upcoming Port Waikato by-election, deeming it "unwinnable" and a drain on focus and resources.

The by-election was needed after the death of ACT candidate Neil Christensen during the election period.

Labour Party president Jill Day announced the decision in a statement this afternoon.

"Port Waikato is a traditional National Party electorate that Labour's never won," she said.

"Our focus is on forming a formidable opposition that holds the incoming Government to account.

"Contesting an unwinnable by-election takes focus and resources away from that role."

List of candidates contesting Port Waikato by-election.

The current MP for Port Waikato is National's Andrew Bayly, who had been favoured to win back his seat.

Day acknowledged Labour's general election candidate for the region.

"I want to acknowledge Gwendoline Keel, our fantastic candidate for Port Waikato in the general election, and her wider team.

"Gwendoline ran a strong campaign this year in difficult circumstances and she has a great future in politics ahead of her," she said.

The by-election takes place on November 25.


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