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according to Bill Gates how is Mrna like an old prostitute?
find out in this episode. shout out to Ray Charles!

(sic) we pay so much attention to bit players, we can't see the director & producer conspiring back stage. dig up the deep state! one party & a staged twisting drama. go ahead & vote your silly ass off! it won't change a thing.

beware, spring is the cruelest... after the record lows, record floods, come the record drought, record heat, record arson. WHO will back down!? nvm, enter a plastic man in a pink suit. the show must go on.

extra cheese, please. (sometimes, that's all you need.) bon appetite!

why do they jump round so? avoid the subject? skirt the issue? wonder "how could this have happened?", "why are they doing this?", "where is justice?"
seems people have been trained not to draw conclusions, not to think, not to question, not to examine, research, or explore.
seems the masses have been trained: make no accusation, hurt no feelings, cause no discomfort.
as if that would change the fact that people are generally greedy, hateful, & stupid.

(what an effort to get this video completed!)
perhaps fascinated since the 60s, when "TV consciousness" arrived, humanity was surely muzzled in 2020.
no mistakes to admit. nothing to reconsider.
how they dance around, waving hands, explaining, qualifying, redefining.
& they're still in charge, writing the laws.

Good Friday Edition. featuring "still life with Kate" - no plants were disturbed in the making of this film; Alex Jones, (does the man ever get tired of being right?); "the very very very worst" - doesn't get much better than that!; collection "cute but dumb", clobbered in debates, filibuster babe, can I go home now? & destiny's a child. Thank you, I enjoyed cheering on the pummelling during the public spectacle!

sounds like a big waste of meat. at least it was non-binding, but they want to change that too!

Trump & P.P. smell like the cheese in the trap, one whiff drives 'em wild, ready to take the plunge. predictable, almost like betrayal, the Ides of March reminds us, some appear to be on the 'right' side, say the 'right things', but always, watch your back!

from the dog pound to the schoolyard, to the halls of power, that home schooling option is looking better & better!

salvage what you can of the crumbling narrative. paternity & 3rd party politics, UKR money laundering, DNA contamination, savage statistical overhaul of excess deaths, horrorshow Nikki Haley as the Walking Dead, & Weekend at Biden's (Italy), watch fat Bill Gates add mass to his man boobs, get ready to duck & cover, Mulroney dies at 84, + more!

playing society like a church organ: black history month, Navalny, vax, clots, mortality data, courage over genius, heroes & zeroes, assange & musk, hollow victory, turbo cancers, baby funerals, LNPs, woke AI images, sensible armour, rights in name only, another giant leap forward???!! right...

why & what for but esp., why now? resurrected from nowhere, with opinions flying everywhere, how does bret dare? & why should I care?
"... And then a hero comes along \ With the strength to carry on \ And you cast your fears aside \ And you know you can survive \ So when you feel like hope is gone\ Look inside you and be strong \ And you'll finally see the truth \ That a hero lies in you. - Mariah Carey

a farm fuelled fantasy; sheep in werewolf clothing; panic & protest in the VR village; predators & their practices; imitation without instruction; & yes chicken little, the sky is still falling, the bombs keep dropping; sometimes old conspiracy hypotheses are just as good as the new: cloud seeding, moon landing, fluoride, to name just a few! what to do? what to do? no desire to think, I'll just follow you...

people like making up words, redefining, spinning, revising, qualifying, lying. eg. scam 'pandemic', not a 'vaccine', un'healthy' food, climate 'change' & manipulation, real 'meat', 'gender' opposing care... beware, propaganda works only if there is a grain of truth. when the pendulum swings back the other way, it often becomes a guillotine.

I am thoroughly gaslit & shadow-banned, if you appreciate the work, please like, comment & share.

European farmer's protest; chemtrails make the weather gooder; whatever makes you happy, whatever makes you SADS; UFC vs Turdeau TKO Round 1; Pfizer invests in turbo cancers tx; courts rule against Liberal party use of emergency act; ICJ rules on Israel vs SA; Tucker Carlson come to liberate Canada by stirring up a civil war, & telling us what we already knew: they hate you!

"Lord, save me from those trying to save me". The UN, WHO & WEF teaming up to "keep everyone safe", including stopping climate change, protect all the animals, environments & produce perfect weather, as it was in the beginning, is now, & will be in the future, world without end...
what is more scary Disease X, or the safety measures to protect 'us' from it? battle of the heavyweight champions. Atlas vs Fauci; Vanden Bossche vs Von der Lyon; Rancourt vs Malone: according to Malone it doesn't matter if a pandemic is harmless, it is declared to exists, therefore it exists! by extension every positive PCR test for whatever sequence chosen now has 'pandemic potential'. be afraid, be very afraid ... & sign the agreement.

for the new lie to become the 'truth', old lies must be erased, mass amnesia must be induced. enter Weinstein, slippery weasel & prevaricating gasbag, who some say is eloquent but really just can't say anything simply & concisely. like Robert Malone, with fewer 'ums', managing so many layers of deception requires many twists of thought & tongue. but the archive is not so easily erased! fibbing forgetful Fauci is learning: "no questions, no answers". but the new lie is built on a very old lie, & this old lie is now accepted gospel in the mass delusion: the glimmering chalice of AIDS strikes fear into the hearts & minds of the masses, wielded by "The Science" as its crowning deception. unopposed by the "Dream Team" some narratives are sacrosanct, unquestionable. the 'truth' may be out there, but it is not to be found, ever.

Happy New Year 2024! the clash of propagandas; science vs Science; gene therapy to genetic modifications; containment & contamination; cull the drones, stop the clones!; pandemic models, scamdemic scare tactics; Cassandra vs. Nostradamus; starlets & mouth pieces; the conspiracy keepers, the propaganda gurus; the controlled opposition drifts thru the Overton window; mind your credibility & credentials.

terrific TERF tune to wind up the Christmas season; as the year draws to a close, Canadians pick at the dingle-berry, the Turd that won't quit; climate craziness a la Kerry wants the world to starve, and/or eat ze bugs; war on farms, war on food; vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but you already knew that; bombing Bibi keeps on spinning; ever get the sense that clown world is scripted?; UBI for CAN?; creepy Collins steals the show.

*** Content warning: disturbing scenes, adult themes.*** Who's been naughty, who's on ice; Satan Klaus is coming to town...; He made a list, redacted it twice; All they want for xmas is complete control; Holiday cheer - bottoms up!; On dancer, on cancer, on hunter, vote fixin', the trumper, the humper, to bomb her & bless sin.
(that's all I got for now - post one in the comments)
To the politically correct, Happy Holidays. Otherwise, Merry Christmas!

propaganda works! & it's transmissible.

retired (ousted?) NYU professor, propaganda expert Mark Crispin Miller calls it.

"week in review" - lucrative lethal loyalty

it says on the American dollar bill: In God We Trust? is that so? Voltaire — 'Fiat currency always eventually returns to its intrinsic value — zero.' say it isn't so! — & so, what is there to trust?
delineate these: faith, belief, truth. & consider — loyal to God, loyal to the state, loyal to an ideology, loyal to a cause, loyal to a country, loyal to a friend, family, job, discipline, dream, religion, politic, media, a company, a brand, money?
Franz Kafka — 'Like a dog! he said, it was as if the shame of it should outlive him.'

true heroes are now criminals; the criminal heralded as hero. raise xmas taxes until carbon falls to zero! o black mirror on the wall, WHO's the terror of them all! memory fades & language doth change, mindless sheep it does derange. new rules for fools to obey & fresh roles for tools to portray. & even God wants a piece, his tithe, but ever demand peace - you're on the wrong side!


Created 3 years, 12 months ago.

176 videos

Category News & Politics

curated news review every Friday!