William Blackstone and U.S. Foreign Policy Regarding the Israeli Issue Research Paper

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The US positions on the issue of Israel and the Middle East, in general, have not changed dramatically for a long time but only experienced minor amendments. These amendments are always in line with current events; for example, in the early 2000s, the United States took an active course in eliminating terrorism after the events of September 11, 2001. The Middle East, where Israel is, has become the epicenter of the formation of terrorist groups; the US government decided to send troops there and set up military bases in Israel. However, American Restorationism has profound roots, dating back to the 19th century. They were primarily due to the influence of the Anglican and Methodic churches. The fighters for the rights of Jews in the territory were also worried about persecution in Russia and Europe. Civilized countries considered themselves obligated to help the Jews in restoring historical justice. William Eugene Blackstone had a positive influence on the formation of the policy of protecting Jews from predation, inspired by the ideas of Christian Zionism.

William Blackstone’s Motivation and Background to Becoming a Christian Zionist

Education in the Anglican traditions had a significant influence on the formation of the views of William Blackstone. He was passionate about reading the Bible and always did it consciously, experiencing sincere interest (Oren, 2022). He was impressed with lines like “Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the desert” (King James Bible, 2020, Ex. 5:1). Only after many years of study he was able to communicate with politicians and other religious figures, trying to influence the resettlement of Jews.

It should be noted that a comfortable existence and the accumulation of capital through real estate and related business allowed him to devote himself to the issue of Israel and Palestine. William Blackstone, originally a decent and ardent Christian, suggested that despite the unique role of the Jews, they would have to convert to Christianity (Oren, 2022). They will do it in the promised land, but only after that will the coming of Jesus Christ be possible (Oren, 2022). Eschatological problems initially preoccupied William Blackstone and were associated with many complex conditions. He eventually supported the Orthodox Zionist Jews and lashed out at those who renounced Israel. Such people, in his opinion, interfered with the implementation of the divine plan (Alexander, 2018, p. 208-209). William Blackstone also criticized Max Nordau and Theodor Herzl, calling for a responsible return to Israel (Alexander, 2018, p. 210-211). Perhaps such responsibility was even associated with a particular existential understanding and awareness of one’s purpose and destiny.

William Blackstone was influenced by John Nelson Darby, the inspiration behind the Plymouth Brothers. In addition, he admired James Hall Brooks, a Presbyterian pastor. Many researchers, biographers, and historians mention the exciting figure of Dwight Lyman Moody, an American evangelist who inspired William Blackstone (Oren, 2022). It is impossible not to note British Prime Minister Arthur Balfour in this list. Modern research suggests that “his religious formation was profoundly Christian, and the kind of Christianity that shaped him was the mainstay of Christian Zionism” (Alexander, 2018, p. 207). The role of Great Britain, in general, is hard to overestimate in the problem under consideration. As one of the wealthiest and most developed countries, one of the centers of European life, Great Britain had to and took on the responsibility of helping the Jews obtain their territories. However, there were many opponents of this idea around the world. People believed that “retarded by “trifling observances” and interested only in money, most Jews would never settle in an inhospitable, unprofitable Palestine” (Oren, 2022, p. 337). William Blackstone had opportunities to criticize these people and such events.

Later, William Blackstone would abandon the idea of ​​baptizing the Jews and fully enable them to fulfill the plan of God described in the Gospel. What he read allowed him to conclude that divine love passes through the witnesses of Jesus Christ, that is, the Jewish people (Alexander, 2018, 208-209). Usually, “dissident Methodist and Presbyterian churches were gravitating towards the mainstream and leaving many of their millenarian doctrines—restorationism included—behind” (Oren, 2022, p. 334). The figure of William Blackstone and his main work Blackstone Memorial of 1891 turned these currents in the other direction. Subsequently, in many respects, it is the issue of the return of Jews to Palestine that will have a tremendous impact on US foreign policy.

Long-Term Consequences of William Blackstone’s Beliefs

After the creation of Israel, a significant part of US foreign policy focused on supporting the new statehood of the Jews. It is directly related to the theory of William Blackstone since sustaining Israel will provide Jews with protection from persecution. The US government saw it as beneficial to show responsibility in this vein to gain a uniquely friendly and loyal regime. In particular, the US government took Israel’s disposition into account in conjunction with its loyalty to the United States. Initially, it was the depleted lands of Palestine that caused many people to give up the hopes of creating a Jewish state. The Jews were awarded the severe title of witnesses: “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me” (King James Bible, 2020, Isaiah 43:10). The geopolitical alignment was such that Palestine, one of the constant warfare and instability centers, could be offered to Jews.

The theory of William Blackstone echoed the geopolitical agenda of the last century. The Cold War with the USSR supported the US in the struggle for the loyalty of Israel. The USSR acted in a peculiar role of the Antichrist, and the US had to restrain rogue regimes from afar. These regimes have surrounded Israel, forcing it and the government to carry out continuous military service and be prepared for the worst armed attacks. Support and careful responsibility to Israel played a significant role in building the US figure as the “world policeman.”

As mentioned above, the residence of the Jews in Israel, in the Holy Land, was a prerequisite for the second coming. According to Zionist and Christian eschatology, Judgment Day was approaching, and the resettlement of the Jews would help streamline all “worldly affairs” for this (du Toit, 2017, p. 5-6). Christian Zionists believed that “biblical prophecy foresees the reconstitution of a Jewish state in the Holy Land as a precondition for the second coming of Christ” (Alexander, 2018, p. 194). The Jews did not need to be baptized since Jesus Christ could already trust them. The Jews were assigned not a religion but a territory: “In Christian Zionist theology, “Jewishness” is inextricable from territoriality” (O’Donnell, 2020, p. 52). Everything seemed logical, and the lack of help from Christians seemed like a severe sin that postponed the second coming. William Blackstone believed that those who helped the Jews would be rewarded according to their deserts during the Day of Judgment.

William Blackstone’s views changed over time, and he showed the Jews the most understanding and kindness. Subsequently, the United States did not try to convert Jews to another religion or impose other value coordinates on them. On the contrary, “Christian Zionism can all be understood as preserving the particularism of the Jewish identity” (du Toit, 2017, p. 7). Israel has been a stronghold of shared values ​​with the United States among the Arab countries throughout the past century. The US has promised Israel protection and support, especially in stalemate situations that require it.

Nevertheless, Israel is trying to preserve its statehood and sovereignty, no matter how hard it is to do this, living in territories poisoned by terrorism and gangs. The doctrine of William Blackstone was not necessarily to be preserved in a similar vein to the first originals. It is believed that “Although not all Christian Zionists necessarily see contemporary Jews as being God’s saved people or God’s second people,” their statehood should be protected and guaranteed (du Toit, 2017, p. 6). William Blackstone called for a collective apology from countries that are guilty of persecuting Jews. The Jews have suffered far too long and unjustly from widespread persecution, and they deserve it. Europe and Russia could not provide them with comfort in their territories; therefore, they must show responsibility with the support of the Jews in Palestine.

The Relevance for US Foreign Policy and the Muslim Question

The beliefs of William Blackstone remain relevant to current US foreign policy. The foreign policy issue and territories close to Israel are connected with the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf. In addition, it is necessary to guarantee the survival of Israel, as described above. Initially, the US aimed to restrict the Soviet Union, which was trying to gain influence in the Middle East. One of the new but powerful reasons for the presence of American troops in the Middle East was the terrorist threat. It can be said that the United States is now very successfully following the precepts of William Blackstone and responsibly takes care of Israeli integrity. Much of the aid is provided indirectly, as Israel is an independent country with a strong military and government. However, the Middle East regions “continue to remain important to America today” (al Sarhan, 2017, p. 7). It is influenced by both ideological, political, and economic aspects.

The position of the USA in the Middle East question is connected with the analysis of benefits and possible friendly relations with other countries, such as Egypt. In fact, “Egypt strove to present itself as an indispensable mediator between Israel and the Palestinians under the framework of the US-sponsored Middle East peace process” (Selim, 2020, p. 7). The presence of many supporting countries in the Middle East helps the US fight against terrorism. The conflict with terrorist groups (for example, Hamas) in Israel is becoming a key one. The solution to this conflict is influenced by third countries, the already recognized Arab world, and the official, not marginal terrorists, such as the Afghan Taliban.

The views of William Eugene Blackstone had a generally positive impact on the formation of US foreign policy towards Israel. These views intersected with US intentions in the fight against terrorism and oil production. Retrospectively studying historical facts, one can now say that the works of William Eugene Blackstone became the theoretical foundation for US foreign policy and protectionist attitude towards Israel. With such a foundation, the United States and Israel can be helpful to each other as political partners on an equal footing without entering into a relationship of feudal lord and vassal. Thus, along with other countries, Israel becomes part of the anti-terrorist coalition led by the United States. With the forces of this coalition, the United States held spheres of influence in the Middle East, until 2021, when the army was withdrawn from Afghanistan. Yet “The Egyptian revolution ended the strategic understanding between Mubarak, the United States and Israel in opposition to Iran, Syria and Hamas” (Selim, 2020, p. 8). It shows how ambivalent third-country support for Israel and the US with terrorist groups can look.

Defense against terrorism is a substantial US interest, promoted by all parties and movements within the country. However, “primary interests in the Middle East including securing strategic access to oil in the Gulf region, supporting and protecting Israel’s sovereignty, maintaining the United States’ military bases” (al Sarhan, 2017, p. 8). The fight against terrorism is faced with the issue of the local peoples of the Middle East who profess Islam. Fundamentalist groups endanger ordinary people in the Middle East, already suffering from poverty. Neither Israel nor the US can support them, and these citizens are forced to flee, orchestrating the crises that Europe has faced in recent years. While trying to protect Jews from the stigma of being a migrant, the US and Europe could not avoid another migrant crisis. Now, investigators can say that “contemporary Jews, who are identified with ancient Israel, are believed to remain God’s eternal people in parallel to faith in Christ” (du Toit, 2017, p. 2). It probably plays a key role since Islam remains a compassionate issue worthy of a separate study.


William Eugene Blackstone lived an exciting life filled with the pursuit of knowledge and helping others. He was inspired by the gospel and boldly demanded decisive action from politicians to return the Jews to Palestine. The actions of William Blackstone had a significant positive impact on US foreign policy later when Israel became an independent state. The context has changed in the modern world, and William Blackstone could not predict the emergence of terrorist groups and their influence. Israel remains an important foreign policy focal point for the United States, despite a significant geopolitical shift and terrorist attacks that claim the lives of innocents.


al Sarhan, A. S. (2017). Open Journal of Political Science, 07(04), 454–472. Web.

Alexander, P. (2018). Jewish Historical Studies, 49(1), 188-214. Web.

du Toit, P. L. G. (2017). HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 73(3). Web.

(2020). King James Bible Online. Web.

O’Donnell, S. J. (2020). Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(1), 39–57. Web.

Oren, M. B. (2022). Power, faith and fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the present. Norton.

Selim, G. M. (2020). British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 49(1), 1–22. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, September 26). William Blackstone and U.S. Foreign Policy Regarding the Israeli Issue. https://ivypanda.com/essays/william-blackstone-and-us-foreign-policy-regarding-the-israeli-issue/

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"William Blackstone and U.S. Foreign Policy Regarding the Israeli Issue." IvyPanda, 26 Sept. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/william-blackstone-and-us-foreign-policy-regarding-the-israeli-issue/.


IvyPanda. (2023) 'William Blackstone and U.S. Foreign Policy Regarding the Israeli Issue'. 26 September.


IvyPanda. 2023. "William Blackstone and U.S. Foreign Policy Regarding the Israeli Issue." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/william-blackstone-and-us-foreign-policy-regarding-the-israeli-issue/.

1. IvyPanda. "William Blackstone and U.S. Foreign Policy Regarding the Israeli Issue." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/william-blackstone-and-us-foreign-policy-regarding-the-israeli-issue/.


IvyPanda. "William Blackstone and U.S. Foreign Policy Regarding the Israeli Issue." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/william-blackstone-and-us-foreign-policy-regarding-the-israeli-issue/.

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