Democrats prevail in Kentucky and Virginia. Ohio protects abortion rights

Democrats prevail in Kentucky and Virginia. Ohio protects abortion rights

Democrats have a lot to be happy about after winning major races in Tuesday’s election. Abortion rights supporters won big in an Ohio ballot measure and Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear was reelected in Kentucky after running television ads painting his challenger as extremist on abortion.

Follow along here for the latest updates.

Voters in Ohio backed a measure protecting abortion rights. Here’s how Republicans helped

A proposal to enshrine abortion rights in Ohio’s Constitution was approved in a statewide election Tuesday, with a significant number of Republicans joining with Democrats to ensure the measure’s passage.

The Associated Press has called the race, with votes cast in favor of proposal winning with about 56% of the vote, compared with about 44% for votes cast in opposition — a lead of approximately 232,000 votes as of the latest tally.

Known as “Issue 1,” the proposal would amend the state Constitution to establish the right to “make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions” on matters including abortion, contraception and fertility treatment. It would also allow for abortions to be banned once it has been established that the fetus can survive outside of the womb, unless a physician determines that continuing with the pregnancy would endanger the patient’s “life or health.”

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Democrats fight off Senate challenges and pick up Assembly seats in New Jersey
FILE - Vin Gopal, D-Ocean Township, N.J., speaks after being sworn into the New Jersey Senate, Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018, in Trenton, N.J. Gopal has won reelection Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, in his closely contested coastal New Jersey district, keeping a key swing seat under Democratic control.(AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File)

FILE - Vin Gopal, D-Ocean Township, N.J., speaks after being sworn into the New Jersey Senate, Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018, in Trenton, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File)

New Jersey Democrats ousted a populist Republican state senator in New Jersey who shocked them two years ago by defeating the Senate president, fended off challenges in three state Senate contests and flipped three Assembly seats on Tuesday. The results buoyed the party’s prospects after a bleak showing in the last election.

Veteran Democratic lawmaker John Burzichelli defeated Republican Ed Durr, who stunned Senate President Steve Sweeney two years ago by beating him in a closely contested race.

Burzichelli was a longtime lawmaker and former appropriations committee chairman who was ousted alongside Sweeney in 2021 by Durr and his running mates.

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Tate Reeves wins reelection for governor in Mississippi

Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves won a second term Tuesday in the conservative state where his party dominates.

Reeves defeated challenger Brandon Presley, who raised more money and made an aggressive push to give Democrats a rare statewide victory in the Deep South.

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Brandon Presley concedes Mississippi governor’s race

Democrat Brandon Presley has conceded his race for Mississippi governor.

Presley, a state utility regulator and cousin of rock ‘n’ roll legend Elvis Presley, said Tuesday night, “I respect the decision of the voters of Mississippi.”

The Associated Press has not yet called the race because it’s unclear whether Republican Gov. Tate Reeves would remain above the threshold for a runoff. Mississippi requires that contests where no candidate receives a majority of the vote must advance to a runoff.

Reeves, meanwhile, claimed victory, saying his win “sure is sweet” and congratulating Presley for “running hard all the way through.”

The hard-fought contest was disrupted by a voting mess when polling places in the state’s largest county ran out of ballots and voters endured long lines in a key Democratic stronghold.

Hinds County election commissioners — all Democrats — were said to have underestimated the turnout and failed to have enough ballots on hand.

Virginia Democrats sweep legislative elections

Virginia Democrats who campaigned on protecting abortion rights swept Tuesday’s legislative elections, retaking full control of the General Assembly after two years of divided power.

The outcome is a sharp loss for Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who exerted a great deal of energy, money and political capital on an effort to secure a GOP trifecta.

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Voters reelect DA who lost Democratic primary and ran as Republican

Voters in Pennsylvania’s second-largest county have reelected their longtime district attorney who lost his Democratic primary and ran in the general election as a Republican.

Steve Zappala bested progressive Democrat Matt Dugan in a rematch for district attorney of Allegheny County, which includes Pittsburgh.

“In terms of my politics, I’m not a politician,” Zappala said during a debate in October. “I don’t care about the GOP. I don’t care about the Democrats.”

Zappala defended his record as DA and said his support came from the county. He also dismissed his opponent as having out-of-state financial support.

Women will lead Philadelphia and county that includes Pittsburgh

Voters have elected women for the first time to lead Philadelphia and Pennsylvania’s second-largest county, installing Cherelle Parker as the 100th mayor of the state’s largest city and Sara Innamorato as executive of the county that includes Pittsburgh.

Parker, 51, who has held office at the state and local level after first becoming involved in politics as a teenager, emerged from a crowded field of Democrats in the May primary as the only leading Black candidate. She will replace term-limited Democratic Mayor Jim Kenney.

Across the state in Allegheny County, Innamorato, 37, defeated Republican Joe Rockey, a political newcomer. The former state legislator who campaigned on progressive models to modernize county government will replace Democrat Rich Fitzgerald, who was term-limited.

To the tune of “Ladies First,” an emotional Parker addressed supporters at her election night watch party.

Who is Cherelle Parker going to be? A get-it-done Philadelphian. A get-it-done mayor who won’t ever forget her deep roots.

Who is Cherelle Parker going to be? A get-it-done Philadelphian. A get-it-done mayor who won’t ever forget her deep roots. I’m Philly-born, I’m Philly-bred and I’ll be Philadelphian ’til I’m dead.
Cherelle Parker

Houston mayor race headed to a Dec. 9 runoff

A pair of Democrats, U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and state Sen. John Whitmire, received the most votes out of 18 candidates, but neither could get the majority needed to avoid a runoff.

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Democrats hold Senate majority in Virginia

Virginia Democrats held their majority in the state Senate on Tuesday, but control of the House of Delegates remained unsettled late into the evening, with vote counting still underway in key races.

The Democrats’ victory in the upper chamber ended the prospect of a Republican trifecta that would have allowed Gov. Glenn Youngkin to swiftly move on conservative policy priorities that Senate Democrats have been able to stymie in his first two years in office. The chamber has been under Democratic control since 2020.

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Ohio voters react to abortion rights victory

On Tuesday, Ohio voters approved a constitutional amendment that guarantees the right to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care. (Nov. 7)

‘Absurd’ to claim Kentucky gas leak was election rigging, officials say

Officials are refuting online claims that a gas leak at one polling place in Kentucky’s largest county was election rigging that helped Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear win reelection.

The claims amassed thousands of shares on social media Tuesday after reports of a gas leak at Highland Baptist Church in Louisville caused polls there to close for about 30 minutes while Louisville Gas & Electric investigated the issue. The delay prompted a judge to extend voting at the church until 6:30 p.m. instead of 6 p.m. EST.

Social media users questioned whether the gas leak was real and insinuated that extended voting hours in a Democratic county gave Beshear the votes he needed to win.

The delay was prompted by a legitimate report of gas emitting from a stove in the church, said Chris Whelan, a spokesperson for Louisville Gas & Electric. Gas was detected, but not at hazardous levels, she said. The stove was turned off and it dissipated.

This was a legitimate instance of a gas leak so any claims otherwise, we just think are patently absurd.
Erran Huber, Spokesperson for Jefferson County Clerk’s Office

Huber added that only one voter came to cast a ballot between 6 and 6:30 p.m. at either of the two polling places in the county where a judge extended voting hours. The other polling place, an elementary school, was temporarily shut down Tuesday morning because of a police pursuit.

2 Council members arrested on Election Day in separate incidents

Two Democrats on the 20-member Bridgeport, Connecticut, City Council have been arrested in separate incidents at the same polling place on Election Day.

A police spokesperson says Councilmember Samia Suliman was charged with breach of peace after police received a 911 call late Tuesday afternoon about a person causing a disturbance outside the John F. Kennedy School.

Less than an hour later, police arrested Councilmember Maria Pereira and charged her with assaulting a 70-year-old woman on the same school property. Pereira was on the ballot Tuesday.

Police didn’t explain the circumstances of either arrest and declined to say how Suliman disturbed the peace.

Text messages seeking comment from the women were not immediately returned.

How the Associated Press tallies votes and declares winners in U.S. elections

The Founding Fathers didn’t establish a national clearinghouse for counting the vote, and the states all do it a little differently.

So, every U.S. election night since 1848, The Associated Press has tallied millions of ballots and determined which candidates have won their races.

Read how it’s done

Uvalde mom who lost mayoral race says she’ll never stop fighting

A Uvalde mother who lost her bid for mayor says she’ll never stop fighting for her daughter, Lexi, who was among the 19 children killed in last year’s school shooting rampage.

I meant it when I said this was only the beginning. After all, I’m not a regular mom. I’m Lexi’s mom.
Kimberly Mata-Rubio on X, formerly known as Twitter

She lost to Cody Smith, a former mayor of Uvalde who left office in 2012. He will complete the term of Mayor Don McLaughlin, who criticized police in Texas over their hesitant response to the shooting and is resigning to seek a seat in the state legislature.

Mata-Rubio, who pressed Uvalde leaders for answers and transparency after the shooting, campaigned on unifying the small town that is still riven with division. Her candidacy put on the ballot one of Uvalde’s most outspoken figures and an aggressive proponent of stricter gun laws.

National Democrats cheer Ohio’s abortion vote

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are cheering Ohio’s vote to ensure access to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care.

Biden said in a statement Tuesday that “democracy won” in Ohio.

The Democratic president says the state’s voters rejected “attempts by MAGA Republican elected officials to impose extreme abortion bans that put the health and lives of women in jeopardy.”

Harris used the win in Ohio to call for Congress to pass a bill restoring the federal abortion protections that were lost after the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

She said in a statement, “When they do, President Biden will sign it into law.”

Historic firsts

Political candidates broke barriers in a handful of wins Tuesday.

Former Biden White House aide Gabe Amo will become the first Black member of Congress from Rhode Island after winning the special election in that state’s first congressional district.

And Philadelphia will have its first female mayor after Democrat Cherelle Parker defeated Republican David Oh in the overwhelmingly Democratic city.

More highlights from Election Day 2023

Colorado voters reject a measure that would have lowered property taxes

Despite a spike in home values, Colorado voters rejected a measure that would have lowered property tax bills for homeowners.

Beshear says his win shows voters’ disdain for ‘anger politics’

Democratic Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear says his reelection victory “sends a loud, clear message” that there should be an end to “anger politics.”

Beshear said in his victory remarks on Tuesday that Kentucky voters had made “a choice not to move to the right or to the left but to move forward for every single family.”

Beshear defeated Republican challenger Daniel Cameron, who had been endorsed by former President Donald Trump. Beshear said he had been up against a number of GOP-funded, third-party groups that were running ads “full of hate and division.”

“And you know what?” Beshear asked. “We beat ’em all at the same time.”

Uvalde’s next mayor is Cody Smith

In Uvalde’s first mayoral race since the Robb Elementary School shooting, former mayor Cody Smith won back the job Tuesday over Kimberly Mata-Rubio, a mother who has led calls for tougher gun laws since her daughter was among the 19 children killed in the 2022 attack.

The race tested the mood of the South Texas town more than a year after one of America’s deadliest mass shootings and a botched police response that remains under criminal investigation. Two teachers were also killed in the attack, which was carried out by a teenage gunman with an AR-style rifle.

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Ohio voters approve ballot proposal to legalize marijuana for recreational use

Ohio voters approved a ballot proposal legalizing recreational marijuana on Tuesday, defying Republican legislative leaders who had failed to pass the proposed law.

Passage of Issue 2 makes Ohio the 24th state to allow adult cannabis use for non-medical purposes. The new law will allow adults 21 and over to buy and possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis and to grow plants at home. A 10% tax will be imposed on purchases, to be spent on administrative costs, addiction treatment, municipalities with dispensaries and social equity and jobs programs supporting the industry itself.

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Ohio becomes 7th state to protect abortion rights in post-Roe era

With Tuesday’s vote to enshrine abortion rights into its state constitution, Ohio is the seventh state where voters have protected abortion access since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year.

Voters reacts to the passage of Ohio Issue 1, a ballot measure to amend the state constitution and establish a right to abortion, at an election night party hosted by the Hamilton County Democratic Party, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, at Knox Joseph Distillery in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood of Cincinnati. (Kareem Elgazzar/The Cincinnati Enquirer via AP)

Voters reacts to the passage of Ohio Issue 1, a ballot measure to amend the state constitution and establish a right to abortion, at an election night party hosted by the Hamilton County Democratic Party, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, at Knox Joseph Distillery in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood of Cincinnati. (Kareem Elgazzar/The Cincinnati Enquirer via AP)

Voters in both Democratic and Republican states — California, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana and Vermont — have either affirmed abortion access or turned back attempts to undermine it.

Ohio was the only state to consider a statewide abortion rights question this year, and some view its decision as a signal of how voters nationwide will be feeling about the issue ahead of the 2024 presidential race.

Amo makes history as Rhode Island’s first Black congressman

Democrat Gabe Amo says that he’s “humbled” to be elected Rhode Island’s first Black representative to Congress

but that he “didn’t run to make history.”

Amo told The Associated Press shortly after his win over Republican Gerry Leonard on Tuesday that he sees himself as part of a long line of advocates, whether they were people of color or fighting for the rights of woman or working people.

Gabe Amo meets with members of the press at an election results party after his win in the Democratic primary for Rhode Island's 1st Congressional District, Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023, in Pawtucket, R.I. (David Delpoio/Providence Journal via AP)

(David Delpoio/Providence Journal via AP)

The former White House aide succeeds former Democratic Rep. David Cicilline, who stepped down this summer to become president and CEO of the Rhode Island Foundation.

The son of Ghanaian and Liberian immigrants, Amo emerged victorious from a crowded Democratic field in the September primary, claiming more than 32% of the vote.

All in the (Beshear) family

It’s officially a two-term trend for the Beshear family.

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear has joined his father, Steve Beshear, as a twice-elected top Democratic leader of the state.

The younger Beshear won his second term Tuesday by defeating Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron. With it, Andy Beshear is also positioning himself to join a growing list of Democratic governors flagged as potential contenders for higher office nationally.

By the end of Andy Beshear’s second four-year term, a Beshear will have presided in the Kentucky governor’s office for 16 of the last 20 years. Steve Beshear served from 2007 to 2015.

Exonerated ‘Central Park Five’ member Yusef Salaam wins New York City Council seat
FILE - New York City Council candidate Yusef Salaam speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, Wednesday, May 24, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

Exonerated “Central Park Five” member Yusef Salaam won a seat Tuesday on the New York City Council, marking a stunning reversal of fortune for a political newcomer who was wrongly imprisoned as a teenager in the infamous rape case.

Salaam, a Democrat, will represent a central Harlem district on the City Council, having run unopposed for the seat in one of many local elections happening across New York state on Tuesday. He won his primary election in a landslide.

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Ohio voters pass constitutional amendment protecting access to abortion

Ohio voters approved a constitutional amendment on Tuesday that ensures access to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care, the latest victory for abortion rights supporters since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year.

Ohio became the seventh state where voters decided to protect abortion access after the landmark ruling and was the only state to consider a statewide abortion rights question this year.

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Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear reelected to second term in Kentucky, overcoming state’s GOP dominance
Kentucky Governor and Democratic candidate for re-election Andy Beshear speaks to supporters during a stop of his statewide bus tour in Richmond, Ky., Monday, Oct. 30, 2023. (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley)

(AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley)

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear won reelection to a second term Tuesday, notching another significant statewide victory in an increasingly red state that could serve as a model for other Democrats on how to thrive politically heading into next year’s defining presidential election.

Beshear, 45, rode his stewardship over record economic growth and his handling of multiple disasters, from tornadoes and floods to the COVID-19 pandemic, to victory over Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron, a protege of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

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Voting times at 4 precincts in Mississippi county extended to 10 p.m.

A judge in Mississippi’s largest county has extended voting times to 10 p.m. EST at four voting precincts after they experienced ballot shortages and long lines.

The order from a special judge in Hinds County came after a nonpartisan group, Mississippi Votes, filed a petition to extend voting in the four precincts in some Jackson suburbs.

The four precincts where voting will be allowed until 10 p.m. EST are Byram City Hall, a United Methodist church in Raymond, and Wildwood Baptist Church and Northside Baptist Church, both in Clinton.

A different judge already had extended voting throughout the county until 9 p.m. EST in response to the ballot shortages.

Cherelle Parker elected mayor of Philadelphia
Democratic mayoral candidate Cherelle Parker visits a polling place in Philadelphia, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

(AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Cherelle Parker, a Democrat who has held office at the state and local level after first becoming involved in politics as a teenager, was elected Tuesday as Philadelphia’s 100th mayor, becoming the first woman to hold the post.

Parker, 51, emerged from a crowded field of Democrats in the May primary and was heavily favored over Republican David Oh in the city, a Democratic stronghold. She will replace Democrat Jim Kenney, who was ineligible for reelection due to term limits.

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Bomb threat keeps 2 Pennsylvania precincts open until 9 p.m.

Two precincts in a Philadelphia suburb will remain open an extra hour after a bomb threat forced the evacuation of a polling place.

A Delaware County spokesperson says the county solicitor sought and won the extension from a judge after a threat forced the evacuation of Radnor High School and polling places for two precincts to move to Radnor Elementary in Wayne. Officials say police are investigating the threat.

Polls will remain open there until 9 p.m. Eastern time.

The state’s top-of-the-ticket race is an open seat for state Supreme Court, which could play an important role in settling legal challenges in the 2024 presidential election in the battleground state.

Democrat Gabe Amo becomes Rhode Island’s first Black candidate elected to Congress
Gabe Amo, Rhode Island Democratic candidate for the U.S. House, center, greets people during a campaign stop at a cafe, Monday, Nov. 6, 2023, in Providence, R.I.  (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

(AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Democrat Gabe Amo defeated Republican Gerry Leonard to win Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District seat Tuesday, becoming the state’s first Black candidate elected to Congress.

The former White House aide succeeds former Democratic Rep. David Cicilline, who stepped down this summer to become president and CEO of the Rhode Island Foundation.

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Voting times extended in Mississippi county to 9 p.m. EST

A judge has extended voting times in Mississippi’s largest county by an hour, until 9 p.m. Eastern time, after several polling places had ballot shortages and long lines.

The order came after the Mississippi Democratic Party filed a petition in one court and a nonpartisan group, Mississippi Votes, filed a separate petition in another court and its request was backed by the Mississippi Republican Party.

The ballot shortages in Hinds County were reported in several Jackson suburbs. Polls in Mississippi were supposed to be open 12 hours, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.

The problems in Hinds County happened after the county’s poll worker training was delayed by a September breach involving the county’s computer system.

Credell Calhoun, a Hinds County supervisor, said he had heard of at least seven Hinds County precincts that ran out of ballots at some point Tuesday. He said the Hinds County election commissioners underestimated turnout.

This is way beyond anything we’ve ever seen in the electoral process. As hard as we worked to get the vote out and then you’re going to have stupidity to not have enough ballots.
Credell Calhoun, Hinds County supervisor

Scenes from Election Day around the U.S.

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Polls close in Kentucky and Virginia

Polls are closing in Kentucky and Virginia in pivotal off-year elections.

Voting closed at 7 p.m. ET Tuesday across Virginia, where Democrats and Republicans have campaigned for legislative control by arguing the other party is wrong on abortion. Polls had also closed across Kentucky by 7 p.m. ET as voters decide whether to give Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear a second term.

Over the next hour, polls will also close in Ohio, where voters are considering a constitutional amendment supported by abortion rights groups.

At 8 p.m. ET, voting closes in six other states, as well as Texas counties in the Central Time Zone.

An hour later, polls close in the rest of Texas’ counties, as well in New York.

Democrat who endured sex scandal is on the ballot in Virginia

A key race in Virginia’s pivotal legislative elections hinges on a Democrat whose campaign was upended by revelations she engaged in sex acts with her husband on a pornographic website.

Susanna Gibson is running against Republican businessman David Owen in one of the state’s most competitive districts after all 100 seats in the House of Delegates were redrawn to conform with the 2020 census.

Some people wrote off Gibson’s chances after The Washington Post reported in September about her participation in livestreamed sex, which included soliciting payments from viewers in exchange for specific acts.

But Gibson, a nurse practitioner, refused to withdraw from the race and accused Republicans of dirty politics for exposing her conduct. She has largely ignored the allegations and focused on abortion rights, which Democrats said could be in jeopardy if Republicans gain control of the Legislature.

Polls close in parts of Kentucky

Polls have closed in parts of Kentucky as voters consider whether to give Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear a second term or replace him with Republican Daniel Cameron.

Much of Beshear’s first term was dominated by his response to a series of natural disasters and the pandemic. But his reelection campaign often focused on dire warnings about the future of abortion rights. He portrayed Cameron as too extreme on the issue, pointing to his support for the state’s abortion ban, which lacks exceptions for pregnancies caused by rape or incest.

Cameron would be the nation’s first Black Republican to be elected governor if he wins. He has reaffirmed his support for the current Kentucky law, which bans all abortions except when carried out to save a pregnant woman’s life or to prevent a disabling injury.

Pole-wielding man charged with interfering with an election

Authorities have arrested a man accused of wielding a flag attached to a fishing pole as he made threatening gestures to voters and damaged a voting machine at a Kentucky polling location.

The 40-year-old Louisville man was charged with interfering with election and tampering and destruction of a voting machine. Both are felony counts under state law. He was also charged with two misdemeanor counts of menacing.

Erran Huber, a spokesperson for the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office, said no votes were compromised and voting continued at the polling location.

The man was taken to the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections for booking. A phone listing for him went straight to voicemail and did not accept messages Tuesday.

Coding error in Pennsylvania county flips some votes

Officials say a coding error in an eastern Pennsylvania county caused votes to be flipped on a ballot question that asked whether a pair of incumbent state appeals judges should be retained.

Voters are deciding whether Pennsylvania Superior Court Judges Jack Panella and Victor Stabile should be retained for additional 10-year terms. Officials in Northampton County say the “yes” or “no” votes for each judge were being switched because of the error. If a voter marked “yes” to retain Panella and “no” on Stabile, for example, it was reflected as “no” on Panella and “yes” on Stabile.

County officials say voters first noticed the error, which affected all the county’s voting machines in use on Tuesday. They plan to correct the error when votes are tabulated.

Officials say the coding error was limited to the county and only affected the judicial retention question.

Uvalde mother whose daughter was killed in 2022 school shooting on the ballot for mayoral election
Uvalde mayoral candidate Kimberly Mata-Rubio, center, hands out bracelets before the second annual Lexi's Legacy Run, Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023, in Uvalde, Texas. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

Uvalde mayoral candidate Kimberly Mata-Rubio, center, hands out bracelets before the second annual Lexi’s Legacy Run, Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023, in Uvalde, Texas. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

A Uvalde mother who has pushed for tougher gun laws after her daughter was among the 19 children killed in the Robb Elementary School attack is on the ballot Tuesday in a bid to become mayor of the South Texas town, which was left divided by one of America’s deadliest mass shootings.

Kimberly Mata-Rubio, 34, would become Uvalde’s first female mayor and has talked about charting a new direction for the town of 15,000 residents, where differences persist over how to move forward from the tragedy. That includes continued calls for accountability over the hesitant response by police, who did not confront the teenage gunman for more than an hour.

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Mood is somber at polling places in Maine town where 18 were slain

Less than two weeks after 18 people were killed by a gunman in their small New England city, residents headed gingerly cast ballots Tuesday for a slate of municipal races in an election that took on a more subdued and somber tone after the tragedy.

The mood in Lewiston, Maine, was somber. Several shooting survivors remained hospitalized, flags flew at half-staff, and funerals were being held this week for those who died in the attack.

Citing civic duty and a quest to return the community to normal life, Lewiston residents turned out to vote in several high-profile referendums and local races.

“This is a necessity. We have to do this. So we can’t neglect it even though we’ve been through a terrible tragedy,” said James Scribner, 79, a retired teacher and Marine veteran, who was joined by his wife at local school that was transformed into a polling place.

Voter arrive at a polling place at the Gov. James B. Longley Campus, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, in Lewiston, Maine. The American flag still flies at half mast in honor of the 18 people who were killed in mass shootings less than two weeks ago. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Voter arrive at a polling place at the Gov. James B. Longley Campus, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, in Lewiston, Maine. The American flag still flies at half mast in honor of the 18 people who were killed in mass shootings less than two weeks ago. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Mississippi voters are choosing between a first-term GOP governor and a Democrat related to Elvis

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Election websites in Kentucky and Mississippi suffer some glitches

State election websites in Kentucky and Mississippi, two states featuring key governors’ races, experienced some issues early on Election Day.

In Mississippi, voters looking up details about their polling location experienced slow loading times, according to Elizabeth Holbert Jonson, spokesperson for the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office.

She said that increased traffic to the website caused the problem and that an additional server was added that “appears to have resolved the issue.”

But the polling place locator was still spotty late Tuesday morning. The Associated Press checked addresses in several cities — including Jackson, Madison, Gulfport, Greenwood and Marks — and it wasn’t working.

“We encourage folks to type slowly in the residential address box,” Holbert Jonson said. “When doing that, the system should auto-populate the addresses.”

In Kentucky, a spike in traffic to the State Board of Election’s website disrupted access for a “short period of time,” according to Michon Lindstrom, spokesperson for the Kentucky Secretary of State’s office. Issues were resolved and officials don’t expect further issues, Lindstrom said.

Ohio is the lone state deciding an abortion rights question, providing hints for 2024 races
An attendee uses a sign to shield the sun during a "rosary rally" on Sunday, Aug. 6, 2023, in Norwood, Ohio. A national religious organization, Catholics for Catholics, gathered a lineup of anti-abortion influencers and conspiracy theorists from across the U.S. to speak at the rally to urge a “yes” vote on a ballot question in Ohio, known as Issue 1. If voters approve Issue 1, it would make it more difficult for an abortion rights amendment on the November ballot to succeed. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

An attendee uses a sign to shield the sun during a “rosary rally” on Sunday, Aug. 6, 2023, in Norwood, Ohio.(AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

Ohio became the latest flashpoint Tuesday in the nation’s battle over abortion access since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a constitutional right to the procedure last year.

Voters are deciding whether to pass a constitutional amendment guaranteeing an individual right to abortion and other forms of reproductive healthcare.

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Virginia voters will decide legislature’s political control, with abortion rights hotly contested
FILE - Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin speaks to supporters as he attends a campaign rally on Monday, Oct. 31, 2022, in Westchester, N.Y. One year after Glenn Youngkin became the first Republican in more than a decade to win the Virginia governorship, some in his party believe the shine of his national star is being tested just as he quietly contemplates a 2024 presidential run. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez, File)

FILE - Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin speaks to supporters as he attends a campaign rally on Monday, Oct. 31, 2022, in Westchester, N.Y. One year after Glenn Youngkin became the first Republican in more than a decade to win the Virginia governorship, some in his party believe the shine of his national star is being tested just as he quietly contemplates a 2024 presidential run. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez, File)

Virginia’s closely watched legislative campaign cycle closes out Tuesday, as voters decide whether to empower Republicans with full state government control or let Democrats keep serving as a bulwark against Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s agenda.

The outcome in Virginia — among just four states with legislative elections this year — will be closely scrutinized nationwide for hints of what may come in the 2024 presidential cycle.

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Swifties to the polls!
FILE - Taylor Swift performs during "The Eras Tour" in Nashville, Tenn., on May 5, 2023. Swift is releasing her "Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour” concert film on Oct. 13. (AP Photo/George Walker IV, File)

FILE - Taylor Swift performs during “The Eras Tour” in Nashville, Tenn., on May 5, 2023. Swift is releasing her “Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour” concert film on Oct. 13. (AP Photo/George Walker IV, File)

Taylor Swift is encouraging her pack of Swifties to head to the polls on Election Day.

“Voters gonna vote!” Swift wrote in a post to her 275 million Instagram followers, riffing off the lyrics to her hit single “Shake It Off.”

In the post, she encouraged those registered to vote in Colorado, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia to “use your voice” and directed them to the nonpartisan voter advocacy group for more information. says nearly 40,000 people registered to vote on their website after Swift mentioned the group on National Voter Registration Day in September.

“Taylor Swift is one of the busiest people in the world, but she always has time to stand up for democracy, use her own voice and encourage her fans and followers to use theirs,” CEO Andrea Hailey said in a statement Tuesday.

Polls begin to open on Election Day

Polls have begun to open in a few states for off-year elections that could give hints of voter sentiment ahead of next year’s critical presidential contest.

In Kentucky, Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear is hoping that his support of abortion rights will persuade voters in his Republican-leaning state to look past their skepticism of the national party and give him another term in office.

Ohio is the only state to consider a statewide abortion rights question this year. Voters there will decide whether to pass a constitutional amendment guaranteeing an individual right to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care.

In Virginia, party control of the state legislature is up for grabs in what Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin is calling the “most important elections in America.” The results will determine whether Republicans are empowered with full state government control or Democrats can continue serving as a bulwark against Youngkin’s agenda.

Her daughter was killed in the Robb Elementary shooting. Now she’s running for mayor of Uvalde
Uvalde mayoral candidate Kimberly Mata-Rubio, left, and campaign manager Dr. Laura Barberena, canvass a neighborhood in support of Mata-Rubio's campaign, Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023, in Uvalde, Texas. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

Uvalde mayoral candidate Kimberly Mata-Rubio, left, canvasses a neighborhood. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

Kimberly Mata-Rubio’s 10-year-old daughter was one of the 19 children and two teachers killed in the May 24, 2022, shooting in Uvalde, Texas. After a year of advocating for gun control and school safety at the state and federal level, Mata-Rubio is getting her start in politics at the local level by running to become Uvalde’s first female mayor.

The election set for Tuesday will test how the town chooses to move forward from a tragedy that some residents are ready to put behind them while others demand answers.

Mississippi has a history of voter suppression. Many see signs of change as Black voters reengage

Mississippi’s long history of voter suppression has created widespread voter fatigue among Black residents in a state where they account for nearly 40% of the population. But this year’s elections have given reason for renewed optimism.

The governor’s race appears competitive and is attracting national attention. Tuesday’s election also happens to be the first one to be held without the burden of an unusual post-Reconstruction constitutional provision that had made it virtually impossible for Black candidates to win on a statewide basis.

Five Black candidates are running for statewide office and are hoping to become the first Black Mississippians to win one of those posts.

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