WHO / Billy Miaron
On 4 August 2023, Felister, a vaccinator, and Dr Adam of WHO speak to group of parents at a church about additional cholera prevention measures while informing them about the importance of taking the oral cholera vaccine (OCV).
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Faith-based partners voice support for pandemic accord

28 March 2024
Departmental news
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Faith communities and faith-based organizations (FBOs) are integral to the provision of comprehensive health care in many countries, including national responses to pandemics. In some countries, a significant proportion of healthcare is delivered by FBOs. Critical roles played by faith partners during the COVID-19 pandemic included inpatient care, community education and engagement to prevent transmission and build confidence in vaccines and advocacy, as well as calling for equity in access to vaccines and other essential health services.

Faith organizations, including members of the WHO Faith Network for emergency preparedness and response and other partnerships between civil society and faith organizations, have developed and released statements as the Inter-governmental Negotiating Body (INB) of WHO Member States begins its ninth meeting. At this meeting Member States will continue to negotiate a Pandemic Accord ahead of the World Health Assembly in May 2024.

These statements support Member States in their progress on developing the pandemic , highlight the key role faith and faith-based organizations play in pandemic and epidemic preparedness and response and make a strong call for equity, justice, collaboration and compassion in the text and any future responses to health emergencies.

WHO convenes the Faith Network for emergency preparedness and response with the aim of increasing access to accurate and relevant information. The network strives to foster a community of collaborative sharing on topics related to health emergency preparedness and response, as well as the intersection between faith and public health. WHO Faith Network was formalized in early 2022 with over 50 partners representing a diversity of faiths including service providers, faith leaders, faith-based organizations (FBOs), and academic institutions.

This statement was developed and circulated by members* of the WHO Faith Network for emergency preparedness and response, not by WHO.

The statement can be accessed at partners’ websites including World Vision International and Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH).

* African Methodist Episcopal Church
Anglican Health and Community Network
Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII
Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH)
Christian Health Association of Kenya 
Global Ministries / The United Methodist Church
Go Health
International Catholic Migration Commission
Network of Ecumenical Patriarchate for Pastoral Health Care
World Vision International
World Council of Churches

WHO Director General Dr Tedros spoke about the pandemic accord during a recent video message to the Multi-Religious and Multi-Stakeholder High-Level Forum on the role of faith in advancing positive outcomes for children, families, and communities, organized by Religions for Peace, New York, 25 March 2024:

Credit: Religions for Peace International