
The US project to destabilize Hong Kong failed, so now the Empire of Lies is trying to undermine the city’s international status.

Today Mark Clifford and Mark Sabah, president and director of the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong (CFHK), visited the Italian Parliament to propagandize and lobby MPs.

The CFHK is funded by the US/UK to smear China, has initiated a number of anti-China campaigns, called for sanctions on officials of the Central and HKSAR governments as well as closure of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices in the US and the EU. The pair spewed all the usual lies about erosion of press, political and religious freedoms in Hong Kong and painted agent of chaos Jimmy Lai (a CIA asset who is currently on trial for his role in the 2019-20 riots) as a victim of political persecution. The “testimony” of these propagandists contained an interesting revelation: the US is actively trying to undermine Hong Kong's role as a major financial and trade centre - Washington is concocting "reports" that accuse China of using Hong Kong as a trade node to export military technology to Russia, North Korea and Iran.
