Our mission: We are dedicated to providing safe spaces for black communities. We focus on creating & facilitating programs, initiatives, and community events that promote wellness, connection, and progress.


TBN Scholarship Fund

While we encourage individuals to pursue higher education, we understand there may be obstacles that stifle their pursuit. We launched our first scholarship in 2020, awarding graduating high school seniors $2,000 for tuition and related supplemental educational expenses.


Youth Empowerment Program

The Black Neighborhood Youth Empowerment Program was created to expose Black youth, ages 13+ to the vast options and opportunities they have in society and the world.

Black Mental Health Matters

During the height of COVID-19 and the worldwide protests in response to the countless murders of Black people by law enforcement, we launched our #BlackMentalHealthMatters initiative to create spaces for our people to decompress, revitalize, and recenter.

TBN Initiatives - Game Day (Oakland).jpg

TBN Socials

Launched in the midst of the pandemic, #TBNSocials bring Black people from all walks of life together, in an effort to promote fellowship and camaraderie.

TBN Book Club - New York

Founded in 2019, TBN Book Club NYC aims to inspire reading within Black communities and promote black authors.


“We have to talk about liberating minds as well as liberating society.”

— Angela Davis

Our Chapters


Make a donation.

It takes a village to feed a village. Your generous donations will help us fund future projects, events and allow us to keep our commitment to give back to our neighborhood. We couldn't be more thankful for all of your love and support.
