TraceLens the OpenTelemetry UI

TraceLens is an OpenTelemetry logging, tracing and metrics visualizer that focuses on providing developers with relevant data, rather than overwhelming them with a large quantity of information. It also acts as an OpenTelemetry Collector for ingesting and storing data.

Getting Started

Setting Up Docker Compose

Begin by downloading the Docker Compose file. This file contains all the necessary configurations to run the essential components for TraceLens.

Once downloaded, executing this Docker Compose file will establish a local environment comprising a Postgres database instance for data storage, a Redis instance for caching, and the TraceLens UI, which will be accessible on your local machine via http://localhost:5001.

Integrating Microsoft Aspire with TraceLens

Enhance your project's capabilities by installing the TraceLens Aspire library. Start by installing the Nuget package "TraceLens.Aspire". This package provides essential functionalities to integrate TraceLens with your Microsoft Aspire applications.

To incorporate TraceLens into your .NET application, modify the program.cs file of your Aspire AppHost configuration as follows:

using TraceLens.Aspire;
This using directive adds the necessary TraceLens namespaces to your project.
This line of code configures your application builder to include TraceLens, enabling telemetry and tracing features.

Sending Telemetry Data

TraceLens is equipped with an OpenTelemetry collector that operates at http://localhost:4317. This collector is designed to handle telemetry data using the OpenTelemetry V1 protobuf contracts through gRPC, facilitating efficient data collection and monitoring. This setup is crucial for gathering insights and improving application performance through detailed telemetry.

Terms of Use

During beta, TraceLens is free to use for everyone.

After beta, TraceLens will be free for personal use and OSS projects. A subscription model will be available for commercial use after beta. details are undecided yet.

Component Diagrams

Introducing our visualization feature that transforms OpenTelemetry data into detailed component diagrams. Quickly understand system composition through precise visual representations generated from individual or aggregated trace data. Simplify complex architectures into actionable insights for efficient system management.

Actor model

Sequence Diagrams

Discover our sequence diagram visualization tool, designed to render sequence diagrams from individual traces. Gain clear insights into the operational order within your system, seeing exactly how each process interacts step-by-step. This feature simplifies the complexity of trace data into intuitive diagrams, enhancing your ability to analyze and optimize system workflows efficiently.

Trace and Log Search

Explore our log and trace search feature, designed for comprehensive searches across trace data and free-text logs. Utilize specific trace queries, broad textual searches, or a combination of both for flexible data exploration. Quickly pinpoint relevant details, streamline diagnostics, and enhance system monitoring with customizable search options.

Actor model

Log View

Check out our log viewer tool, crafted to enhance your log reading experience. This feature not only allows you to search through logs but also to view and analyze metadata, including OpenTelemetry log attributes. Streamline your log analysis with powerful search capabilities and rich metadata insights, all in one intuitive interface

Trace View

Introducing our distributed trace viewer, which seamlessly integrates log information within trace visualizations. This tool provides a comprehensive view of distributed system activities by inlining relevant log data directly into the trace diagrams. Enhance your trace analysis with detailed contextual insights, making it easier to understand and troubleshoot system behaviors in real-time.

Actor model

Metrics View

Discover our Metrics Explorer, designed for viewing raw metrics, aggregated data, or percentiles. This powerful tool allows you to customize your analysis, offering detailed insights into system performance. Understand and optimize your system's efficiency and health with tailored visualizations of key metrics.
