text as visuals

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the words we all make misstapes written in black ink on a white wall
an abstract painting with blue lines and a black object in the middle, on a white background
garadinervi : repertori
a sign that says let's read and find out
lets-read-and-find-out.jpg | Are.na
a black and white drawing of a person walking with the letter s on it's side
a piece of paper that has some type of string on it
nina jua klein.
an art piece made out of newspaper strips with words written in them on the side
Fuck Yeah, Book Arts! — alecshao: Mar Arza, Asylum
an image of hand gestures on the computer screen, with lines drawn across it to show how many fingers are pointing
an image of a line drawing with the words venus de mio by morna
an old book page with some type of text
by emmett williams (+) from the anthology of concrete poetry
an image of a person's head made up of numbers and letters in black on white paper
Artist and architect Jack Murphy shares his process and series "Textual Healing" created on his typewriter.