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A closeup portrait of Michael Fraser taken just days before his death.

Michael’s choice

He survived a lifetime of trauma. Then Michael Fraser found himself housebound by pain, poverty and incurable disease. Canada’s loosened rules for medical assistance in dying presented him with a choice.

By Robert Cribb Staff Reporter
Charlie Buckley and Thea Gribilas Investigative Journalism Bureau
Nov. 10, 2022

After a life lived in pain, Michael Fraser counted the days to his death.

No longer able to walk on his own, the 55-year old had become trapped inside his cramped one-bedroom Toronto apartment.

He hadn’t visited his friends at the church where he volunteered as a handyman before his health deteriorated and the falls became more frequent.

He hadn’t stopped by the nearby pub where he’d sip Pabst Blue Ribbon, paid for with what little money he had left after spending most of his disability income support on rent.

He had not gone outside in five weeks.


Robert Cribb, Charlie Buckley and Thea Gribilas


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