A house of bricks

As you were talking a couple of minutes ago it reminded me of a house that we once listed for sale with The Modern House, a few years back. And it was owned by a librarian and he, basically, would take a backpack with him to the library each day. And on his way walking back in the evening he would go down to the Thames. And he would find the nicest, best preserved bricks that he could, that had been washed up from the water. And he would put them in his backpack and he would carry them home. And he did this for years and years and years, and eventually he built up enough of a pile of reclaimed bricks that he could build a house, So he built this house. And I think that’s the most extraordinary thing because it’s all about craft and it’s about passion and love and so much heart in it and of course it’s as local and sustainable as you can get.