The Cyprus connection leaves a blood-soaked money train from Jolani’s killing fields all the way back to von der Leyen’s European garden
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Now that the Five Families, the various NATO sanctioned criminal groups currently ruling Syria, are loosely united under one broad burka, it is instructive to look at what their economic and political game plans are. Although their Damascus based crew have issued all kinds of vague statements about boosting tourism and so forth, it is first best to see what their modus operandi is, before we pack our bags to see the sights of Palmyra and the Valley of the Christians, which is being ethnically cleansed this very day of all Christians.
The USP of Syria’s new leaders is lead. They deal in murder, theft, kidnapping and similar Mafia style lines of business. Right now, as I write this in mid March, Jolani’s Turkomen, together with the White Helmets murder gang, are dumping the bodies of their latest Alawite and Armenian victims into mass graves or burying them at sea, while others of their “brothers” are pretending to be Latakia and Tartous natives charged with the role of pulling the wool over the UN inspectors currently touristing their way through Syria’s northern hills.
Who, in their right minds, would want to holiday amongst such blood-soaked barbarians, given that, from a business perspective, these UN inspectors are a tiny inconvenience to their core business of raping, robbing, murdering and looting? Those businesses will not end until there are no Alawites, Armenians or other defenceless minorities or secular Sunnis left to rape, rob, murder and loot. That is simply how they roll.
Let’s get the secular Sunnis out of the way first, for it was they, along with some Druze generals, who were closest to former President Bashar Assad and who lived close to him in the posh Al Maliki neighborhood of Damascus, where an average house would set you back $5 million and more. Though the average Damascene would want a hefty mortgage to snag one of them, their new Chechen, Uzbek and Uyghur overlords don’t have to worry about such formalities. They simply choose the house they want, tell the former(?) owners to vacate it and shoot them if they don’t.
It works as well in Damascus as it does in Syria’s coastal regions, which is now a free for all, except for the aforementioned Alawi, Armenian and sundry other minorities, who are being dispossessed and, if they are lucky, driven to the hills, where they can watch their olive trees and other crops being uprooted and loaded onto trucks to be sold in Turkey.
Although “free” olive trees amount to as good a good day’s work for Jolani’s head hackers in Tartous as they do for their Israeli chums in Gaza, because gold is the big prize, it is worth a couple of words before we move on to Idlib and the mafia state of Cyprus. Gold has long been used as a store of value along the Mediterranean and not just by the newly impoverished Sunnis of al Maliki. Though Sicilians, Calabrians and especially Etruscans have been keen buyers of gold even before Rome was founded, so too, in smaller quantities, have the minorities of northern Syria, who have long used it for wedding dowries, wedding gifts and simply as a store of value should they hit bad times and have to flee with whatever it is they can carry. Suffice it to say that, in lieu of robust banking systems, many Alawites, Armenians and sundry Christians would have had very modest quantities of gold stashed away for rainy days such as they are now trying to endure.
And suffice it also to say that NATO’s favourite rebels are going house to house and village to village torturing them to get their gold, just as the Ottomans did to the Armenians over a century ago. Why, the Chechens, Uzbeks and Uyghurs would argue (if those savages could argue), should they work when they can simply rob her life’s savings off an Alawite granny by shooting her after they have their way with her? Why indeed?
If we revert to the Idlib caliphate prior to the December 8th fall of the Syrian Arab Republic, we see that it was rolling in dough, a mini Dubai, filled with electric generators, top of the line cars, sex slaves and all a head hacker could want before entering the Syrian Paradise they now enjoy by looting Syria from one end to the other and sending the proceeds to Cyprus, which is at the hub of their criminal empire not only in Syria but in the wider world as well.
Idlib acted as a staging post for all their booty, which was collected, sent to Turkey, before being laundered into property and the like. The situation in Greek Cyprus is that the jihadists have bought vast amounts of land and property and the criminal gangs they have also smuggled into Cyprus have the local Greeks very much on the back foot.
Not that these savages have confined themselves to those relatively primitive investment vehicles. Their control of the Syrian lira affords them a perhaps even far greater scam, which falls heavily on the Alawite and other minorities they have targeted for shakedown. This massive scam works as follows: The Syrian lira is currently trading at about 15,000 to the dollar, and perhaps more in places like the Lebanese villages close to Masnaa just before the Syrian border, and more again on the black market. But those days are gone, as Jolani’s gangsters have been advised by their NATO handlers of another great scam. That is to only pay out, say, 7,000 to the dollar, and for Jolani and his mates to pocket the rest, and smuggle it back into Cyprus., which fulfills much of the funny money role Beirut did before Lebanon’s civil war kicked off in earnest in the mid 1970s.
Allied to that transfer system is the hawala system, which I have used on countless occasions myself. In my case, I would send money to Assyrians in Sweden and they would get their colleagues in Damascus to credit them with an equivalent Syrian lira amount. Although NATO has long opposed this system because of its alleged role in drug muling and terrorism, the fact is that it is a lifeline to keeping vulnerable Syrian minorities alive. And, as the Five Families now control that system by disrupting the currency exchange at the Syrian end, more Syrians are dying of starvation and the denial of appropriate medicines as a result of this criminal squeeze. Add to that that a great number of Syrians channel their remittances through Cyprus, and not Sweden, and you begin to see how sweet the head hackers have it.
To get a quick summary of where we are before moving on to indict Cyprus, the situation is this. Demented “Dutch” citizens like Aseel Kashif are demanding that Jolani’s forces of law and order (LOL) exterminate every last Alawite they can get their hands on but not to film themselves so as to avoid further blowback. Sadly for that savage, the Turkomen and White Helmets have been filmed doing just that both at land and at sea but, she will be happy to hear, few outside of Patriarch John X of Antioch and his fellow heroes in the Greek Orthodox Church care about it, lest Ms Kashif and her head hacking heroes feel excluded from von der Leyen’s European Garden of Eden. Mideast Discourse, which is now playing the role of chief apologist for the head hackers, informed us on 10th March that the head hackers’ actors (note they are hooded) arrested some dude in Latakia for pointing his AK47 at a civilian, something Jolani’s saintly lot would, of course, never do even though they film themselves doing just that and this Damascene HTS leader is urging them to do just that.
And here, back in the good old days, is Syria’s current Minister for Defence grinning like a Cheshire cat, as the sword wielding savage behind him instructs HTS’s button men to do just that. And here is Jolani, NATO’s gangster in chief, telling us, back in 2015, to destroy all Alawite towns, hamlets and villages. Even for that alone, Jolani deserves the rope but, as he is on the same page as his American, Turkish, Qatari and Israeli handlers, let us move on from that fraudster and revert to the cesspit of Cyprus.
If we look at these reputable links here, here, here, here, here, here and here, we see that Cyprus is a major hub in human trafficking, general smuggling and, as a Turkish satellite, of drug smuggling as well. Although some further googling would show that it is a major money laundering centre, and that it has been previously penalised for that, and that its banks would not pass any credible stress test or audit, the case for air strikes on Cyprus and sending the marines in to liberate it would be overwhelming, if it was not for the fact that Cyprus, like Malta where honest politicians and journalists have short life spans, is a part of Team von der Leyen, of the Democrats’ corrupt Eurocratic system.
First off, note that the pristine Wall Street and City of London markets so beloved of NATO’s propagandists do not apply in the Mediterranean. Theirs is more the slower Spanish imperial system or, more commonly now, the Ottomans’ cleptocratic system that has been used from the Barbary Pirates/mujahideen right down to today’s NATO’s proxies in Syria. Although examples abound of this rapacious form of entrepreneurship, one need only recall the fall of Saddam’s Iraq and Gaddafi’s Libya to see how this works. In Iraq, the Mandaeans were early targets of Jolani’s NATO affiliated crew firstly because they complicated NATO’s Manicihaean picture (bad Saddam, good NATO head hackers) and, secondly, because the Mandaeans earned their crust by goldsmithing, making them, in Jolani’s eyes, priority legitimate target, prime sheep to be sheared.
Switching to Libya, and leaving NATO’s slave markets, gang rapes and the wholesale theft of its oil to one side, we see that Tony Blair and his chums pocketed the vast pension reserves Gaddafi’s crew had deposited in Cypriot banks. Add in Saddam’s reserves, and that former Syrian President Assad said that the collapse of Lebanon’s banks and the consequent loss of his nation’s core reserves there were disastrous and you get an idea how NATO’s bigger Barbary pirates role.
Before considering air strikes on the rogue state of Cyprus, note that Akrotiri and Dhekelia are two totally sovereign British bases respectively in the south west and south east of Cyprus, which NATO use not only to bomb Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen, and to spy on Syria and environs but also to spy on and control the Cypriots themselves.
Next consider that Turkey illegally occupies Northern Cyprus, which specialises in the murkier scams Ukraine’s Nazis, Hunter Biden and their other friends specialised in prior to Russia’s 2022 military intervention. Now consider that there is relatively free movement between Turkey and Northern Cyprus, that Sultan Erdoğan will not tolerate too much hanky panky in his main Turkish bailiwick, that there are entire networks in northern Cyprus, who specialise in smuggling men and materiel into Greek Cyprus (aka the Republic of Cyprus, a non-NATO EU member) and Cyprus is almost perfect to play the role of Rick Blaine’s Casablanca for Jolani’s head hackers, who did not just suddenly appear like a desert genie to torment his fellow Syrians.
Jolani’s criminals were, in fact, a long time in gestation and are part of a much bigger plan to ethnically cleanse Greater Israel of its rightful owners, and to present the problems of the Middle East as a Manichaean one between the white hats (read NATO/Israel) and the black hats (read Sunni Muslims, with all the other, above-adumbrated groups now exiled or pushing up daisies). To make that simplistic sound bite a reality, secular Arabism, as extolled by such diverse figures as Abdel Nasser, Hafez Assad, Yasser Arafat and countless other prophets in their own lands had to be expunged and their adherents expelled, exiled, robbed and raped, just as they were during the Armenian Holocaust and the Palestnian Nakba.
So, there we have it, one more analysis focusing on Syria, but widening it out to finger the ultimate culprits and implicitly asking what, besides praying with and standing beside heroes like Patriarch John X of Antioch we can do about it all. It is not so much what we can do but what we must do, which is to stand beside and work with those who are paying the price for the Satanic machinations of those who have destroyed Syria and a host of other contiguous countries. Although I have mentioned the courage, fortitude and resilience of Patriarch John more than once, he is not the only Levantine Christian (or Muslim), whose faith is as deeply rooted as is the sturdiest of their olive trees.
Patriarch John will be aware that whenever, in either the Old or New Testaments, an angel visits the land of the living, he always tells those he visits to be not afraid. The Apostles themselves were a gang of chicken shits before the Holy Spirit kicked their collective asses at Pentecost which, in this year of our Lord, falls, for Orthodox and Latin Christians alike, on June 8th.
Though I don’t know what the Holy Spirit and the Apostles are doing this Easter, I do know that the Greek Orthodox Church is heroically standing by its age-old principles, just as the heroic Syrian Arab Army stood to the death by their families and how, despite their quite understandable fears, others in Russia’s Borderlands and in Southern Lebanon have done the very same.
But most of us are not called to make sacrifices or show bravery on the scale they have. We are here to get others to do that, to hold our politicians, media, religious and civil society leaders to account and, as we have to begin somewhere to reverse Jolani’s crimson tide, Cyprus is a better place than most.
If the British could intern Cyprus’ EOKA patriots and if they could sell Archbishop Makarios down the river, when not libeling him, then surely closing down Jolani’s money laundering and human trafficking scams should be a piece of cake if adhering to Christian as opposed to von der Leyen’s corrupt money making scams is the name of the game. Either way, the Cyprus connection leaves a blood-soaked money train from Jolani’s killing fields all the way back to von der Leyen’s European garden and it is one we all must help expose and, to coim Trump, not only drain that river dry but von der Leyen’s entire ISIS friendly European Union swamp as well.