Scale personalized outreach with better data enrichment.

Help your RevOps and growth teams go from campaign idea to outreach in minutes. First, maximize your data coverage with 75+ enrichment tools and our AI agent. Then, use AI to craft the perfect outreach.

Start 14 day Pro trial

1. Build

lead lists

Start from ...


Google Maps

HubSpot Contacts

2. Enrich

your data

Find tech stack

Latest fundraising

B2B or B2C

Find tech stack

Find recent news

Scrape website

Get recent post

Find recent news

Find competitors

Headcount growth

Get revenue

Find competitors

3. Write emails

with AI

Jennifer, it looks like you're looking fo...

Hey Lilit, I saw your latest blog post...

Hi Yan, based on your company news ...

Jennifer, it looks like you are hiring for a...

Hey Mishti, I saw that you've worked at...

Hi Matt, based on your recent LinkedIn...

Varun, it looks like you are trying to hire f...

Hey Mishti, I saw that Clay is using HubS...

Trusted by more than 100,000 leading GTM teams of all sizes

Build lead lists from 10+ built-in sources

Find leads from Companies, Google Maps, and more. Use our built-in API keys (or bring your own for free)!

50 +filters

Enrich your CRM or existing lead lists

Live updates

Find local leads on Google Maps

A. Knechtl
A. Knechtl
Sales Operations Manager

Game changer!

Clay allows us to run hyper targeted outbound campaigns efficiently with manageable data cost and minimal overhead.

Read more on G2
N. Entenmann
N. Entenmann

Single BEST tool for Outreach

The level of detail and ability to utilize so many different tools and integrations without needing to get 100 different subscriptions is worth its weight in gold!

Read more on G2
J. Lauritzen
J. Lauritzen
Head of Marketing

Best enrichment + automation tool on the market

If only there was a way to query 50+ data providers without needing multiple subscriptions ... enter Clay!

Read more on G2

Enrich your leads with data from 150+ providers

Find contact information across multiple providers and research anything you can imagine.

Choose from 300+ attributes

Find anything on the internet with our AI Claygent

Automate research
T. Cresswell

My company’s secret weapon

The data enrichment and lead qualification is like I've never seen before!

Read more on G2
C. Kraus
Co-Founder & COO

Endless possibilities for outbound

You can pull data from a ton of different sources and then act on that data in a way that was just not possible for most.

Read more on G2
D. Singh

Prospecting and outbound campaigns on steroids!

The ability to integrate multiple data providers and power it up with GPT is seamless!

Read more on G2

Write hyper-personalized emails with AI

Your AI is only as powerful as the data provided. Increase replies and book more
meetings by combing Clay’s data providers and AI.

1:1 campaigns, not one-liners

Add timeliness to your outbound messages

Increase reply rate

Connect to your outbound tools, CRMs, and 500+ more

Add to your existing stack

What our customers say about us...

Jacob Tuwiner

Clay enables insanely targeted prospecting at scale. Users can build their dream list with a fraction of the time and money historically required.

Andrea Popova

I just wanted to say, Clay is working exactly as I always dreamed it could, and it saves me many hours each week. Thank you SO much.

Ruud Visser

This product made my prospecting so much easier and actually kinda fun! I don't remember how many people I've already recommended to use Clay.

Lasso Moderation
Xavier Caffrey
GTM Leader

Prediction: In the next 1-2 years if you want to land a "sales" job you will need to submit a Loom of you building a Clay sequence from scratch.

The Cold Message
Enzo Carasso

I won't lie. I've stopped sleeping at night at this point. I am dreaming about these workflows in Clay. You are the people that can end my misery.

Morning Leads
Andrew Thomas

If you're in marketing, sales ops, sales enablement, or sales development and haven't tried Clay, you need to give it a look.

Regency Supply
Kellen Casebeer

Clay is the sickest tool I've ever used in sales and not even sorta close...

Jordan Crawford

Clay powers my entire agency. You don't need to buy another data provider, Clay will take care of you. The data they have is insane...

Anis Bennaceur
Co-Founder & CEO

Without Clay, we would never be able to grow at the same speed as are today. Clay has become the must-have of the decade for any growth-marketing and revenue operation team.


Start molding your dream campaigns today

Start your 14-day Pro trial today. No credit card required.
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What is Clay?

What kinds of companies use Clay?

Who on my team should use Clay?

What tools does Clay replace for me?

What common use cases can I accomplish in Clay?