Short-term trading volume peaks as Bitcoin crosses $43,000 Short-term trading volume peaks as Bitcoin crosses $43,000

Short-term trading volume peaks as Bitcoin crosses $43,000

with insights from Glassnode

Bitcoin's SLRV ratio shows spot Bitcoin ETFs most likely spurred unprecedented short-term trading volumes.

Short-term trading volume peaks as Bitcoin crosses $43,000

Cover art/illustration via CryptoSlate. Image includes combined content which may include AI-generated content.

In crypto, discerning investor behavior is paramount. One metric, the SLRV ratio, quietly unveils the ongoing struggle between trading zeal and the patience of hodling. As Bitcoin rose above $43,000, a peek at this ratio's movement—specifically its 30D SMA—revealed a riveting shift, untouched since July 2021. What could explain this surge in short-term transactional fervor over the calm of long-term holding? The answer might lie in a much-anticipated financial product that has the power to lure traditional financial giants into the crypto waters, reshaping investor confidence and the market at large.