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Small Town Incorporated

by Seán McMahon

Small Town Incorporated 00:00 / 04:12
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Tired of this rigmarole runaround Herding cats in this dead end town Working for a man who lives far from me & owns all the land and wind and the seas Well, all was well til the great gold rush We used to own our houses and a neighborhood trust But the big money man said we can’t say no To all the places he said he’s here to take us to go So move over farmer, Move over Mr. Fisherman Here come the heroes with a hot new industry Here’s your new job, you gotta help us operate it Welcome to small town incorporated Well, my neighbor Ned said he just signed his name On a digital document, the thousandth page Says he gonna be set for life They’ll even still let him live in the house with his wife (Karen, lovely woman) Trading on the family land legacy To get set up with that policy Sign it all over while it’s hot and make it snappy You won’t own nothing, but you’ll sure be happy It’s safe to say I think we the lost plot Time to take a page from G.K. & Belloc Long past due for a Jubilee But maybe folks these days don’t know what that means So move over farmer, Move over Mr. Fisherman Here come the heroes with a hot new industry Here’s your new job, you gotta help us operate it Welcome to small town incorporated Yea move over mamas, and papas, and grandparents We’re rolling out a whole damn generational class conflict Think you like it now? Wait til we upgrade it! Welcome to small town incorporated!
Arise 04:37
Following You’s the strangest thing I’ve ever done I’m torn in two by two by one by one My animal’s angry and he growls within my heart He wants to tear me apart By liberty’s burning beacon I navigate my drive The engine’s strong but they hate me in the hive They’d like to sting me and they’d like to string me up They swarm me with their buzzing lies Enough You gotta take the highway home You gotta burn the fuel alone 'Cause a bitter end awaits a rolling stone You gotta rage against the night You gotta learn to do what’s right By and by to live you got to die Arise Arise Arise Now I played games in my blindness as a man You learn to lose, you come to understand Now I’m constrained by the pain of loving God I got out of that game and changed my odds Now I’m white knuckles, blood-shot eyes, wide awake Pedal to the floor with severed brakes And while there’s revival there’s no arrival, no not just yet, No Not until I get where I need to get Lord, light the way, lest I forget You gotta take that highway home You gotta burn the fuel alone Cause a bitter end awaits a rolling stone You gotta rage against the night You gotta learn to do what’s right By and by to live you got to die You gotta storm those iron gates You got to face what you can’t face You gotta change your heart before the time’s too late You better settle in your mind You better open up those eyes You gotta learn to die if you want to be alive You gotta take that highway home You gotta burn the fuel alone Cause a bitter end awaits a rolling stone You gotta rage against the night You gotta learn to do what’s right By and by to live you got to die Arise Arise Arise Arise Arise Arise Arise Arise Arise Arise Arise Arise
Honest Man 03:52
Well there ain’t nothing new under the sun The same ole evils ole Solomon sung I’ve searched the depths and I’ve searched the land For an honest man, an honest man, an honest man It’s the same old story getting old One man reaps while another man sows The taxman and the robber snatch from the hand Of the honest man, the honest man, the honest man Some say you can, some say you can’t Throw a stone without hitting an honest man An honest, an honest man Once in a blue moon you’ll meet, and shake the hand, of an honest man, an honest man, an honest man Well they say that it’s the money and its the gun But does a trigger pull itself? And who’s printing all the funds? They want it all for themselves but they want it banned For the honest man, the honest man, the honest man Some say you can, some say you can’t Throw a stone without hitting an honest man An honest, an honest man Once in a blue moon you’ll meet, and shake the hand, of an honest man, an honest man, an honest man Well there ain’t nothing new under the sun The same ole evils ole Solomon sung I’ve searched the depths and I’ve searched the land For an honest man, an honest man, an honest man
Just like lemmings, they don’t think for themselves. Like sheep with no shepherd, gone astray straight to hell! Like poorly-written characters in a canceled franchise — right over the cliffside in an orderly line. Everyone’s Gone! Following the herd! I’m all alone! The flock has flown, far away from this bird — chasing their thrill; catching their buzz; eating their fill; but it’s not enough! Whoa! Everyone’s Gone! They’re nothing worth nothing worth trading your soul, but you’ve got to serve someone — deep down we all know. The Nor’easter winter storms, they’re deep in my bones. Ain’t no one gon’ move me, I’ll stand strong on my own. Everyone’s Gone! Following the herd! I’m all alone! The flock has flown, far away from this bird —chasing their thrill; catching their buzz; swigging their swill; straight up out to lunch! Whoa! Everyone’s Gone!
We’re making some music that’ll make us some money so we’ll all make out fine in the end We’re taking the path that is more or less untraveled, but if it’s been before hell why not do it again Cause if it’s worth doing once, it’s worth doing twice and all the better if the luck kicks in after several tries yea Whoa, you win when you’re wise I am a voyaging man I’ve been on journeys that would put your vacations to shame Most people know when to stop and pull over but me I’m a hustler and a glutton for pain Cause while others are a-wishing for the best of success I’m a-storming the great storehouses of riches & rest And while others are a-waiting round for sound advice I’ve already made off with that ole pearl of great price, — and it sure is real nice — Whoa, you win when you’re wise Some play guitar, others play piano, me I play them all and I can still play the fool Now Some understand, some over complicate it, but I know my role and I write my own rules I write my own songs, better than most, and I’m only being modest so I won’t have to boast But you can bet your ass, my songs will make you cry, and I’ll be laughing like a fool while everyone wonders why - I’ve guess I’ve always been a weird guy — Whoa, you win when you’re wise
If you like whiskey You’re gonna like me too Throw a bottle back on the bayou Both gonna get you drunk Think you thoughts deeper than you ever thunk If you like whiskey You gonna love me too Might make you angry, might ease your mind Sometimes cold, sometimes neat ain’t nothing better for your loving cup A little bit bitter, a little sweet If you like whiskey You gonna love me too Never tasted anything as smooth Don’t overthink Just take a drink If you like whisky You gonna love me too It don’t matter if it makes no sense There’s nothing known that needs to be known anyway No need to make it more or less intense Just make the call and I’ll be on my way, my baby
Rather Be 04:50
I'd rather be: Foolish than ignorant Stupid than a hypocrite Indecisive than indolent Written off as an idiot I'd rather be: Unreliable than an instrument that was chiseled into a constituent evil to the demons evil to the evil men looked at like I'm leprous hope that I'm found useless I'd rather be: sickly than a sickness shady than a darkness unworthy than worthless humble as a jackass I'd rather be: what comes last than what comes next stark naked than underdressed Jesus than Judas Caesar than Brutus I'd rather be: gracious than gratuitous Foolish as the foolishest Slower than the tortoise The unwanted porridge the mission aborted the victory of the thwarted I'd rather be: fired than promoted by the merchants of bullshit called a liar by a poet than a hero by a President I'd rather be: draggin' my own ass into the square beyond help than beyond repair despised than in despair the one that you can't take anywhere I'd rather be: the coward with his conscience bare and undisturbed by nightmares unconscious than unaware the freak than the ringleader or the chair or the King or the Lion I'd rather be a marriage than an affair I'd rather be: a man who sees than a man who stares a man whose sorrow is the peace he bears the man who's going nowhere than the man who will never get there
Nobody is sure which way the tune should go But everyone agrees that’s just the way it is, so Speak out of turn and you’ll be gone gone gone Nobody is really sure if anything will last But don’t jump to conclusions about all that Speak out of turn and you’ll be gone People of the daytime Making sense of the themes Making the best of the framework Making the scene People of the nighttime Dreaming all their dreams It’s as sweet as it seems Nobody these days can tell spade from a hoe The lost art of gardening was lost long ago Speak out of turn and you’ll be gone Look at all the lonely people yearn yearn yearn Look at all the hot people burn burn burn Burn baby burn they’ll all be gone gone gone
It started off like it always does A beautiful place that everyone loves Til they beat it to death for being what it was And embalmed the remains and sold it as a drug In came the junkies looking for a thrill Building McMansions on the landfills Throwing fundraisers for the ruling class, singing Jesus is Republican and God’s a Democrat Oh my my this place has changed We used to take care of our own back in the day But now we all kowtow hail to the chief So long as he’s the prince of the political thieves The motorcade’s long, the taxes hiked, going green with batteries mined by little tykes Used to be hunters now there’s gun control Used to be farmers now there’s onlyfans models My my my this place has changed Everyone’s wondering why it’s hard to afford Housing, and why town hall works for The people playing games while the ones who work Are paying for them sausage bills bustin with pork Cross every T, dot every eye Even when a log’s jammed right up yours, big guy Gemini Jack and Jill on Capitol Hill Be sending agent smith after yer red pills My my my this place has changed Back then they’d rather die the death than not be free But not long ago we was the first and last Locked down like monkeys, muzzled up with masks Saying yes big brotha, yes indeed I think I great reset is just what we need Used to have spunk, now we neuter the kids If we was really woke, we’d wake up from this shit My my my this place has changed ‘Cause freedom dies every time that you blink Cause you forgot how to think, and you was afraid to speak It’s carrying its cross down to DC to die So focus on your family miss American pie Oh my my my how this place has changed I wonder if anything original remains Of the blood that used to pump through its heart Of that rugged spirit that was here at the start Once upon a time, they say we was free But you gotta wonder if we really got the will to be Maybe we do, maybe we don’t But if freedom dies here, where the hell do we go? My my my this place has changed


released March 6, 2025


all rights reserved



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