Lyndon H. LaRouche


The Hostile Fantasy World of Zbigniew Brzezinski (1972)

Laughter, Music and Creativity (1974)

Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elites (1978)

A Theory for the Development of African Labor (1979)

Designing Cities in the Age of Mars Colonization (1987)

Brunelleschi and the Quantization of Space (1989)

In the Garden of Gesthemene (1990)

The Science of Music: The Solution to Plato’s Paradox of the One and the Many (1991)

The Classical Idea: On Natural and Artistic Beauty (1992)

How Bertrand Russell Became an Evil Man (1994)

On the Subject of Metaphor (1992)

On LaRouche’s Discovery (1993)

LaRouche in Dialogue with the Intelligentsia of Russia (1994)

The Science of Physical Economy as The Platonic Epistemological Basis for All Branches of Human Knowledge (1994)

The Truth About Temporal Eternity (1994)

Non-Newtonian Mathematics for Economists (1995)

Leibniz From Riemann’s Standpoint (1996)

On the Substance of Morality (1998)

Dialogue Among Cultures: The Road to Peace (2001)


The Spirit of the Golden Renaissance is Mankind’s Best Hope (1993)

The Immortal Talent of Martin Luther King Jr. (1994)

Reason vs. Revolution (1995)

On Education (1996)

How to Save the World Economy (1997)

Storm Over Asia (1999)

Tragedy and Hope (2008)

Ending the Party System (2012)


Dialectical Economics (1972)

There are no Limits to Growth (1980)

The Ugly Truth of Milton Friedman (1980)

So You Wish to Learn All About Economics (1984)

The Power of Reason: A Kind of Autobiography (1987)

Science of Christian Economy and other Prison Writings (1990)

The Earth’s Next 50 Years (2004)

Policy Studies

A Draft Constitution for the Commonwealth of Canada (1982)

Foundation for an International Development Bank (1975)

The Principles of Statecraft for Defining a New ”North-South” Order (1981)

Stop the Club of Rome Genocide in Africa (1981)

Systems Analysis: White Collar Genocide (1981)

Won’t You Please Give Your Grandchildren a Drink of Fresh Water? (1982)

A Fifty-Year Development Policy for the Indian-Pacific Oceans Basin (1983)

Lectures Classes by LaRouche

The Power of Labor (1984)
Lyndon and Helga Larouche on the Emerging New Silk Road (1997)
Storm Over Asia (1999)
LaRouche in Brazil 2002
Creativity vs Sense Perception 2008
Memorial Concert for Lyndon LaRouche