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COVID-19 doctor shares insights on choosing trustworthy healthcare providers

Team of doctors and nurses interview a young male nurse for an open position in their office. An Asian doctor shakes hands with the potential employee. (Getty Images)
Team of doctors and nurses interview a young male nurse for an open position in their office. An Asian doctor shakes hands with the potential employee. (Getty Images)
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As healthcare in America becomes more expensive doctors are also feeling the pain, overworked and overstaffed. When is it time to switch providers and how do you know which ones you can trust?

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance) Co-founder Dr. Joseph Varon joined The National Desk’s Jan Jeffcoat to discuss the issue.

“Educate yourself to learn more about the doctor, the disease and if the doctor’s beliefs can be aligned with what I believe in. Is it a doctor that you know has made contributions to the field? Or is this just a doctor who is a follower? And if this is a doctor who thinks straight and doesn't like to think outside the box,” he said. “That's that's what I would look for.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Varon became known for his groundbreaking work treating patients and working 700 days straight during the outbreak.

“Is this a doctor that has been following those trends and just follows what let's say for example, Big Pharma is telling them to do, or is this somebody that is doing his independent research and trying to learn more?” Varon said. “Again, I have become a person that instead of thinking, let's treat the illness, I'm now thinking more about, let's prevent the illness. So I'm thinking a lot about direct patient care contrary to the six different specialties that I have.”

Learn more about choosing trustworthy healthcare providers by visiting these sites:

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