Tired of this rigmarole runaround! Herding cats in this dead end town, working for a man who lives far from me & owns all the land and wind and the seas. Well, all was well ‘til the great gold rush. We used to own our houses and a neighborhood trust. But the big money man said we can’t say no to all the places he said he’s here to take us to go. So move over farmer, move over Mr. Fisherman — here come the heroes with a hot new industry! Here’s your new job, you gotta help us operate it: welcome to Small Town Incorporated! Well, my neighbor Ned said he just signed his name on a digital document, the thousandth page. Says he gonna be set for life, they’ll even still let him live in the house with his wife. Trading on the family land legacy to get set up with that policy? Sign it all over while it’s hot and make it snappy — you won’t own nothing, but you’ll sure be “happy”. It’s safe to say I think we the lost plot. Time to take a page from G.K. & Belloc! Long past due for a Jubilee — but maybe folks these days don’t know what that means. So move over farmer, move over Mr. Fisherman — here come the heroes with a hot new industry! Here’s your new job, you gotta help us operate it: welcome to Small Town Incorporated! Yea move over mamas, and papas, and grandparents — we’re rolling out a whole damn generational class conflict! Think you like it now? Wait ‘til we upgrade it! Welcome to Small Town Incorporated!
released February 17, 2025
written by Sean McMahon
Sean McMahon (vocals, guitar, bass, drums, engineer, producer, mixing, mastering)
Eric Lee (fiddle, mandolin)
all rights reserved