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Monkeypox – Here come the vaccines…
Kit Knightly
The Monkeypox outbreak version 2.0 is progressing along predictable lines, gliding smoothly from the “declare emergency” phase to the...
WHO Declares Monkeypox a “Global Emergency”…again
Kit Knightly
The World Health Organization has officially declared “Mpox” (formerly monkeypox) a global emergency…again. Speaking to the media less than...
DISCUSS: WHO declares monkeypox “global emergency”
About three hours ago it was announced the World Health Organization has officially declared the “monkeypox outbreak” a Public...
Monkeypox Update – fear porn kicks up a notch as WHO meeting looms
Kit Knightly
We’re only three days removed from our last monkeypox article – We’re “losing the fight against monkeypox”…apparently – and...
We’re “losing the fight against monkeypox”…apparently
Kit Knightly
According to the New York Times the US is currently “losing the fight with Monkeypox”. That’s probably news to...
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous…
Sinead Murphy As 2020 dawned, two concepts came to loom on our horizon: ‘pandemic’ and ‘lockdown.’ Within a month...
The WHO is changing the name “monkeypox”…is it really because of racism?
Kit Knightly
Yesterday Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), announced the WHO was officially changing the...
UPDATE: Monkeypox narrative keeps on rolling
Just three days ago we published Kit Knightly’s piece detailing how the monkey pox rollout is mirroring the way...
Monkeypox is following the Covid playbook step by step
Kit Knightly
Audio Version New Feature! Monkeypox is back in the headlines as of yesterday, back to work after a short...
CJ Hopkins Audio Version New Feature! Lock yourselves down inside your homes! Break out the masks and prophylactic face-shields!...
The NHS just edited their Monkeypox page…to make it scarier
Kit Knightly
A few days ago the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) edited their Monkeypox page to alter the narrative in...
Pandemic 2: Monkeypox Madness
Kit Knightly
Monkeypox – it’s the hip new disease sweeping the globe. Allegedly appearing almost simultaneously in over a dozen different...