Proposal Category: Process
Two or three sentences that summarize the proposal.
For the ApeCoin DAO to function and remain stable according to our Guiding Principles, there must be a system in place for continuous governance. This document outlines the process to allow talented, passionate and capable members of the community to surface and ultimately be appointed via governance vote for the Special Council. The nomination pool will be sourced through the community, administration team, and token holders by self-nomination in ApeCoin discourse.
A statement on why the APE Community should implement the proposal.
This AIP is primarily focused on the mechanics of how the nomination process will be conducted. The goal of this process is to ensure that the community has a clear and concise way to nominate Special Council members for elections that best represent the interests of the community.
An explanation of how the proposal aligns with the APE Community’s mission and guiding values.
The long-term health of the ApeCoin DAO depends on a well-functioning nomination and election process for the Special Council. This AIP consolidates much of the great thinking the community has already put forth on this subject. That thinking is reflected below in the proposed specifications, as well as in the following guiding principles for writing this AIP:
Focusing on the essentials, knowing that more nice-to-have yet complex additions (e.g., reporting requirements, gamified participation, working groups/subDAOs, complex vote-weighting techniques) can be addressed via follow-on AIPs at a later date.
- By keeping things simple, the likelihood of consensus can be enhanced while also
- decreasing risks like gridlock.
- Balancing stability and fluidity, recognizing that some continuity from one term to the next helps to maintain steady progress, while at the same time valuing the periodic cycling in of new members and ideas.
- Favor the tried and tested where there is not an obvious reason for doing otherwise – this will limit the amount of complementary infrastructure that needs to be built and new platforms the community will need to learn, which could reduce participation.
Key Terms
Definitions of any terms within the proposal that are unique to the proposal, new to the APE Community, and/or industry-specific.
KYC: Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process of a business verifying the identity of its customers. For the nomination process, KYC will ensure that candidates will not pose a risk to the ApeCoin community and that they are not involved in any sanction list, sanctioned country, or business.
Nomination Announcement: A nomination announcement is a topic posted in Discourse that signifies the beginning of a nomination and election process. The nomination announcement shall include details about the process, timeline and relevant dates, the application and candidate process, and any other relevant details for the community.
Applicant: An applicant is any person who submits an application.
Nominee: A nominee is an Applicant that has submitted an application and completed the KYC and background verification process.
Candidate: Candidates are the Nominees that become eligible for the elections process.
The Special Council Election Process: The AIP that establishes an election process for the Special Council.
A detailed breakdown of the platforms and technologies that will be used.
The nomination process will start from a Nomination Announcement from the Ape Foundation. A new category will be added to Discourse to accommodate the nomination and election process. This category will be named “Special Council Elections” and will have four sub-categories:
- Announcements
- Special Council Nominees
- Election Candidates
- Rejected/Withdrawn Nominations
The Nomination Announcement will be a new topic posted in the Discourse category Special Council Elections > Announcements. The Nomination Announcement will include the following details:
- Details about the nomination and election process
- Timeline for the nomination and election process
- Application and candidate process
- How to apply
The Nomination Announcement will be posted at least 50 days before the voting of the election occurs and will mark the commencement of Special Council nomination process. A link to a form will be included in the Nomination Announcement and applicants will complete the form to submit their application.
Experience & Expectations of Applicants
Elected Special Council members are expected to attend weekly, or on an as-needed basis, council meetings, review AIPs at meetings or by email, and commit 3 or more hours per week or as sufficient time as needed to the role. A standard non-disclosure agreement shall be entered into with the Ape Foundation and KYC documents shall be collected as well.
Given that a key function of Special Council members is to work with and assess AIPs and their authors, it would be beneficial if then Applicant’s skills, knowledge and abilities are collectively suited to the AIP categories. Below are listed the AIP categories, along with the types of competencies and experiences that would suggest a candidate has expertise relevant to that particular category.
- Ecosystem Fund Allocation: Since Ecosystem Fund AIPs deal with how to use the DAO’s treasury funds, it would be ideal for a Special Council member to have:
- Educational and/or professional credentials in accounting, finance, business, economics or a related discipline;
- Proven experience working in/managing/directing large corporations; and
- Exposure to virtual assets and cryptocurrencies.
- Brand Decision & Informational: Given that Brand Decision and Informational AIPs deal with all matters related to what the DAO attaches its name, including projects, strategies, and identity, it would be ideal for a Special Council member to have:
- Educational and/or professional credentials in marketing, public relations, and/or a related discipline;
- Proven experience working in/managing/directing large corporations;
- An entrepreneurial mindset;
- Excellent communication and writing skills; and
- Exposure to virtual assets and cryptocurrencies.
- Process: Given that Process AIPs deal with DAO governance, it would be ideal for a Special Council member to have:
- Educational and/or professional credentials in law, politics, policy and/or corporate governance;
- Excellent communication and writing skills; and
- Exposure to virtual assets and cryptocurrencies.
Phase 1 – Application and Verification – 21 days
In this phase, Applicants will be invited to put themselves forward for the Special Council. In the Nomination Announcement, a link to a form will be provided for Applicants to submit the following information:
- Applicant Information: The Ape Foundation is a legal entity that must collect information and documents for KYC purposes. The information provided below shall remain confidential, or made public with the nomination profile at the option of the Applicant.
- Full name, required, private (optional for public)
- Date of Birth, required, private (optional for public); the Applicant must be at least 18 years old
- Street number, name, city, state/province, postal code, and country, required, private (optional for public)
- Discourse ID, required, public; the Applicant must have a Discourse profile on and have at least 1 ApeCoin in a connected wallet
- Twitter profile, required, public
- Email address, required, private (optional for public)
- Phone number, required, private (optional for public)
- Educational background, subject to verification (optional for public)
- Professional background, subject to verification (optional for public)
- Documents: In order to pieces of the above information, the Ape Foundation must also collect supporting or verification documents. All documents will remain secure and private with the Ape Foundation.
- Valid passport
- Proof of address: A utility bill or bank statement in the name of the Applicant within the last 3 months.
- Nomination profile: The Applicant completes the nomination profile to build their case to the community on why they are the best suited for the Special Council and to further support the growth of the ApeCoin DAO. This nomination profile will be published on the Discourse.
- Nomination statement: concise statement on why you are running for Special Council
- Motivation: please provide details on your motivation for being an ApeCoin DAO Special Council member
- Rationale: do you have any previous experience that is relevant to the role of a Special Council member? Please discuss any skills relevant to this position and how these will bring value to the ApeCoin community
- Specifications: crypto governance participation, governance experience, previous experience (work or education), and/or ideas for DAO improvement
- Concluding statement: summarize your statement as to why you are the best choice for Special Council
All information denoted as private will be treated as confidential. The application will be open for 14 days. Special Council members whose seats are up for election must also go through the nomination and election process to be considered.
Once the Applicant submits their information and nomination profile, a KYC and background verification process shall take place to verify the information submitted. The Ape Foundation may engage an independent, third-party service provider to complete this process. This process may take up to 7 days.
At any time, an Applicant can request to withdraw their application by email.
Phase 2 – Community Discussions – 14 days
Applicants that pass the KYC and background verification process are Nominees. A new topic for each Nominee will be posted under the new Discourse category Special Council Elections > Special Council Nominees. This topic will be created by the administration team and will include the following information:
- Title: The title will include the Discourse ID and nomination cycle or time period;
- Applicant information: All details that are public or selected to be posted as public by the Nominee shall be included in the topic; and
- Nomination profile: All details and information of the Nominee will be included in the topic.
Topics in this category will be locked for editing but will be open for comments for 14 days. The community will be required to follow the Guidelines for Engagement at all times. During this time, ApeCoin DAO members can engage on each topic or with each Nominee, ask questions, and seek clarification as required prior to voting for the Nominees.
At any time, Nominees can request the Ape Foundation to withdraw their nomination from the process by email or on the topic itself.
Phase 3 – Community Vote (if applicable) – 6 days
A community vote will take place on Snapshot if there is a large number of Nominees. If there are 5 or fewer Nominees, the nomination process is completed, no community vote is necessary, and the final Nominees become Candidates for the Special Council election.
However, if there are greater than 5 Nominees, then a community vote shall take place. The vote will be released at the Weekly AIP Release. A weighted voting on Snapshot will be used to determine the Candidates from the Nominees. A weighted voting means the following:
- Each Nominee will be an option on the Snapshot vote
- Each voter decides how to allocate their ApeCoin balance to the list of Nominees
- Voters can allocate their ApeCoin to any number of Nominees
Snapshot voting will close at the Weekly Voting Close. The top 5 Nominees become the Candidates for the election.
In other words, if there are 5 or fewer Nominees, all Nominees will become Candidates. If there are more than 5 Nominees, then there will be 5 Candidates after the Snapshot community vote.
Topics for Candidates are moved to the Discourse category Special Council Elections > Election candidates. The topics of the Nominees that do not become Candidates are moved to the Discourse category Special Council Elections > Rejected/Withdrawn Nominations.
At the end of this process, the Candidates are identified for the election of the next Special Council member(s).
Lack of Nominees
In the event that the number of Nominees determined after the KYC and background verification process is less than the number of Special Council seats up for election, then the number of Special Council seats shall be reduced by such number of seats and such seats shall be up for election at the next nomination and election cycle. These seats shall then return to the original election cycle schedule as outlined in The Special Council Election Process.
Steps to Implement
The steps to implement the proposal, including associated costs, manpower, and other resources for each step where applicable.
- Email: A new ApeCoin email will be set up exclusively to deal with any matter related to the nomination (e.g.,
- Form: A new form will be set-up for each nomination and election cycle by Ape Foundation to collect information from Applicants.
- Discourse: The following categories will be created in Discourse.
- Special Council Elections: This category will hold all the sub-categories related to the nomination and election process. The Discourse category will be read-only, and no topics will be posted in this category, by either ApeCoin DAO members or the administration team.
- Announcements: This category will hold all announcements relating to the nomination and election process. Specific settings include:
- Only the administration team can post topics in this category
- Topics will be open for comments
- Special Council Nominees: This category will hold all topics for all Nominees and their profiles for each nomination and election process. Specific settings include:
- Only the administration team can post topics in the category
- Topics will be open for comments
- Election Candidates: This category will hold all topics for all Nominees that become Candidates for the election process. Specific settings include:
- Only the administration team can post topics in the category
- Topics will be open for comments
- Rejected/Withdrawn Nominations: This category will hold all topics for all Nominees that withdraw their application or are not voted in as a Candidate.
- Only the administration team can post topics in the category
- Topics will be closed for comments
- Nominees in this category may apply for future elections
- Snapshot: No change in configuration settings for the Snapshot Space. However, each nomination vote will be a weighted voting. In this scenario, each Nominee is an option on the vote. A voter then allocates the number of ApeCoin to each Nominee. Nominees will receive the distribution of the voter power based on the allocation.
Relevant timing details, including but not limited to start date, milestones, and completion dates.
The nomination process will go into effect immediately. The first Nomination Announcement will be posted immediately after the acceptance of this AIP.
- Oct 27-Nov 2 – Earliest Weekly AIP Release available to be posted for live voting on Snapshot. Suppose this AIP passes.
- Nov 3 – Nomination Announcement is posted.
- Nov 7-20 – Applications are open.
- Nov 21-27 – KYC and background verification process on all Applicants received.
- Nov 28-Dec 11 – Nomination profiles are posted on Discourse and open for community discussions.
- Dec 15-21 – Nominees are put on Snapshot for voting.
Overall Cost
The total cost to implement the proposal.
There is a cost for engaging an independent third-party service provider to do KYC and background verification of Applicants, which is to be determined. The Ape Foundation will pay for these costs.