Just 43% of Americans approve of Kamala Harris: New poll shows VP struggling with popularity with an exodus of staff and reports she feels she is being sidelined

  • A new poll released Tuesday shows only 43% of registered voters approve of the job Kamala Harris is doing as vice president and 50% disapprove 
  • This approval rating is very closely aligned with the favorability of President Joe Biden who sits at an average of 43.3% approval and 50.7% disapproval
  • Despite the low numbers, the latest is better than a November USA TODAY/ Suffolk University poll showing Harris at a dismal 28% approval 
  • Slip comes as rumors ensue of a toxic work environment and feud with Biden
  • Also comes as at least four Harris staffers are departing 

Less than half of Americans approve of the job Kamala Harris is doing as vice president while she continues to face widespread criticism for her first year in office.

A new Hill/HarrisX poll released Tuesday shows 43 per cent of registered voters approve of Harris's performance, while 50 per cent say they disapprove.

The same poll taken December 6-7 shows 7 per cent of respondents are unsure of their approval of the vice president.

This approval rating is very closely aligned with the favorability of President Joe Biden, who saw a massive decline starting in August. Biden's approval average sits at 43.3 per cent, according to FiveThirtyEight, and his disapproval sits at 50.7 per cent.

A survey taken August 4-5 found that 47 per cent of registered voters said they approve of Harris, indicating her approval continues to decline as reports ensue of her facilitating a toxic work environment and several staff departures.

In November, a USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll of registered voters showed Harris at a dismal 28 per cent approval.

A new poll released Tuesday shows only 43 per cent of registered voters approve of the job Kamala Harris is doing as vice president

A new poll released Tuesday shows only 43 per cent of registered voters approve of the job Kamala Harris is doing as vice president

Harris has faced a myriad of criticism related to her job performance, relationship with President Joe Biden and reported toxic work environment

Harris has faced a myriad of criticism related to her job performance, relationship with President Joe Biden and reported toxic work environment

'Polls, they go up, they go down,' Harris brushed off at the time.

'But I think what is most important is that we remain consistent with what we need to do to deal with the issues that we're presented with at this moment,' she added.

The poll Tuesday was predictably split by party.

A whopping 88 per cent of Republicans disapprove of Harris as vice president, while only 11 per cent approved. When it came to Democrats, however, 81 per cent say they approve of Harris' job as Biden's No. 2, while 14 per cent disapprove.

In addition to her shortcomings, like failing to address the southern border crisis, Harris is also facing rumors of tensions with her office and the president's and facilitating a toxic work environment.

In recent months, four of Harris' staff have left the vice president's office.

Staff are leaving, according to Axios, because they're burned out, there are better opportunities elsewhere and they don't want to be permanently branded a 'Harris person.' 

Harris' communications director Ashley Etienne announced she was leaving, and shortly after, reports emerged that the vice president's chief spokesperson Symone Sanders is expected to leave by the end of the year. 

Symone Sanders
Ashley Etienne

At least four staff have announced their departure in recent weeks. Symone Sanders, Harris' senior adviser and chief spokesperson, will leave the White House by the end of the this month, after Ashley Etienne, former communications director, did so weeks ago

Peter Velz, director of press operations
Vince Evans, deputy director of the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs

Two more staffers, Peter Velz (left) and Vince Evans (right), are eying exits

Harris tried to snuff out rumors that there was tension with Sanders.

'I love Symone,' the vice president said during a gaggle before she departed for a trop to North Carolina earlier this month. 'And I mean that sincerely.'

'I can't wait to see what she will do next. I know that it's been three years jumping on and off planes, going around the country,' Harris continued

Peter Velz, director of press operations, and Vince Evans, deputy director of the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, have both told others in the vice president's office that they are also leaving, two administration officials told The Washington Post .

Both are expected to take jobs in or close to the administration.

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