person of size

(redirected from people of size)

person of size

A fat or obese person. It has been airlines' policy for a number of years to make persons of size purchase two seats on every flight they take.
See also: of, person, size
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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You know what the media is like about people of size, it's really sad, and it's nice that we can help people in that way."
People of size may have to contend with narrow seats, short seatbelts and unkind glances or comments.
The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAF) issued a four-page brochure earlier this year offering "travel tips for people of size." Obese passengers, it says, are encouraged to book directly with the airline; ask for a second seat and pre-boarding; bring a seatbelt extender in case the airline does not have one of its own; and bring finger food onboard so as not to encounter issues with the fold-down table.
You watch, with obesity the new epidemic, fat people will soon be identified as "people of size." Except perhaps by those employed in personnel departments, now known as "human resources." If obesity doesn't get us, something else will, but when we pre-die, we no longer plan our funerals, we make "final arrangements."
The group issued a statement urging "people of size to seek out and travel airlines that do not have such discriminatory policies." Feb 16, 2010
It's simply that by allowing such digitised downsizing she's saying that people of size - even if, relatively speaking, that size is less than the UK average of a size 16 - don't count as much as calories in the great body debate.
The fashion show is only open to people of size 16 and above.
They use words like "flabulous" and refer to each other as "people of size".
"One of my dreams is to become a master trainer so I can show the world people of size can be effective motivators," she says.
Fat oppression is a weapon that targets people of size, but hurts everyone.
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