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Testo Islands - King Crimson

Testo della canzone Islands (King Crimson), tratta dall'album Islands

Earth, stream and tree encircled by sea
Waves sweep the sand from my island
My sunsets fade
Field and glade wait only for rain
Grain after grain love erodes my
High weathered walls which fend off the tide
Cradle the wind
To my island

Gaunt granite climbs where gulls wheel and glide
Mournfully glide o'er my island
My dawn bride's veil, damp and pale
Dissolves in the sun
Love's web is spun, cats prowl, mice run
Wreathe snatch-hand briars where owls know my eyes
Violet skies
Touch my island
Touch me

Beneath the wind turned wave
Infinite peace
Islands join hands
'Neath heaven's sea

Beneath the wind turned wave
Infinite peace
Islands join hands
'Neath heaven's sea

Dark harbour quays like fingers of stone
Hungrily reach from my island
Clutch sailor's words, pearls and gourds
Are strewn on my shore
Equal in love, bound in circles
Earth, stream and tree return to the sea
Waves sweep sand from my island
From me

Beneath the wind turned wave
Infinite peace
Islands join hands
'Neath heaven's sea

Writer(s): Robert Fripp, Peter John Sinfield
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