Posted Oct 10 2022 16:00 UTC | Poll ID 882
Poll ended

Ratification Poll for Endgame Prelaunch MIP Set - October 10, 2022

High Impact
Misc Governance
Ratification Poll

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, October 10 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote 'Abstain'.


The community may vote in this poll to express support or opposition to Endgame Prelaunch MIP Set being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

MIP83: Recognized Launch MetaDAO Clusters

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

"MIP83 is a part of the Endgame Plan Approval MIP Set that configures the Clusters of the Launch MetaDAOs. This enables groups within the Core Units to begin preparations to restructure as MetaDAOs which is a de-risked form of scaling the Decentralized Workforce available in the Endgame."

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.

MIP84: Activate Protocol-Owned Vault Emulation

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

"This MIP activates the preliminary implementation of the Protocol-Owned Vault, using the Protocol-Owned Vault Emulation (POVE) approach which uses a non-standard configuration of the existing Maker Protocol to achieve the effects of a Protocol-Owned Vault."

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.

MIP1c4-SP1: Subproposal for Changing the Problem Space

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

"MIP1 was largely forgotten and never managed to serve its purpose, but with the Endgame Plan, the same core concept is revived as there needs to be clarity around precisely when Maker Governance starts to slow down and not invite so many proposals."

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.

MIP4c4-SP1: MIP Removal Subproposals

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

"MIP6 and its related MIPs [MIP7, MIP8, MIP9, MIP11, MIP12] are being removed as a part of the Endgame Plan Approval MIP as these outdated processes have reached the point of causing far more harm than help. The original collateral onboarding process was not designed to accommodate the level of activity that is now occurring in Maker Governance, nor does it properly manage the risk of being overwhelmed with low-quality collateral onboarding proposals, which dominates and clogs up the current process."

"Continuation of the actual useful forms of collateral onboarding is already enabled entirely through the existing governance mandates and their ability to trigger relevant Executive Votes, as specified in MIP16, MIP39 and MIP41, but the Endgame Plan MIP Set also proposes additional amendments to further emphasize this existing capability and ensure that collateral onboarding can continue happening smoothly with no risk of unexpected blockers."

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.

MIP4c2-SP27: MIP16 Amendment Subproposal

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

"This MIP is being amended to become compatible with the Endgame Plan and prevent Signal Requests (non-standard weekly polls) from dominating the governance dynamic and acting as a vector for unpredictable complexity growth and governance overhead."

"This MIP Amendment only affects Signal Requests leading to non-standard weekly polls and doesn’t change the standard and primary focus of MIP16."

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.

MIP39c2-SP35: Modifying Risk Core Unit Mandate - RISK-001

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

"The Risk Core Unit Mandate is modified as a part of the Endgame Plan Approval MIP Set in order to eliminate any possible risk of the collateral onboarding process becoming disrupted or blocked by the removal of the old MIP6 process."

"The updated mandate is written with a new approach where the critical element of the mandate that explicitly and directly impacts Facilitator Governance Powers are provided up front. This information is also described as short and succinct as possible in order to make it completely clear what Governance Privileges the Core Unit Facilitator will have with regards to proposing non-standard weekly polls as defined in MIP16."

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.

MIP39c2-SP36: Modifying Strategic Finance Core Unit Mandate (SF-001)

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

"The Strategic Finance Core Unit Mandate is modified as a part of the Endgame Plan Approval MIP Set in order to eliminate any possible risk of the collateral onboarding process becoming disrupted or blocked by the removal of the old MIP6 process."

"The updated mandate is written with a new approach where the critical element of the mandate that explicitly and directly impacts Facilitator Governance Powers are provided up front. This information is also described as short and succinct as possible in order to make it completely clear what Governance Privileges the Core Unit Facilitator will have with regards to proposing non-standard weekly polls as defined in MIP16."

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.

MIP39c2-SP37: Modifying Collateral Engineering Services Core Unit Mandate (CES-001)

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

"The Collateral Engineering Services Core Unit Mandate is modified as a part of the Endgame Plan Approval MIP Set in order to eliminate any possible risk of the collateral onboarding process becoming disrupted or blocked by the removal of the old MIP6 process."

"The updated mandate is written with a new approach where the critical element of the mandate that explicitly and directly impacts Facilitator Governance Powers are provided up front. This information is also described as short and succinct as possible in order to make it completely clear what Governance Privileges the Core Unit Facilitator will have with regards to proposing non-standard weekly polls as defined in MIP16."

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the 'Yes' option exceed the votes for the 'No' option AND the votes for the 'Yes' option exceed 10,000 MKR, then the following actions will be taken:

  • The MIP Editors will mark these proposals Accepted and the Governance Facilitators will confirm their passage on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, October 27.
  • Any further work required to implement these proposals will be tasked to the relevant Core Units.

Otherwise, this proposal will be marked as rejected per MIP51.


MIP51: Monthly Governance Cycle describes this type of poll and its position and significance within the rest of the governance cycle.

If you are new to voting in the Maker Protocol, please see the voting guide to learn how voting works, and this wallet setup guide to set up your wallet to vote.

Additional information about the Governance process can be found in the Governance section of the MakerDAO community portal.

To participate in future Governance calls, please join us every Thursday at 17:00 UTC.

To add current and upcoming votes to your calendar, please see the MakerDAO Public Events Calendar.