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Real-time data for
sports betting + fantasy

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The industry leader in sports betting data.

OpticOdds provides data solutions to dozens of innovators in the industry, ranging from startups to billion dollar media companies.

Real-time odds from 200+ sportsbooks

Real-time odds from 200+ sportsbooks

Including DraftKings & Caesars, we offer real-time data for all major leagues, including the NFL, NCAAF, NBA, NCAAB, UFC, WNBA, MLB, EPL, La Liga, League of Legends, CSGO, PGA, NHL and more. We’re constantly adding new markets & sportsbooks for our clients.

Complete market coverage

Complete market coverage

OpticOdds provides real-time data for alternate lines, player props, futures, game props and more.

Algorithmic models

Algorithmic Models

Our team of quantitative researchers focuses on building the most accurate models for the sports betting industry.

In numbers













The fastest, most precise products in sports betting

Real-time sports betting API & push feeds

The OpticOdds API offers real-time betting lines & odds from 200+ sportsbooks.

200+ operators including onshore sportsbooks, DFS, sharp offshore sportsbooks and sweepstakes (Fliff)

Main lines, alternate lines, player markets, game markets and futures

Ultra low latency

Push format

Our secret sauce is our data standardization and speed across our broad depth of markets

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Odds Screen

Our Odds Screen is built on top of the same data pipeline as our API so that we can offer the same comprehensive coverage:

200+ operators including onshore sportsbooks, DFS, sharp offshore sportsbooks and sweepstakes (Fliff)

Create custom alerts via on Screen alerts or our Slack integration

Click into a given cell and view the price and bet points history

Also, you can view historical CLV for up to two weeks via the calendar feature in the top left corner of the Screen

Odds Screen

Proprietary AI Odds

OpticOdds provides the earliest & sharpest lines for upcoming games.

Proprietary no-vig odds programmatically through the API

No-vig value for all sports, leagues, and markets

Advanced proprietary lines easily accessible through our API

Proprietary Odds

Bet Grader

Automatic settlement & settlement verification. Payout bets correctly the first time, while avoiding unnecessary payouts with OpticOdds' Bet Grader.

We provide a bet grader through our API

Receive a result of won, lost, refunded, or pending depending on the six required inputs

We grade leagues like MLB, NBA, NCAAB, NFL, NCAAF, NHL, Soccer, Esports, and more

We are actively expanding the leagues and markets we grade

Odds Grader

Explore the latest

Latest news from the OpticOdds team

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How Do Sportsbooks Set Odds? The OpticOdds Solution

How do sportsbooks set odds in the first place?

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More Markets, More Money: The OpticOdds Market Intelligence Tool

Easily add new markets to drive additional betting volume.

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Unveiling The OpticOdds “Same Game Parlay” Pricer

All about same-game parlays and how to capitalize on one of the most popular wagers on U.S. sportsbooks.

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