
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 1, 2024





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Dr. Desmet, following my criticism of your continued protection of the “elite” on April 29, 2024, you wrote a column entitled “Dear Dr. Breggin—let’s talk.” You continued with “It’s time to have a proper conversation.” You then gave a description of how Native American tribes in the North-East solved their internal conflicts. You observed, “How could they do so? Because “they practiced the art of sincere speech in public space, hours and hours and hours a week.” [emphasis added]

One Question Before We Resume Our Discussion in the Public Space

Desmet, I hope you are not repeating your 2022 Facebook request to have tea in privacy with me, especially not for “hours and hours.” That is not anyone’s idea of “sincere speech in the public space.” That’s avoiding speech in the public space, which I refuse to do. I have been trying my best to conduct “sincere speech in the public space” with you or anyone else from the moment I read and publicly critiqued your book about mass formation, along with Malone’s concept of the “mass formation psychosis.” At first, the public space was filled with praise for both of you, but I refused to back down to Dr. Malone’s threats, and now the space is alive with critical discussion of your views. [see here, here, here, and here.]

Another Problem with Your, “Dear Dr. Breggin—Let’s talk.”

There is another huge problem with your request, “Dr. Breggin—Let’s talk.”

The public spaces you were describing were at their height in tribes several hundred years ago within the Mohawk Federation, which was formed to create peace among several warring tribes, as well as to provide for mutual defense. But are you and I in the same “tribe” or even the same “federation”? Our common shared public space is the internet, but my tribe within that public space consists of freedom fighters, resisters, and victims of the growing elite world governance.

My contention—the subject of our discussions—is that you live in the oppressor’s space, a space that supports the elites and the governing class. But I am nonetheless willing, for a time at least, to continue a discussion with you in this our current ill-defined public space where many people are, in fact, trying to disempower freedom-oriented people.

Another Problem with Your Invitation: Your Support of Dr. Malone During His Lawsuit Against Us

Dr. Desmet, one of your closest colleagues, Robert Malone, sued me, my wife Ginger, and our colleague Dr. Jane Ruby, for an outrageous $25 million, while falsely accusing us of defamation. Malone’s stated purpose in a public statement, as the judge noted, was to discourage free debate in our public space.



Before the judge threw out Malone’s case on the grounds of jurisdiction, he warned Malone that if he continued his case against us he, the judge, might declare Malone’s suit frivolous and force him to pay our legal fees.

However, when the judge dismissed the case on jurisdiction, it no longer seemed appropriate to him to continue with the issue of legal fees in his court. But the judge specifically stated in his opinion that he was not exonerating Malone and that we, therefore, remained free to pursue the issue of Malone’s reimbursing us through other legal avenues.

Dr. Desmet, I am unaware of any public attempt on your part to separate yourself from Malone’s colossal attempts to shut down people in our tribe of freedom fighters, critics of globalism, and victims of oppression whose ideas or actions he rejects. You are especially involved because Malone’s first attack on us was an email in defense of you and the concept of mass formation. Malone chided me for not “talking” with you and shortly after threatened to sue me, presumably for criticizing his mass psychosis concept.

I am continuing to exercise my free speech in regard to you and to Dr. Malone because I believe that the survival of Western Civilization, once upon a time known as the Free West, depends upon people identifying its enemies. Your work and Dr. Malone’s on mass formation and on mass suicidality obscures the global enemies who want to destroy our freedom-oriented, individual-oriented institutions in order to fully dominate the world. I have described these elite or governing classes in great detail in our book, by me and my wife Ginger, called COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, and in subsequent columns.

Are There Always Two Sides to a Conflict?

You and your defenders constantly see conflict as two-sided or complex but then you emphasize the role of the victims as responsible for the conflict rather than perpetrators. There is a precedent for this in psychoanalysis, the profession you identify with. Sigmund Freud was the inventor of psychoanalysis. When early in his career, Freud was attacked by his elite, his fellow Victorian physicians, for exposing child abuse, he quickly caved in and began blaming the children. Freud then argued that parents, big brother and uncles had not abused these grown women as children. Instead, he blamed the little girls (and boys), speculating that they had lusted after the adults and made up fantasies about being raped and abused by them. That is Freud’s bizarre theory of the Oedipus complex — blaming preadolescent children, some in their first few years of life, for imagining themselves as victims of child abuse because they wanted sex with adults. Desmet, as a psychoanalyst, do you reject Freud’s theory of the Oedipus complex which clouded society’s understanding of child abuse for decades?

I have been in the private practice of psychotherapy since 1968. I also continue to be a forensic expert involved in many cases of child abuse. In no case, including therapy where childhood often gets thoroughly examined, have I encountered a child who lusted after adults. Many children have early memories of being innocently attracted to other children. Some of them even promise to get married. But perverted, violent sexuality, whether as fantasies or actions, rarely, if ever, spontaneously arises from preadolescent children, and then only if they have already been abused or witnessed abuse.   

Another example of victim blaming is the rape of women by men. Police and other authorities in the not-too-distant past used to blame the women. Rape in marriage was not considered an act of violence. Rape on the street was greeted with comments like “she deserved it,” which, in my mind, is not so different than saying the ordinary folks on the streets of the Western World brought the current totalitarianism on themselves through mass self-hypnosis or self-induced psychosis.

The psychologist might reply that abused children too often continue to seek abuse as adults. But the reason they seek abuse is not some spontaneous psychosis or group suicide wish — they seek abuse because they are desperately trying to deal with the horror of their past abuse. And if someone takes advantage of their vulnerability later in life and rapes them, the rapist is the criminal, not the person being raped.

Another example of victim blaming was slavery in the US. Experts in psychology and psychiatry declared that the slaves were genetically inferior, were happier as slaves than living in their own communities in Africa, and were constitutionally unable to function in freedom. But the truth is that slavery aimed at breaking the human spirit of the slaves and many slaves, like all groups of people subjected to such brutality, became docile and lost their ability to resist. (Some always resist; the freedom fighters.) Should we blame those who submit? Should we declare, as you do today, that we need to focus on the slave’s part in the arrangement of slavery? Global predators are trying to forcibly enslave us, and you want to say we are bringing it upon ourselves?

Getting Free

How do the abused get free? How do we get free of the elite global predators who now run our institutions and are taking over both our nations and the Earth itself?

There is an element of responsibility in victims of abuse that I address as a therapist. It is the same responsibility that I ask my readers to take. The responsibility of the abused begins with identifying the abusers in their lives! In therapy, the process often begins with identifying the original abusers in early childhood and then goes on to correctly identify and reject the abusers in their adulthood.

Dr. Desmet, your theories, and Dr. Malone’s derivatives, obscure, hide, deny, and deflect the victim’s responsibility for identifying the abusers and standing up to them. In your column “Suicidal Society,” in what has now become a conversation in the public space, your only mention of the “elite” is to say there’s much more to consider, and then, as always, you discuss the victims without another word, about the elite. You warned me, perhaps threatened me, in an early letter you wrote to me in the public square that my blaming the elite is “a recipe for self-destruction.”

Since the dawn of civilization, the world has been divided into warring tribes, then warring nations, and finally warring empires. The people of the world have lived under these tyrannical conditions with very few exceptions until the early years of America’s constitutional government. Ever since then, America has continued in existential conflicts with the aspiring empires of the world. For a time after WWII, the American elite attempted to create its own empire working through the banking system, its military-industrial complex, and its intelligence divisions. But now America’s globalists are collaborating with various other globalist factions in the world such as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, the United Nations, the WHO, and the Communist Chinese. At this time in history, the constitutional democracies of the world are being attacked by predatory globalists from outside their borders and from within their own nations. We must continue to identify and defeat all those elite and other global powers who want to destroy the independent, free nations of the world.

The goal is not to reach a consensus, as some seem to think, but to present the facts so that people can determine their own courses of action.

Dr. Desmet, I look forward to all of our future discussions in the public space.

Primary Author Peter R. Breggin MD


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