Putin Was Declared A War Criminal For *Relocating* The Same Number Of Children Israel Just *Killed* by Caitlin Johnstone published on 2023-11-24T13:37:27Z It's probably worth noting at this point in history that the total number of children killed in Gaza has just surpassed the number of children the International Criminal Court indicted Russian president Vladimir Putin for relocating out of a war zone. Reading by Tim Foley. Genre News & Politics Comment by Chickensall6janice Oh my god the truth - people are just denying all this. I tried to get Russell Brand to report this after watching film The Killing of Gaza! I was wondering if the hold on fire discussed is just so that Israel can have a rest, after bombing so may people. Then they can reload having been refreshed. Families in Gaza are moving from shelter to shelter and babies are dying from hyperthermia. It's like they are pushed into a corner with nowhere to go and slaughtered like animals. Where are their allies?? 2023-11-24T18:03:55Z Comment by Michel Seymour You are right! The difference between the death toll of civilians in Ukraine compared to those killed in Gaza is not only quantitative but qualitative. If we consider the total losses in Ukraine (500 000), civilians who lost their lives are collateral victims. In Gaza. It is the opposite. Israel kills civilians in the hope of creating a collateral Hamas victims. 2023-11-24T14:49:53Z