
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 5, 2024





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In this issue of the Report, we have an exclusive interview with Alexandria (Sasha) Latypova, MBA, a former pharmaceutical executive, and independent analyst. Her prior reports on TrialSite News that deaths reported in VAERS after COVID-19 vaccination are not randomly distributed according to manufacturing lots as they are with influenza vaccines. Instead, they are aggregated in specific “hot lots.”

For example, from data on 33 lots of the Pfizer vaccine, 80% of the deaths have arisen from 35% of the lots. For Moderna, only 24% of the lots account for 80% of the deaths. Lot sizes were small initially, and some contaminated the metallic beads used in the manufacturing process. This explains reports and videos of injection site magnetism early in the campaign and why over time, these claims dissipated.

The lot sizes became larger, and the rushed nature of vaccine manufacturing invariable loads specific lots with more viable intact mRNA, while others have considerably less genetic material and or broken fragments of mRNA.Under the existing government contracts, there is no FDA or third-party inspection of the products for safety, quality, or purity. Because the US Department of Defense, under the Emergency Use Authorization countermeasures program, is the ”developer” of the vaccines, there is a complex array of biological defense contractors that make the components of the vaccines.

Specifically, private contractors do the fill-and-finish manufacturing, and the DOD or its designees has material possession of the products until delivery at a vaccine center. At this stage, the vaccine companies (Pfizer, Moderna, JNJ, Novavax) are largely marketing shields for the military program. Ms. Latypova makes it clear, by the US EUA regulations, COVID-19 mass vaccination is a DOD operation, and the signal to “go” is given by the US Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). Under Trump, it was Alex Azar, and now with Biden, it’s Xavier Becerra. Essentially if the HHS Secretary believes a national medical emergency exists, then DARPA, the branch of the military dealing with biological threats, is activated, and the process starts.

Here is a quote from the DARPA website:

“As part of the ADEPT program in 2011, DARPA began investing in nucleic acid vaccines. The hypothesis was that rather than delivering antigens to the immune system, we could deliver genes that encode the antigen and allow the human body to produce the antigen from its own cells, triggering a protective immune response. In December 2020, former ADEPT performer Moderna’s RNA vaccine received FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval for the prevention of COVID-19.”1

So, it is fully disclosed that the genetic vaccines were not a product of Operation Warp Speed and developed in just a few months, as portrayed by the White House. In truth, DARPA has been working on genetic vaccines with companies such as Moderna since 2011. What is the role of the FDA?2 Latypova points out it is largely “theatre”. In other words, the FDA is giving sham approvals to versions of the vaccines as they move forward since they are powerless to stop it. This interview is gripping and a must-listen for those trying to comprehend the mild-blowing reality of forced vaccination resulting in record injuries, disabilities, and death. Our music contribution is from John Gouveia Psalm 2 – Why Do the Nations Rage?3

So let’s get real, let’s get loud; on America Out Loud Talk Radio, this is The McCullough Report!

The McCullough Report: Sat/Sun 2 PM ET Encore 7 PM – Internationally recognized Dr. Peter A. McCullough, known for his iconic views on the state of medical truth in America and around the globe, pierces through the thin veil of mainstream media stories that skirt the significant issues and provide no tractable basis for durable insight. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or AlexaEach episode goes to major podcast networks early in the week and can be heard on-demand anywhere in the world.




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Elizabeth Faraone
Elizabeth Faraone
1 year ago

Mind blowing episode. The government is playing a terrifying game of Russian Roulette with its citizens. I’m downloading and saving this episode. I, or my family will never take any mRNA shot or Flu shot ever again. I’m buzzing with anger right now. This is NOT OK!!!!

Reply to  Elizabeth Faraone
1 year ago

Still doesn’t make sense. The USA ‘s military operation is also being played with other mrna jabs in China and Russia? They’ VE all decided at the same time to experiment on their own citizens including their doctors, military, kids, pregnant women? Okay they want to chip people, etc., but still the military explanation is not enough.

Reply to  Aida
1 year ago

It may not be enough as you state…but equally…it does one or more things.
At the very least it provides another piece to the puzzle.
Beyond that…it gives rise to the depth of this insidious operation. There was never any doubt about military complicity…if not strong leadership. The question is…are they at the pyramid tip?
I doubt it…but certainly are qualified as enforcers. Doubtless the upper echelon of this narrative involves international bankers, and others of that ilk.
The pyramid however is only….once again…a facade.
Who controls the pyramid?
I think the answer is obvious.

Nickita D Mityul
Nickita D Mityul
Reply to  Aida
1 year ago

At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation.

Nickita D Mityul
Nickita D Mityul
Reply to  Aida
1 year ago

When we understand that since more than 70 years the overall concept of the Rockefeller cum Gates plan – and certainly others, like Soros – and the rest of the Bilderberger and the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) members, and yet others is to drastically reduce the world population – and that this moment has come now – then we understand much better what is happening today; then we get a better overview of the Big Picture.

The time has come in the form of an invisible virus called SARS-CoV-2 – later renamed by WHO to “Covid-19”; with massive and non-stop fear propaganda throughout the west; and with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Covid-19 – The Great Reset”, authored by Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO of the WEF and his associate, Thierry Malleret.

The Great Reset is a Globalist Agenda that is managed by a small ultra-rich neoliberal group of oligarchs who want to implement a world destructive plan, leading to “deleting” humanity to a minimum, so that those who are left, may serve as serfs to these plutocrats, sort of the “Epsilon” people, when you compare the plan to the Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.

Reply to  Nickita D Mityul
1 year ago


Nickita D Mityul
Nickita D Mityul
Reply to  Aida
1 year ago

Taken from a 1981 book by Bilderberger Jacques Attali, is an example of their mindset:

This is what Jacques Attali wrote in 1981, who was then an advisor to François Mitterrand:

“The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself. ” [The future of life – Jacques Attali, 1981] Interviews with Michel Salomon, Les Visages de l’avenir collection, éditions Seghers. “

Marcus Wheeler
Marcus Wheeler
1 year ago

Horrifying!! We cry out to Almighty God for His help and mercy!! We ask God to stop this genocide and for people to surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ!! Jesus is the Only Way and He is the Ark of Safety in these perilous times in which we live!! God bless you, Dr. McCullough, and thank you for all that you do!!

1 year ago

This discussion should be considered in relation to the change informed consent requirements.

1 year ago

Great episode.

Caroline R
Caroline R
1 year ago

Fascinating insights in this discussion.
Thank you Sasha and Dr McCullough.
Sasha, you’ve answered many questions that I’ve had about this process, and the variations in effects of the lots, from no effect to disablement and death.
The magnetic injection site phenomenon we saw last year has been explained too, thank you.

I’m damaged from a single dose of AstraZeneca given to me here in Australia.
I’m looking forward to hearing analysis of the AstraZeneca data when it’s released in the UK under FOI request.

Reply to  Caroline R
1 year ago

I have not listened yet…but industrial magnetic beads?
Hmm. Me thinks it goes beyond that…with plenty of substantive evidence.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
1 year ago

I will not comply.

1 year ago

Dr Mac has mentioned that 15% have taken the vaccine and have a new medical condition and that means 85% are OK. That is not a good thing. Assuming that 15% only need to go to a doctor (not hospital or undertaker), that’s 45m more doctor visits in the US and no extra doctors to deal with them. Many can’t get that visit at their family doctor because they are all too booked up so they go to a hospital service and cause backlog there. In short, even a 5% rate of increased ‘minor’ ‘conditions’ would be a public health disaster.

1 year ago

CEO and COO, and other executive positions are HUMAN positions. That a non-human person (corporation, institution or government agency) would be “hired” to serve in this position is unconscionable. There is no human person to be the fiduciary/trustee with executive operating authority.

When the most senior executive fiduciary/trustee positions are not filled with a human person… there literally is nobody in that executive office. Entities are not human persons. This obliterates executive stewardship. This obliterates executive competence in the operation.

Another question for an expert to reveal findings in response to: which members of Congress and the SES (Senior Executive Service) and military owned stock in the consortia of manufacturers?

Still unanswered is the aspiration issue; for decades the standard clinical practice for subcutaneous injection was to aspirate the syringe see if blood can be returned to identify if the bloodstream has been infiltrated by the jab to prevent the inoculant from being directly introduced into the bloodstream.

They are not and have not been aspirating prior to inoculating the vaccine. The spike protein is overtly toxic and must be entrained in the muscle. How is this not involved in the adverse events?

In closing, this interview yielded a tremendous bounty of insight. It seems there is a system of problems of product adulteration, product defects and negligent packaging and handling.

Most troublesome of all, the formulation is apparently unmerchantable. Despite the regulatory dominion of FDA, entering these products into the channels of trade raises serious questions under the UCC as breaching their implied warranty of fitness and merchantability.

Add to that the compelling evidence of no apparent economic benefit, sterilization of the virus or prevention of infection, and the doctrine of “known or should have known” to the mix, all those administering or otherwise monetizing the selling, promotion or use of this product/service has a serious problem.

You don’t have to be a doctor to see how illegal and unlawful all this became.

Last edited 1 year ago by glissmeister
Reply to  glissmeister
1 year ago

Aspiration has not been part of subcutaneous injections ever in my over 30 years in nursing. It has not been a part on intramuscular injection procedure for a decade or so, however it was before taught as standard procedure to aspirate an intramuscular injection. I don’t know why that changed.

Kate Taylor
Kate Taylor
Reply to  Dixie
1 year ago

I believe the development of shorter needles reduced the need for aspiration. I have no citation for this.

Sadie Douglas
Sadie Douglas
1 year ago

Fascinating. I recall early on during “warp speed” daily news briefs we were told the military would distribute the vaccines. That seemed odd to me at the time. After hearing this – it makes sense.

Jerome Armstrong
Jerome Armstrong
Reply to  Sadie Douglas
1 year ago

I was on the first plane out of the country to Africa when I heard that would be going down that Nov.

1 year ago

⚠️Part 1- Remember Boris Johnson’s Orwellian infamous UN speech (added to comments below) that humans will be linked to ‘the internet of things’ & every thought we think will be transcribed in electronic short hand
He described ‘nanotechnology as small as blood cells’ coursing our veins?
And here you have #yuvalnoahharari one of the advisors to the WEF saying they now have the technology to hack people.
They have been jabbing people with graphene oxide. 👇🏻
Many scientists & labs are exposing evidence that graphene oxide &/or graphene hydroxide are in the jabs
Study Found ‘Foreign Metal-Like Objects’ in 94 Percent of Sample Group of Symptomatic People Who Took mRNA Vaccines: Italian Doctors

graphene oxide is an extremely magnetic atom thick compound
It can wrap around DNA. It’s now common knowledge that this so-called vaccine crosses the blood brain barrier.
& wraps around receptors of the brain.
klaus schwab suggested that they will have technology that can access our thoughts referring to the WEF agenda of #transhumanism

1 year ago


The graphene oxide forms circuitry. You can test this yourself as demonstrated in in the video

With all the controversy around 5G & the questionable unyielding push for its roll out, & in light of these studies, would it be safe to speculate they are connected & the push for 5G & the jab have a ulterior sinister motive? See how neuromodulation used magnets to control minds. Can it be argued that this is THE REASON behind the jabs? This explains why they’re pushing for the WHO PANDEMIC TREATY: to forcibly inject people with more graphene oxide so we’re easily hackable as WEF advisor Hariri opening admitted wanting to do when he spoke about hacking humans, referring to us as “hackable animals”
Still think this is a conspiracy theory? See
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ to target areas in the brain to control the vaccinated
Read this article about this technology using EMF to control areas in the brain that dismantle your values & beliefs

1 year ago

At the very end it sounded like the fill and finish for Moderna was done by the DOD and/or contractors of the DOD,, but that Pfizer’s was not handled by the DOD. Is that what you meant to convey?

1 year ago

Dr McCullough, thank you for bringing this guest on and exposing the whole rotten core of the vaxx. I was surprised there was no discussion concerning GO in the vials. This has been found to be in vials from various researchers from multiple countries…graphene oxide or its derivatives is a toxin to the human body. Thank you.

Claire Potter
Claire Potter
1 year ago

Thank you for this informative, thorough interview. I had been wondering about the manufacturing process and quality controls for these vaccines for some time but had not seen anything about it.

1 year ago

⚠️Part 3- must be read in context & continuation to part 1 & 2 previously posted to understand DARPAS involvement in the inception of the vaccine and the sinister potential agenda that explains why graphene oxide/hydroxide is the biggest constituent of the vaccines and their end game. It appears this is a bioweapon that weaponizing human beings and renders them transhuman and what WEF YUVAL described as hackable animals

Please read/research all the links I’ve shared in context to the thesis i want Dr McCullough & the guest & readers to know.
The involvement 👇🏻

The link to graphene oxide 👇🏻
Notice how they veil it’s dangerous use as a benefit whereas borris johnson admitted infront of the UN that ‘anti vaxxers’ are the thorn in the side of this Orwellian dystopia technocratic enslavement of humanity which he boasts of will create a surveillance state
Key parts from this speech

🗣“it takes real effort to conceal your thoughts from Google.

And if that is true today, in future there may be nowhere to hide.

Smart cities will pullulate with sensors, all joined together by the “internet of things”
But this technology could also be used to keep every citizen under round-the-clock surveillance.
A future Alexa will pretend to take orders.
But this Alexa will be watching you,
Clucking her tongue and stamping her foot
In the future, voice connectivity will be in every room and almost every object”
And every one of them minutely transcribing your every habit in tiny electronic shorthand,
Stored not in their chips or their innards – nowhere you can find it
But in some great cloud of data that lours ever more oppressively over the human race
A giant dark thundercloud waiting to burst
And we have no control over how or when the precipitation will take place
Digital authoritarianism is not, alas, the stuff of dystopian fantasy but of an emerging reality.
The reason I am giving this speech today is that the UK is one of the world’s tech leaders – and I believe governments have been simply caught unawares by the unintended consequences of the internet
‼️And there are today people today who are actually still anti-science.
A whole movement called the anti-Vaxxers, who refuse to acknowledge the evidence that vaccinations have eradicated smallpox
And who by their prejudices are actually endangering the very children they want to protect
And I totally reject this anti-scientific pessimism.‼️”
I am profoundly optimistic about the ability of new technology to serve as a liberator and remake the world
Today, nanotechnology – as I mentioned earlier – is revolutionising medicine by designing robots a fraction of the size of a red blood cell,

capable of swimming through our bodies, dispensing medicine and attacking malignant cells like some Star Wars armada
At stake is whether we bequeath an Orwellian world, designed for censorship, repression and control,

or a world of emancipation, debate and learning, where technology threatens famine and disease, but not our freedoms.🗣

Who sanctions the freedoms he pretends to champion!?
What freedom is there if they have done everything to censor scientific debate and freedom of speech
Why whenever i mention graphene oxide in the context I have shared above do I get shadow banned, banned and censored?!

If the elements and information I have shared is not true why are they afraid of me and a few others who have made the same link share this knowledge so experts and scientists and governments are alerted to what can be described as a threat to not only countries sovereignty but every individual human on this planets autonomy and right to protect their families from what appears to look like bioweapons
If this is a bioweapon are people expecting them to admit it?
No they’ll tell you you need it
They’ll create a higalean dialectic whereby people ask for it because the threat is concealed as a cure!

This is a breach of human freedom by their ‘internet of things’ that watches and therefore will criminalize those who refuse their reset
‘The internet of bodies’ is what Klaus schwab describes time and time again and even has the audacity to say human rights maybe a hurdle they are working on overcoming
The same sentiment is mirrored in one of the government websites I’ve shared in part 1 & 2

Further peer reviewed reading

I hope Dr McCullough, Dr Malone, Joe Rogan , Del bigtree or Maajid Nawaz all of whom I’ve tried to contact take this knowledge forward. Dear readers please share
Raise awareness
They have terrible plans in store for humanity we have the right to question & investigate & those who speak up representing our collective voices to not be censored
May God protect humanity
I pray and wish what I have shared is wrong
But if it’s right , when do we speak up
When we are all hooked up to their internet of bodies
They are no longer hiding
They in fact mock us
Watch this video
It is very telling of their plans
The key to making this happen is graphene oxide

Obviously transhumanism
Courtesy of Graphene oxide/hydroxide and the WHO pandemic treaty will enforce regular shots and rushi sunaks CBDC digital currency brought to us by the central bankers will literally enslave us with their digital currency that a one world government will control

They are at war with humanity which i hope connects dots that explain the WHY & HOW that addresses Dr McCullough’s talk about why a defense ministry is funding the vaccines

1 year ago

Thank you both! Truly fascinating yet horrifying. I really hope you can bring Dr. Latypova back for an update on this. Also hope with time she will be able to parse out which drug manufacture & their batch# is what lot size. Excellent and much needed info here. As someone who’s batch# is listed in the top 50 “bad batches” I’ve been wondering how many doses are in my batch. Still don’t know for sure but at least I have some idea now. Great work!

Jack Rickenbocher
Jack Rickenbocher
1 year ago

It’s all part of a mass depopulation program.

Jack Rickenbocher
Jack Rickenbocher
1 year ago

When will the masses finally realize that conventional medicine is in the business to make money? Lots of money and it is not about saving lives. There are many whistleblower Doctors that have substacks on the internet. You won’t see them on the mainstream media but they are out there telling the truth

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