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Gmail is getting emoji reactions 🤩

Gmail is getting emoji reactions 🤩


Does this mean we’ll never have to type a reply to an email ever again?

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A screenshot of a Gmail inbox on a mobile phone with a picture of a dog an multiple emoji reactions.
Emoji reactions are coming to a Gmail inbox near you.
Image: Gmail

It’s finally here — the tool that could turn your email inbox into a nightmare or a pure delight, depending on your POV. Google is adding the ability to react to an email with an emoji.

First rumored last month, Google has now confirmed it is bringing emoji reactions to its Gmail service. The feature will roll out gradually, starting with Android users and coming to web and iOS users over the next few months.

An animation of how emoji reactions will work. Happily, you’ll be able to “unsend” just as you can with a regular email (for those times when you accidentally hit the thumbs-down emoji.)
An animation of how emoji reactions will work. Happily, you’ll be able to “unsend” just as you can with a regular email (for those times when you accidentally hit the thumbs-down emoji.)
Image: Google

When you have access, you’ll see a 🙂 at the bottom of a message. Click on that to choose your emoji from the menu, then just tap and send. A couple of emoji will have special powers, including the party popper emoji 🎉 that will enable a full-page animation. Yay.

It sounds like the feature will be similar to how most of us use emoji to react to social media posts; you can touch and hold an existing reaction to see who added it as well as tap to reuse a reaction someone else added.

But in a similar way to how Apple’s iMessage Tapbacks are most useful on iOS, emoji reactions will work best on Gmail. If you use a third-party email client, every person's reaction will arrive as a separate email ... 😭.

There are a few more restrictions. You won’t be able to use emoji reactions with your school or work accounts. They also won’t be available if the message is sent to more than 20 people, to a group email list, if you’ve been bcc’d, and in a few other instances. Most importantly, you won’t be able to react to a message if you’ve already sent more than 20 reactions to that message.