
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 1, 2024





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At the ages of 71 and 86, Ginger and I are in the fight of our lives. In all our years of doing reform work, no individual and no group has ever been so intensively and persistently attacking us on a personal level as Dr. Robert Malone — starting ever since August 2022 when we criticized his concept of mass formation psychosis in depth without even mentioning his name.1

Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin

Dr. Robert W. Malone filed a lawsuit on October 30, 2022, against Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin, seeking damages for $25,350,000.00 or $25 million for short.

Why would Dr. Malone make his claim so large — over 25 million dollars? The effect of what he is doing should be obvious. It threatens us with financial ruin and ties up our energies. Does he want to make us too afraid and too exhausted to criticize his public policy theories and his numerous highly destructive attacks on leaders of the health freedom movement?  

The defamation suit (meaning libel, and slander) was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia (Charlottesville Division). Service has been discussed between the lawyers for both sides and agreed to, but it has not been completed. The suit, already filed and ready to be unleashed, has had a suppressive impact on our planning and activities over the past two weeks.

Contrary to some rumors, we have never made “personal attacks” against him, and indeed the Complaint that is filed in court focuses on our scientific and public political disagreements with him. However, Malone’s defamation claims focus on our public policy differences. Much of it relates to opinions and analyses we already documented in our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. 

We have not defamed Malone. In our entire 110-plus combined years of reform work, no one has ever threatened us with a defamation suit, because we simply do not defame people.

Dr. Malone’s Unprecedented Attacks On Us, Exceeded Only by One, Decades Ago

Except for one occasion, we have never had to endure such personal attacks. Not even from the psychosurgeons in the 1970s whose lobotomy practices my international campaign closed down and whose research institute led by Harvard’s director of neurosurgery lost all its government funding.2 Not even from the electroshock company and their cabal that in 2018 was forced by my medical/legal report in a product case to inform the FDA and the medical world that shock treatment causes brain damage.3 Not even the U.S. government agency director who lost his job and his many other compromised colleagues whose eugenical, racist program Ginger and I forced to shut down. Their huge interagency program was about to be funded by Congress to do eugenical research on “inner-city children” from in the womb to adulthood to find biological and genetic causes for their alleged propensity for violence.

The One More Dangerous Set of Circumstances

The only other time in our lives that we have been so threatened was in the early 1990s. I had been approved as the single medical expert confirmed by a federal judge to review all the discovery from Eli Lilly regarding alleged harms from Prozac for a consortium of attorneys handling approximately 150 cases involving suicide, murder, and psychosis. 

Of course, Eli Lilly, tried to discredit me in a myriad of ways, but the federal judge approved my credentials for appointment as the sole scientific expert for reviewing discovery, and the judge for the first trial would do the same. I was qualified to testify not only about psychiatric drugs but also about the corporate and FDA approval process. I was empowered by the courts to have access to all of Eli Lilly’s secret files about the development and marketing of Prozac, including all their clinical trials and all FDA correspondence. 

What Near-Disaster Happened Next?

My position as the central scientific expert for all the dozens of lawsuits against Eli Lilly was not merely a threat to that one drug company. Multiple other companies had Prozac-like drugs, such as Zoloft and Paxil coming down the pipeline. Many financial interests had motives to do what happened next. In fact, we had many threats against our lives and contacted the FBI about one of them. We consulted with local police about wearing vests and carrying a gun, both of which we eventually decided not to do.

As we were getting nearer to my initial deposition against Eli Lilly. Everyone in our house became progressively sicker from week to week. I, Ginger and our daughter became chronically ill with exhaustion and with dry nagging upper respiratory infections. Multiple visits to physicians could find no cause. This went on, probably for a couple of months, until a plumber on a routine job was aghast to find that someone had entered our basement and removed the chimneys from the converted oil burner and the gas water heater, spilling fumes and particles into the house.

We Are Not Complainers

We are not complainers, and we have rarely talked about what we have been through as freedom fighters together for the past forty years and decades before then as individuals. Nor do we feel sorry for ourselves. By our deeds, we have earned our enemies, and the good that has come from our work has confirmed our choice on how to live.  

Before we were together and then as a team, we have each searched our souls when something evil has appeared on our horizon. Our impulse has always been to step forward to take on the challenge, but in recent decades we have learned first to determine if we are especially equipped to deal with the threat and if others can and will do the job as well or better. We went through this process before deciding to take on COVID-19 totalitarianism, and we ended up writing what remains the single deepest and broadest investigation into predatory globalism — COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. We did it again when we decided not to back down from Dr. Malone’s initial threats to sue us. No other psychiatrist in the world was better equipped than me to understand the risks and dangers of mass formation psychosis and to explain them to the public.   

Our own personal safety has never been our ultimate standard for taking action — and we have been blessed with a feeling of being protected when we have decided to make a stand about something we deem to be of great importance in respect to human well-being and freedom. 

We have at times been penniless as a result of our reform efforts, but separately and then together, we were always young enough to feel confident we could recover. But now, at our ages, the lawsuit by Robert Malone does threaten financial ruin.  

Is Dr. Malone merely protecting himself and his new career transition from the man who “invented mRNA vaccines”4 — one of the worst disasters in human history — to the man who is leading the health freedom fight on a worldwide level? Or is Malone’s mass psychosis concept being further developed and used by others, such as the Department of Defense or the intelligence community? Malone has boasted about this Deep State background:5

“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.”

Malone has stated that these Deep State connections have been severed and no longer have influence over him.  

The Escalation of Malone’s Threats

We first heard from Malone through emails to us on August 6 and 7, 2022, ten days after we published criticism of Mattias Desmet’s book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism. Malone has used Desmet’s concepts to develop his concept of mass formation psychosis. We invited Malone to come on my TV/radio show and later on to join me on someone else’s venue, but he never responded to us and later verbally attacked one of the venues that invited him to debate me. 

Next, on September 5, 2022, on a short phone call, Malone issued the first legal threat against me and hung up immediately:  

Voice (very dark, demanding tone): Is this Dr. Peter Breggin?

Me (hesitantly): Yes…(thinking it’s spam and ready to hang up)

Voice (continuing dark and demanding): This is Dr. Malone. Why are you targeting me? I will have to send you a cease and desist letter.

Me: Are you threatening me? (Then calling to Ginger, who’s nearby) Ginger, it’s Malone on the phone.

Ginger (entering my office): What’s he saying?

Me: I’ll put him on speaker. 

(Malone hangs up.) 

On his substack the following day, Malone referred to reading my comments about his phone call to me. He even provided a link to my column without denying my description of it. But within a short time afterward, he seemingly had second thoughts about confirming the call and deleted it from the end of his substack.6

After that, on September 26, 2022, his attorney, Steven Bliss, sent us a Demand Letter that included other defendants, mainly on the grounds of their interviewing or publishing us. The letter demanded retractions, apologies, and money for compensation: 

Dr. Malone demands that you retract the false and defamatory statements, issue a written apology, and fairly and fully compensate him for the presumed and actual damages suffered, including loss of income, insult, pain, humiliation, embarrassment, mental suffering, and injury to his reputation.  P. 4

The Demand Letter also cited legal cases to threaten us with the large amounts of money we would have to pay if they sued us. Our attorney briefly replied that the demands were unacceptable and the allegations untrue.  

We began to learn more about Dr. Malone’s threats and criticism of other leaders of the health freedom movement. We felt that someone needed to alert the community to these disruptive and harmful events which were creating conflict among people. On October 6, 2022, on America Out Loud, we published “Dr. Robert Malone Attacks and Maligns Leading Freedom Fighters,”7 citing attacks on his substack against Peter A. McCullough MD, Harvey Risch MD, and the Wellness Company to which they belong.

Twenty-five days after our column exposing his attacks on others, on October 30, 2022, Malone filed the lawsuit against us for the more than $25 million. In accordance with our attorneys’ warnings we have written nothing more about him or his suing us — until now.

Examples of Dr. Malone’s Recent Actions that Harm the Health Freedom Movement

On October 19, 2022, an extreme left-wing magazine, The Daily Beast, quoted an interview with Malone about his April 26, 2022 Demand Letter sent to Ginger and me, as well as to other entities.8 In his interview with the Daily Beast, Malone attacks journalists Stew Peters and Jane Ruby by name and mentions us as “two allied conspiracy theorists” without naming us. Malone’s motives in making available to the Daily Beast the contents of this relatively private Demand Letter are unclear, but the result is a grand humiliation of the health freedom movement. The Daily Beast declares in its headline, “Inside the Anti-Vaxxer Civil War.” Yet Malone regularly presents himself as wanting to bring people together and end conflict in the movement. 

Based on earlier experience, Malone should have anticipated that dealing with the Daily Beast would result in negative propaganda against people in the health freedom movement. Malone had a verbal conflict on the air on Fox News with Alex Berenson, a former New York Times reporter who is known for in-depth analysis of the failings of COVID narrative. The Daily Beast quoted a Malone substack where he fumed at Berenson after incident — and the Daily Beast must have delighted to title their piece, Fox News’ Favorite Anti-Vaxxer Guests Are at War.9

Ironically, Dr. Malone makes speeches complaining that “something” is tearing our movement apart.10

Our Relevant Background and Motives for Publically Criticizing Malone

I have been called “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for protecting children, women, older people, and other vulnerable groups from psychiatric abuse.11 I have written more than 70 scientific articles, most of them on these reform themes, and more than twenty medical and popular books on the same subjects, several coauthored by Ginger Breggin.12 My work has been endorsed by many wonderful people.13

I have opposed psychiatry’s reliance on drugs and opposed all use of electroshock and psychosurgery, also called lobotomy and psychiatric surgery. In the early 1970s, in a several-year-long campaign working with the U.S. Congress and many others, I stopped the worldwide resurgence of lobotomy and other forms of psychosurgery.14 Projects throughout the U.S. and North America shut down, and probably some in India and Japan. My efforts included writing legislation and successfully lobbying for a Psychosurgery Commission, which found the treatment too experimental for clinical use. I testified in the Kaimowitz trial and helped establish the comparison between state mental hospitals and concentration camps, leading the three-judge panel to apply the Nuremberg Code protects to the inmates of state hospitals. The trial also led federal agencies to stop their psychosurgery programs at NIH and the VA.

In the 1990s, led by Ginger, we stopped a massive eugenical program funded by the federal government. The government was starting to fund a multi-agency investigation into the biological and genetic causes of violence in “inner city” children.15 To document and describe this lengthy, arduous and successful campaign, and other issues surrounding psychiatric oppression, we wrote The War Against Children of Color. 

We also began to criticize Prozac in the 1990s and other antidepressants in-depth and we coauthored Talking Back to Prozac. I began to testify more frequently against the pharmaceutical industry in product liability cases on behalf of injured patients or their families. Painful lessons about the pharmaceutical industry and federal government agencies prepared Ginger and me to research and write COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. 

In the last six months of 2019, leading up to COVID, we began an organized drive to stop the use of a new FDA-approved device for treating ADHD.16 The device involved placing two electrodes on children’s foreheads and stimulating their brains all night by pushing electrical pulses backward up the trigeminal nerve into the brain. It hammers the brain with an unrelenting abnormal electrical/mechanical energy that could do nothing but harm the brain. It was a prescription for disaster.  The FDA studies were too short and too small to determine anything positive but did reveal potentially serious adverse effects. The company stopped pushing the device, and very little was heard about again for several years. It seemed to have fizzled. But recently, in October 2022, the company is once again promoting it, and I’m looking into resuming our professional and public campaign against the bizarre transhumanistic machine.17

As a psychiatrist, I also have a lifelong commitment to stopping abusive, politicized psychiatry, as exemplified in the USSR and now in Communist China — a trend we are now seeing in cases drawn to our attention in the U.S. involving the use of psychiatric diagnoses against doctors and others who challenge the establishment narrative for COVID-19.  

What We Have Decided

Ginger and I have been working together for forty years on these projects, and I  had been a psychiatric reformer for more than thirty years before we married. Combined, we have over 110 years of standing up for vulnerable people and for freedom.  

Although we often spend more than half the week on reform work, we never take money for it and instead finance it ourselves. Over the years, I have earned most of my income from doing individual and couples therapy, helping people withdraw from psychiatric drugs, and offering medical expert testimony and consultations. After COVID-19 began, in August 2020, I finished work on my pro bono 62,000-word medical and psychiatric expert report for attorney Tom Renz that helped to stop the Governor of Ohio’s relentless emergency edicts.18

We will continue to write and speak, and to join others in collaborative work about any and all public issues that draw on our special areas of commitment, knowledge, expertise, and experience. Few things could be more threatening at our age than being sued for the first time in our lives with a demand for enough money to wipe us out several times over. This late in our lives — I am 86, and Ginger is 71 — we  will not betray our lifelong devotion to human wellbeing and human freedom. We will not be silenced — we will continue to stand up for freedom of speech and for our reform work which increasingly focuses on freedom in America and around the world.  

Authored primarily by Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin. The Breggin’s new best-selling book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey is available at Amazon and on the America Out Loud Bookstore. In the US, the book is available directly from us for a special discount at


4  Sometimes he is billed more precisely as “inventor of the core mRNA and DNA vaccine platform technology that the various COVID shots are based upon.”
8 Inside the Anti-Vaxxer Civil War, Featuring Stew Peters, Robert Malone, and Jane Ruby (  The Demand Letter was not public and was probably shared by Malone.
11 International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology (ICSPP) (Editors). The Conscience of Psychiatry: the Reform Work of Peter R. Breggin MD (2009).  Also see these two brief bios: and and my extensive My extensive resume is here:
12 Some of Dr. Breggin’s books include Toxic Psychiatry (1991); Talking Back to Prozac (1994, coauthored by Ginger Breggin); The War Against Children of Color (1994, coauthored by Ginger Breggin), Medication Madness (2008), Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry (2008), and Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal (2013).  13
14;  Peter and Ginger Breggin, the War Against Children of Color (1994).
15 Our book  about this huge reform campaign to stop the federal “violence prevention initiative” is thoroughly documented in our book, Peter and Ginger Breggin, The War Against Children of Color (1994).
16 and


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Tina Lia
Tina Lia
1 year ago

This is such a revealing move on Malone’s part. He’s not who he presents himself to be. The Breggins are heroes in this movement who have been on the front lines for decades. Is it any surprise that this agent of chaos is attempting to silence the very voices who have been protecting us from deep state pharma all these years? We are in a spiritual battle, and dark forces are at play here. May you both continue to be divinely protected, and may all truth come to light.

George Ulrich
George Ulrich
Reply to  Tina Lia
1 year ago

Most importantly I think I was and am no longer fooled by Mike Malone . This article has completely changed my thoughts or position concerning him and his motives ! Wow WTF !

Patricia Holmeide
Patricia Holmeide
Reply to  Tina Lia
11 months ago

And, may their many supporters pony up with more than prayers so they have half a chance at winning in court!

Carol Crevier, RN MPH
Carol Crevier, RN MPH
1 year ago

Dear friends,

Tonight, I read through this post with sadness. This lawsuit is not in keeping with the life- giving spirit with which you have both been working very, very hard these last three years. However, this is not the first time the bread of adversity has been served up within your lives and I will be praying for you both.

Don Edstrom
Don Edstrom
1 year ago

I am shocked to hear this report. I thought Malone was a good guy but now this report throws the whole issue into a tail spin. I just listened to Mike Adams interview Malone. Also the controversy over the new Stew Peters movie and the apparent failure to cite the work of Dr. Jane Ruby. I will be watching this situation closely to see what comes of this. I have listened to Mike Adams for years and have much respect for him. I have read some of Dr. Breggins work on Prozac many years ago and have a high regard for his efforts to sound the alarm on many of the evils coming from big pharma. Something fishy is going on. We need to pray for the truly brave health reformers who are willing to take on the evil corrupt medical cabal coupled with big pharma.

Reply to  Don Edstrom
1 year ago

something fishy, indeed

D Phillips
D Phillips
Reply to  Don Edstrom
1 year ago

Mike Adam’s retracted his comments on his Telegram.

“​​Died Suddenly film review: It’s a powerful showcase of vaccine dangers – original story RETRACTED with explanation

After publishing a detailed story here about the Died Suddenly film, I am retracting the original full text and replacing with this short explanation.

Stew Peters has responded to me, and we have had a conversation about this film, its role in waking people up, and the issue of the importance of raising awareness about all this in a time when millions of people’s lives are at stake. I have also spoken with Dr. Jane Ruby, and she is a natural born healer who wants people to get along and work together, to her credit.

My original story praised the film’s efforts, pointed out some of the critical issues that others were raising with the film, and asked the question of why Dr. Jane Ruby’s work wasn’t covered in this film. That was my entire intention of the original article.

Read his remaining comments on Telegram, Natural News

Beef Stew
Beef Stew
Reply to  D Phillips
1 year ago

Dr Jane Ruby. is a Zionist Trump Shill. She’s not even a real doctor. Source:

Reply to  Beef Stew
1 year ago

Really? Seems to me you are an anti-semetic posting a bitchute account that hates all Jewish people. Perhaps you’re even a nazi, who knows?
Me? I’m not a racist or white supremacist. Maybe you should talk to God about your hate for other people. It is a sin He will not overlook, imho.

Reply to  Shepardess
1 year ago

In your humble opinion…LOL…!

So speaking for God is now “humble”…!

Reply to  DrMaxH
1 year ago

To those of your ilk–YES.

Last edited 1 year ago by Elle
Reply to  Beef Stew
1 year ago

Bro… you’ve gone too far
Yes, Trump is a shill, but stop mixing up with Dr. Jane

Ralph DeVane
Ralph DeVane
Reply to  Beef Stew
1 year ago

Since it’s a leader’s policies that affect our daily lives and you are clearly left leaning supporting their policies and oppose those of Trump, which Democrat policies do you support? I’m sure you have a long list, since no one with a brain would so vehemently oppose a leader for anything so shallow as personality or tweets.

Reply to  Beef Stew
1 year ago

The link item is ‘unavailable’ . I have admired the few in terviews I have seen with Dr Ruby on Stew Peters but who knows? So many ‘Good Guys’ turn out to be the opposite.. And of course criticizing Zionism is a heinous crime (Zionists ie Israel) scream. I would like to think that Ruby is genuine… Just saw that Robert Kennedy Jnr is furious with ‘Climate Change’ deniers…

Reply to  D Phillips
1 year ago

Mike Adams has been controlled opposition for years, routinely editing, deleting and even changing posts on his website. I think he wants to be an Alex Jones (for the $$) more than anything. His part doesn’t surprise me at all in this – but Malone’s sure does. They are all showing their colors.

Reply to  Jeff
1 year ago

What are Mike “Health Ranger” Adams professional bona fides? 3 guesses. Starts with a Z and ends with O.

Patricia Holmeide
Patricia Holmeide
Reply to  DrMaxH
11 months ago

Obviously you’ve never read his works or you’d have seen his list of credentials many, many times.

Reply to  Jeff
1 year ago

I lost a lot of respect for Adams when, on one post I was listening to a while back, he did an insulting ‘Indian’ accent ie the ‘head wobbling’ racist type.

Reply to  Jeff
1 year ago

Glad to see Adams criticized. I read his newsletter way back and had problems with some of his information. But when Obama became POTUS he could not begin a single post without racist criticism of him. I reacted to that bigotry and was paid by getting banned from commenting. That to me is who Adams is. Hie is a clearly a man who thinks highly of himself and interjects himself anyplace where he can accrue wealth. While his right to earn a living is not contested, his attitudes and self-rightious behavior and prejudices are.

Reply to  Jeff
2 months ago

People need to quit putting others forth as someone to follow and never question. The hero worship/following leads to people being labelled controlled opposition when we eventually disagree with something they say. Then we “throw the baby out with the bath water”. I tell people that I never agree with everything anyone says, not even my husband. Everyone has made mistakes and is flawed and everyone’s ideas deserve debate.
     I agree with Jon Rappaport on the subject of controlled opposition. Please see and think about what Jon Rappaport says about Controlled Opposition @1:06:00
     I wish Dr Breggin should just call or visit both these individuals and have a discussion with them instead of the public mud slinging. Every one of these people have contributed immensely to this fight against this tyranny in their own way. Even if Malone has a huge ego and is someone I disagree with on some things, he has reached a lot of people. Dr Breggin even says in a post that Malone could have stopped the whole C19 fiasco in its tracks. Unfortunately, no single person could have done that. We all need to work together. The only one who wins when we fight are the dark forces behind this.

Reply to  Don Edstrom
1 year ago

Malone is not our friend and is developing RelCovax™, a second-generation multivalent SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate designed to meet global vaccination demands with Reliance Life Sciences (India). more information at Unite4Truth –

Reply to  mary-lou
1 year ago

Video content was removed. Ugh.

George Ulrich
George Ulrich
Reply to  Don Edstrom
1 year ago

Yeah boy, I am siding with you! I listened to that interview which had me greatly leaning on Mike’s side if the story . I , apparently jumped the gun! Better hang on th my making sn opinion until all the evidence is presented

Patricia Holmeide
Patricia Holmeide
Reply to  Don Edstrom
11 months ago

Again, we need to do more than just pray…these people cannot possibly win against the money backing Malone. They need financial resources far above what they have in order to just get before a judge and state their case. THEN we can all pray the judge isn’t one of the many corrupt judges now sitting on the benches in this country!

Matt D
Matt D
1 year ago

Fear not. This lawsuit should be thrown out of court as a nuisance lawsuit with no merit.

Reply to  Matt D
1 year ago

Yeah? You may want to go read Dr Malone’s substack article. There’s another side to this story and I suspect he has a very strong case. All he asked was for them to stop slandering him and now they are likely to pay the price.

Last edited 1 year ago by Diggerdale
Reply to  Diggerdale
1 year ago

They never slandered him, so it is a frivolous lawsuit unless he can prove that they said untrue things about him. Breggin explains that it was a policy/political/philosophical disagreement. But in this warped idiocracy, disagreeing with somebody and it hurts their poor little feelings is grounds for taking all their money “many times over.”

Maria Pesquez
Maria Pesquez
Reply to  Suzy
1 year ago

Diggerdale can not show any slander

Reply to  Diggerdale
1 year ago

Trust me, Malone has no case. You can’t sue someone because they publish artices critical of your favorite psychological theories.

Oh please Judge, I was trying to make money off of Mass Formation — is not showing of cause or damage.

Breggins counsel would be entitled make Malone lay out his monetization plan for Mass Formation — an unsubstantiated idea that is not even Malone’s.

Hubert Wagner
Hubert Wagner
Reply to  Matt D
1 year ago

Yes, “The process is the punishment”. The suit aims to demoralize and force one to pay large sums for legal assistance long before a day in court.

Reply to  Hubert Wagner
1 year ago

So true. The emotional drain, the extreme anxiety, the lost sleep, the lost time, the money spent on legal fees… these happen whether or not you win or even if the case is dismissed.

Reply to  Ruth
1 year ago

Psychological warfare

Reply to  Matt D
1 year ago

The Breggins should definitely counter-sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress. There are few things more distressing than litigation.

A properly written motion for summary judgment should be all it takes for dismissal and awarding of attorneys fees.

Los tankood
Los tankood
Reply to  Matt D
10 months ago

Maybe the Breggins should counter with a malicious prosecution claim. 25 million is a lot for a one time difference of opinion.

1 year ago

I am so sad to see the Breggins under attack. You are an incredible couple with courage and integrity, I like so many people owe so much to you.

Malone posted an article today about integrity and ethics, pity he stoops so low as to attack honourable, good people, working tirelessly for the good of humanity.
Malone speaks as though mass formation is something he understands, yet when Dr Breggin explained from his expert viewpoint, Malone hasn’t a credible leg to stand on. That’s my opinion. It’s not his area of expertise.

Reply to  Areana
1 year ago

Unfortunately, Breggin gets the idea of mass formation backwards. C.G. Jung describes much the same thing as a “psychic epidemic”, and as a human susceptibility or propensity, not as a primary cause for something like belief in the clotshots or the masses of people believing in the officials stories about the COVID-19 plandemic. It’s a social construct, not something belonging in the DMS-IV.

This propensity for people to be captured by toxic ideas is driven mainly by fear and prejudice and is fueled by the human susceptibility to peer pressure and group think. And above all, it can be, and is, exploited, manipulated and even created by groups seeking greater control of over populations.

If you read Malone’s lawsuit, he points out very clearly how Dr. Breggins has slandered him. I hope the doctor sees the error of his ways and produces meaningful apologies to Dr. Malone.

Reed Giroux
Reed Giroux
Reply to  BradL
1 year ago

Wrong. He has not slandered or libeled Dr. Malone, he has shown us what a bad idea Desmet and Maline have as it SHIFTS THE BLAME from the perpetratos of EVIL to the victims, DISTRACTING us from the perpertrators. He has never called Dr. Malone a name in his life. You do not know theBreggins and their LIFETIME of fighting for freedom and justice and protecting the vulnerable. Malone has now revealed himself as a WEF-allied globalist/sympathist.

Andrew Benjamin
Andrew Benjamin
Reply to  Reed Giroux
1 year ago

Dr. Malone, a public figure, is not free from name calling. Moreover, even deliberate spreading of lies cannot be sued for for a public figure as discredited as Malone is. He had NOTHING to do with the development of the mRNA vaccine as we know it.

Any jury presented with the facts about Malone will throw his case out for lack of standing. He was not harmed by anyone. He harmed himself for being a self-promoting snake oil salesman who only those True Believers who want to believe, will.

“Mass Formation Psychosis:” Robert Malone’s Super-villain Origin Story
MedPage Today: Just What is ‘Mass Formation Psychosis?’
Respectful Insolence: Dr. Robert Malone Goes Full AntiVaccine Conspiracist
Nonzero: Is Robert Malone Crazy?

The Israeli Government Health Ministry answers that question:
“….a man named Robert Malone…has been spreading lies and falsehoods since the outbreak of the pandemic…
…In a nutshell: He did not invent mRNA technology, nor the technology of the vaccine for coronavirus, and he has been spreading fake news since the outbreak of the pandemic…”

Reply to  Andrew Benjamin
1 year ago

If he has invented mRNA technology he has to prove it. I guess he has a lot of patents that he could show us e.g.

Reply to  Reed Giroux
1 year ago

Malone and Desmet should be addressed separately, even though Malone wrote about Desmet’s ideas.

There is no victim-blaming in the idea of mass formation. What Desmet holds is that mass formation CAN arise spontaneously, but that it also can be steered or even generated by those who want to control the population.

Desmet is a very European intellectual person, which can make it hard for a straight-hitting American to identify with. I see that as I fall halfway between the two. His book and spoken comments, though, show him as dedicated to truth and goodness.

My take is that he is a good person, who wants the people to be free of the mass formation (group hypnosis) that has taken hold during the past 3 years.

Reply to  Ruth
2 months ago

Here’s how I see this;
      Dr Breggin’s complaint about Dr Malone is that he knew more about C19 than he said initially and should have revealed it all. I think that Breggin is a little blind to the realities of the media and cancel culture for someone like Dr Malone. 
      Dr Breggin’s problem with Desmet is that he feels Desmet gives tyrants a pass and puts the blame on the masses. I like that Desmet explains how totalitarian governments have and continue to control people, even if he doesn’t give credit to the dark forces behind all this. He also was subject to extreme censorship the likes of which Dr Breggin was never subject to. 
     I think Dr Breggin should just call or visit both these individuals and have a discussion with them instead of the public mud slinging. Every one of these people have contributed immensely to this fight against tyranny in their own way. The only one who wins when they fight are the dark forces behind this.

Reply to  Areana
1 year ago

nor is it YOURS…


Anthea Blackmore
Anthea Blackmore
1 year ago

I’m so incredibly sorry to read this…I am an ordinary housewife , artist and foster carer….but I have read your marvellous book, and appreciate what wonderful, compassionate people you are , people who can’t stand an injustice.
my life since first lockdown has rapidly changed, ive made enemies sadly…my family wouldn’t listen to any documentation ( most of it scientific) about the dangers we are in , and have all to my extreme sadness been triple jabbed
ive followed Dr Malone but have had some reservations… I know why!
why does this have to be so vicious an attack?
I hardly know what to believe any more, but here as that ordinary housewife….I have learned to go by my instinct…..and I believe you are both wonderful human beings.
im so sorry I can’t offer you anything more, but I do send a compassionate hug x
kind regards Anthea

Reed Giroux
Reed Giroux
Reply to  Anthea Blackmore
1 year ago

You are not just “an ordinary housewife”, you are a wonderful person for writing, and for supporting The Breggins. Housewives like my mother made life better because they held/hold the family together and are there for their children. Nothing is more important than family! Consider writing to them, the email address is on their website

You are right, Malone has exposed himself as deep-state actor/sympathist, WEF-allied globalist who is in fact a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I have contacted Robert F. kennedy Jr. at children’s Health Defense to get him to stop rhis wrongful lawsuit or get rid of him from his employ or use.

Last edited 1 year ago by Reed Giroux
1 year ago

Malone is an agent provacateur, a deep state mole, who seeks to divide the freedom movement.

Dan Baron
Dan Baron
Reply to  Mark
1 year ago

“provocateur” 🙂

Craig J
Craig J
Reply to  Mark
1 year ago

My hope is that Dr. Malone will drop the suit, and that a reasonable discussion can ensue regarding the issues involved. Mass formation is a complicated theory, given the difficulties of human nature involved, and good people can disagree and enter into rigorous debate. But if you have ever been on the receiving end of vitriol, character assassination, and the discrediting of a lifetime of work, you can understand Dr. Malone’s reaction (I am not saying the Breggins are guilty of any of the above). Assertions of “deep state mole,” “agent provocateur,” et al, are far from helpful and are the typical tactic of the very agents we oppose. If I were to believe every label dropped on Tucker Carlson over the last 2 years I would have to conclude he is the devil incarnate. Please, let’s stick to the issues and be slow to resort to labels and conclusions beyond what we can know for sure. We are not omniscient and are learing as we go, as is the case with Dr. Malone.

Reply to  Mark
1 year ago

You saying this proves the harm done to him by this website and the Breggins publications.

Joan esclamado
Joan esclamado
1 year ago

It makes me ill. I knew from the first time I listened to Malone that he wasn’t one I would continue to listen to. I figured he could very well be tied to D . S. Your book on Global Predators was the best one I have read. Now I’m reading Dr Stella Immanuel’s book Let America Live. I would love to ask her to pray for you. She is powerful and we need that power to end the evil going on. The world is going to make huge changes and I pray for big ones by the end of the year. You will be released from the man who is only out for himself. He will be the one to suffer greatly.

1 year ago

I wish you both the very best. I’m truly sorry differences of opinion resulted in Mr. Malone’s taking this action – which is fully disproportional to what transpired, in my opinion. I always thought if he could have taken a humbling position – given your background – when it came to seeing the mass formation theory in another light – it would have opened up the debate rather than creating division. This is unfortunate and does not put Malone in a good light. Best to you both.

Jacquelyn Rose
Jacquelyn Rose
1 year ago

Peter and Ginger, Thank you sooooo much for your work, both now and for decades to expose the fraud perpetrated by the psychiatric industry, the supposed reliance on psychotropic drugs, and the horrific experimentation that has been intentionally perpetrated against people in the deceptive name of mental health. Here in Canada we understand that now voluntary euthanization of oneself can be legally administered to people with severe mental problems, by their own decision. The utter madness of this and other recent legislation lends credence to a take over of humanity into a thought/mental based prison. Recently in Ontario, the College of Physicians and Surgeons is advising its doctors to prescribe psychotropic drugs to those choosing not to have their dna/rna altered by injections. Freedom of speech and thought are hanging precariously in legislative enactments … unless we say No. The information you present here is VERY important to help us regular folks navigate the waters of what is true and what is a trap. We are praying for you both, and by faith we shall see this through.
Thank you. You are deeply loved.

1 year ago

I am praying for you and your wife. I quit following Dr. Malone a while back because something didn’t seem quite right with him. I pray for truth to prevail and that instead of ruining you financially, I pray this case becomes a way for more people to hear the truth. I pray for the Lord to provide strength, discernment, comfort, and peace through it all.

Elizabeth Wiesse
Elizabeth Wiesse
Reply to  Barb
1 year ago

I stopped listening to him when he showed a cartoon of a kid coming home from school vomiting rainbows. I don’t care how he feels about LGBTQ people, not his lane and in very poor taste.

1 year ago

Not sure if this helps, but Desmet on several occasions has pointed out in interviews that he himself does not use the term “mass formation psychosis”, just “mass formation.” He expresses that he considers including “psychosis” is ethically and professionally (et alia) improper. Others have added psychosis.
I agree with this. I am an MD, but no psychiatrist. Although my many family members have definitely been “blue-pilled”, none of them exhibit what I think of as psychosis.

Well Noted
Well Noted
Reply to  John
1 year ago

If the term, “psychosis,” is used to label a person, that is diagnosing-sight-unseen. Mass formation psychosis refers to no one in particular, so there cannot be an ethical or professional shortcoming. Indeed, the vaxers as a group are engaging in such vicious, reflexive hatred in their mission of pathological altruism, that they are at least psychotic in their perceptions, thoughts, intuitions, and feelings, if not technically detainable as dangerous persons threatening immanent, coercive harm under color of therapeutic intervention. They are crazy. They are profoundly dangerous to humanity. They are engaging in the late stages of genocidal extermination, with statistical charts indicating precise tracking of historical examples of tyrannical genocidal extermination. Lest we forget, we all have a Hitler gene in every emergent hangnail. Knowing this can forstall the final solution if citizens prepare for bloodbath resistance, but I’m not optimistic that this spiritually moribund nation has the residual patriotism to complain about new vaxes and mask parades, let alone resist the effete deep state ghouls.

Reply to  Well Noted
1 year ago

Mass formation psychosis refers to individuals and groups them to evade a claim of unwarranted diagnosis.

How is anyone, given false information, suddenly psychotic? Psychotics are confused about what is real and unreal because of their condition. Trusting people who are given false information from government, experts, and media are not psychotic, they are bamboozled. To blame them for being misled and calling them psychotic is, in fact, moving the blame off the perpetrators.

IMO Malone, taking the position that his invention is misused yet taking credit for the invention at the same time, no doubt likes the idea of “mass formation psychosis” because it further supports his carefully created reputation as championing heath freedom. That is not to say I think he doesn’t support it: I do not know if he is actually a deep stater, but he clearly has an ego the size of Milwaukee.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jojo
Craig J
Craig J
1 year ago

Could not the Breggins and Dr. Malone get together and work this out? Everyone standing up for true science is ridiculed, marginalized, and put under intense pressure, likely generating overeactions to disagreements among our own team. Tensions are high. We need cool heads and a good dose of humility if we are to survive and prevail in this fight.

Reply to  Craig J
1 year ago

If, indeed, they are truly on the same side – the side of humanity – I believe they could, and would have. It is clear they are not… and becoming clearer that the possibility exists that Dr. Malone is merely a controlled opposition.

1 John 4:1 – Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Colossians 1:9 – For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

Ephesians 6:13
Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

1 John 4:4
 “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Godspeed All ✞🕊

Reply to  Jemma
1 year ago

really? it’s clear that Dr Malone is controlled opposition? and then you quote scripture? what on earth is wrong with people??

i have heard both doctors make comments that were unfortunate. i have seen all of them and US do the same…

how DARE any of us claim to know someone’s heart…

what this despicable series of events suggest is yet again, WE put people on pedestals when only God belongs elevation…

think for yourself, understand everyone makes mistakes, accept NONE of us is perfect and stop worshipping humans… the research and information both these doctors provided to the public have been beneficial to everyone posting here… where opinion was offered, its up to US to decide what we think is accurate based on OUR research…

they are both amazing HUMANS that helped millions during this horrible ordeal… these factions developing are insulting to all os us (the doctors included)…


Judy Clifford
Judy Clifford
Reply to  Craig J
1 year ago

Dr Breggin asked him to have an interview with him

Lisa Perri
Lisa Perri
Reply to  Craig J
1 year ago

If one looks at who does the mass formation it is MSM and government rbrainwashing which has a very long history. The othering is a tried a tested technique and served to divide and rule. The psychosis would not arise without these techniques
probably every one within the movement has made mistakes but ego and vexatious lawsuits undermine someone’s credibility as those most trustworthy put the cause above themselves and are willing to sacrifice careers and livelihoods.

1 year ago

I’ve been aware of Dr. Breggin for some time. He’s an honorable man with highly revered intentions.

I had never considered his disagreement of mass psychosis or mass formation to be inflammatory or otherwise malicious.

I thought Malone was on our side to better health and health freedom. But it appears that Malone wants the stage to himself and his legal suit against Dr. Breggin is his own undoing. I’ve not seen any personal attacks by Breggin on Malone, I never felt like I had to choose sides.

This, however changes how I will perceive Dr. Malone. It’s his own actions that will taint his character, not the words of Breggin.

As an adult, I can make up my own mind about information, I do not need a party to decide what I should or shouldn’t think. There is no one answer to anything and if Dr. Breggin has a view to offer, he should have his say.

Seems like Malone is using a different form t censorship than the corporate media. Sad to see him stoop to this level.

My hope is, Dr. Breggin is vindicated and Malone realizes he did the wrong thing here and its his undoing, not anyone else.

Reply to  LizColorado
1 year ago

Malone is working on RelCovax™, a second-generation multivalent SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate designed to meet global vaccination demands with Reliance Life Sciences (India). more information at Unite4Truth –

1 year ago

I’m very sorry to hear that you are being sued. I never, ever trusted Malone and had a feeling he was as evil as the rest of the vax believers and pushers. Suing you proves that he is not on the side of truth. It was Mattias Desmet who first talked about mass formation psychosis and then, suddenly, Malone started mentioning it as if it were his idea. I will never listen to one word he has to say ever again. He is a satanic little troll hiding behind his bushy beard. Good luck to you.

D Phillips
D Phillips
Reply to  Susan
1 year ago

Mattias Desmet talked about mass formation, psychosis not added.

Tom Tunes
Tom Tunes
1 year ago

Thank you, Peter and Ginger, for all you have done and for the courage you display. It is a wonderful example to the honest and increasingly aware people in our country (and the world) who are beginning to realize their own actions are needed to fight this enemy. You mentioned many reasons why the Malone story never added up and I quit reading his Substack long ago. At one point his wife, Jill, was tied to a few Tech Tyrants (I think Eric Schmidt was one) and that was a big red flag. I tried to find that reference today but I think it has been scrubbed from the internet. Leopards don’t change their spots, and neither do members of the D.S. He’s finally taken off the mask and bared his snarling teeth, but I am confident you will prevail not only in the courts, but also in the court of public opinion, where he will be shamed and sent packing back to Washington DC, from whence he came. Thanks again for your selfless service to humanity!

1 year ago

This makes no sense. Two intelligent grown men who essentially have devoted their lives to help others are trying to take each other out? I would like to see the lawsuit – maybe it will be eventually posted somewhere. But I can make a general statement that defamation is not a piece of cake to get through the courts.

Reply to  Fred
1 year ago

Indeed. The whole thing sounds very twisted to me.

Reply to  Fred
1 year ago

How is Dr. Breggin trying to “take out” Dr. Malone? This lawsuit seems one sided as well as frivolous

Reply to  Michelle
1 year ago

Sorry. Thanks for pointing that out. I hereby correct my statement by saying that I do not see Dr. Breggin trying to take out Malone.

1 year ago

WOW; it was my assumption that Dr Malone and Dr Bregging were on the same “team” – as part of the tiny “handfull” of doctors resisting the Fauci/Bill Gates/big pharma MAFIA. So sad that instead of uniting forces, they are fighting each other (meant Dr Malone attacking Dr Breggin). THIS FIGHT IS CONTERPRODUCTIVE to tiny group resisting tyranny

Reply to  Bio
1 year ago

Drs. Malone and Fauci seem to be flip sides of the same coin. Whether that’s a compliment or a criticism is open to interpretation.

Bridgette Dempsey
Bridgette Dempsey
1 year ago

Dr. Breggin and Ginger: I have been a longtime fan and follower of yours dating back to at least 2015-2016 when I first discovered you as the “conscience of psychiatry” and your work at helping people withdraw from psychiatric drugs, etc. I even remember when you were starting work on opposing that children’s device —I think it was called something like “Butterfly” . I have your Cvd book as well. This latest attack on your characters is just horrible and truly divisive; I’ve never been a fan of Dr. M and now I know why. Please know I will pray for you both as you soldier on doing God’s will on earth, and thank you so much for standing up for the children and others who cannot speak for themselves. God bless you both 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by Bridgette Dempsey
Barry Krofchick
Barry Krofchick
1 year ago

I am a great admirer of your work. You have helped millions to understand the truly awful effects of modern , so-called, psychotropic medications and the slavish servitude of a money grubbing psychiatric specialty.

Why Malone is suing you , especially for simply contesting his attachment to “mass formation psychosis” is weird to say the least. It’s simply an interesting hypothesis at best and his work as a virologist leaves him no better than any ordinary layperson to defend the idea. He is certainly less qualified than you , Dr. Breggin.

I am no lawyer, but I would take 1000 to 1 odds that this case goes nowhere. It is clearly a nuisance lawsuit.

I would also bet dollars to donuts that Malone is fronting this lawsuit on behalf of the global predators you so ably outed in your book. The Covid fiasco is falling apart. No one is taking the phony vaccines any longer , as the death and injury toll mounts every day and is obvious to everyone.

He has always struck me as quite pompous by assuming the mantel of mRNA vaccine invention. Once the technical ability to fabricate arbitrary messenger rna fragments that would result in arbitrary viral markers became possible, the idea was obvious to almost anyone.

He continues to promote the legitimacy of this technique, even though it failed disastrously in every animal trial in to 20 years prior to covid, and is now proving deadly to the entire human population.

I count him as a front line , probably highly paid, shill , for larger interests.

Take heart, keep the faith, and let your supporters know how we can help. He deserves a large countersuit for what is clearly a nuisance lawsuit, intended to take you off your game.

Despicable behavior. But this is all we can expect from a fraudulent big pharma controlled medical industry. Sadly.

Reply to  Barry Krofchick
1 year ago

Malone is involved in developing RelCovax™, a second-generation multivalent SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate designed to meet global vaccination demands with Reliance Life Sciences (India). more info at Unite4Truth –

1 year ago

I knew from day I first saw him on a video, with that spike protein tie on, he was evil. He has proven himself to be.

Teresa L
Teresa L
Reply to  Anj
1 year ago

What, really? He actually had a spike protein tie on???

Claire Potter
Claire Potter
1 year ago

I bought and read Global Predators and agree with the Breggins view on mass formation psychosis. I also read Malone’s substack. He has many good things to say. I don’t think Malone is controlled opposition or deep state. He just seems incredibly touchy to me and sees disagreements or criticism as personal attacks on him. But when he criticizes others, that’s ok. Good luck. I think this lawsuit is unfortunate but will be thrown out.

1 year ago

This article sent chills up and down my intuitive spine… in that I have been highly suspect of Dr. Malone since he first spoke — that little voice whispering — Is he controlled opposition ?

Thank you for sharing your experience. In all of my research and review… I have never been able to shake that thought. Your testimony here, in all that you are up against, has solidified my findings. I do not trust the man. My next move ( I thought ) was to unsubscribe from his substack… of which I have limited attachment – as his writings are often ‘entangled.’ In considering this, I’ve decided to ‘stay tuned’ to continue to unravel his deceit. All of us — together — will expose ALL of them in their true motivations.

Your service to humanity has been exemplary — where his has been highly questionable. I will pray for your absolve, Dr., and Mrs. Breggin —  and will help in any way I can: [email protected] — I am a Functional Nutrition Practitioner, an avid researcher, and a warrior for Christ. Please let me know if and how I can help, aside from monetary – as the last three years has near destroyed my finances. Struggling, yes — but I will not yield to the atrocities playing out against humanity. I REFUSE to give up, as you.

I leave you with this…

In all of this, take heart, for HE has OVERCOME the WORLD.

Ephesians 5:8-11
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light; for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

Ephesians 6:13
Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

1 John 4:4
 “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Godspeed All ✞🕊

Reply to  Jemma
2 months ago

People need to quit putting others forth as someone to follow and never question. The hero worship/following leads to people being labelled controlled opposition when we eventually disagree with something they say. Then we “throw the baby out with the bath water. I tell people that I never agree with everything anyone says, even my husband. Everyone has made mistakes and is flawed and everyone’s ideas deserve debate.
     I agree with Jon Rappaport on the subject of controlled opposition. I first noticed how people were using the term to ignore what Snowden and Assange were revealing. They were essentially throwing the baby out with the bath water. Please see and think about what Jon Rappaport says about Controlled Opposition @1:06:00
     I wish Dr Breggin should just call or visit both these individuals and have a discussion with them instead of the public mud slinging. Every one of these people have contributed immensely to this fight against tyranny in their own way. The only one who wins when they fight are the dark forces behind this.

Judy Clifford
Judy Clifford
1 year ago

Dr Malone obviously has more than freedom in mind with his actions.Dr Breggin and Ginger have a history of amazing contributions to the world to point to.They are very thorough as well.God bless you both and hang tough!My vote is with The Breggin!💐💐

Dan Baron
Dan Baron
1 year ago

Hi Dr. and Mrs. Breggin. I have been aware of Dr. Breggin’s fight against psychiatric drugs for a long time. I thought, “What a brave guy!” It sounds to me like Malone is cuckoo. I deleted my subscription to his newsletter, “Who is Robert Malone”, a couple of weeks ago. I have read his articles and watched him on videos, and he seems weird to me. And I think the newsletter title indicates narcissism. Try not to worry. Crazy people love to sue. 🙂

Reply to  Dan Baron
1 year ago

The narcissus tag seems to fit.

karla altiero
karla altiero
1 year ago

Malone says covid was released accidentally and all the players profitted by “mistskes”. With nano tech chips routers in vax vials that stop assembling when in faraday cage and vaxxed ppl emitting mac addresses this was no accident nor were any “mistakes” made.

Harry Black
Harry Black
1 year ago

I hope that Dr Malone might come to his senses and drop this unjustified law suit. I used to admire Dr Malone but he seemed to alienate his followers soon after he teamed up with Mattias Desmet.

Allison Bingham
Allison Bingham
1 year ago

Truly truly disheartening and with deep sadness read this. We are seeing more and more where the tapeworms have penetrated.

Wayne Walisser
Wayne Walisser
1 year ago

I love the Breggins. They will certainly get my support when needed.

1 year ago

for malone everything seems just to be about money (only paid subscribers / devoted follower allowed to comment to avoid negative comments, then his constantly self-promoted book just summarizing what everybody can read online for free from really engaged people), so a lawsuit of 25bio$ fits well in the picture of an average monetary opportunist…

Reply to  guest
1 year ago

and: wasn’t his “rna-carrier” a financial failure? (pushing his readers to immediately write 5-stars reviews on amazon even before having read the book says it all – stay away, far away as this is pure materialism and no display of a decent person)

but: mass psychosis is true, fight/hate & flight/fear activates instinctive/emotional primitive brainstem “cognition” (agreeable swarm mentality) – the hebrew are 100% correct in still punishing even secretaries in their 90s for participation soon a century ago, only the knowledge of later harsh consequences is able to reduce clones of mengeles & goebbels, therefore no amnesty ever if the basic law of “my body, my choice” / physical well being gets ignored.

Last edited 1 year ago by guest
Marnie Vail
Marnie Vail
1 year ago

Dear Peter and Ginger Breggin, Thank you for the powerful, integrity infused, courageous, and loving work the two of you have done over many years. I have advised many of my patients (homeopathy, family medicine and clinical social work) to read your work. Shocking to hear of this ridiculous, unproductive, malevolent action by Malone, but then again, I shouldn’t be surprised – I know from personal experience that it is dangerous to confront the so-called experts (controllers) in “science” or “healthcare”. My very best to you both. I know that you won‘t let the bastards get you down. Marnie Vail

Sally hankin
Sally hankin
1 year ago

You have led exemplary lives that few of us could have even dreamed of. No one can take that away from you.

1 year ago

I have been following Breggin for decades and Malone for two years, and can vouch for both as being freedom fighters in this Covid nightmare.

Breggin fired the first shot at Mattias Desmet’s “Mass Psychosis”, and immediately many posters pointed out that Breggin did not understand the concept correctly: It is not a hierarchical Totalitarian control versus mass hypnosis, but a combination of both. So in the opinion of some of Breggin’s followers, he was mistaken.

I think that Dr. Breggin is more of a freedom social warrior than a psychotherapist, and in fact has roundly criticized Freud and the ethos of therapy based on an assumed unfair power balance. This reminds me of the scandal with Jeffrey Masson (The Assault on Truth) who claimed that Freud wrongly dropped his incest theory of neurosis in favor of a “hypothetical” unconscious wish to mate with the opposite parent. Again, both can be true, and look at how the acceptance of Freud’s unconscious with its dreams, defense mechanisms and psychosomatic reaction-formations have opened up the venue of more fully understanding ourselves!

Unfortunately, I find much of Breggins’ criticisms filled with petty attacks on character and mud-slinging (angry voice, greed, deep state). How can one blame a person for inventing a product that can be used either well or with bad intent (mRNA delivery)? A knife or gun can be used for both depending on the character of the person. Malone clearly states in the Mercola interview that there are powerful forces in the Covid false-narrative and names the FDA as unsalvageable.

What is the ballyhoo about adding the word “psychosis” after “mass formation”? Does not mass formation imply a cluelessness which is an indication of a mental disorder? We also don’t have to worry about the Globalists using this for their own nefarious agenda, as they are already deeply versed in psychological manipulation: Just to review, the 1960’s misguided counter-revolution was quickly seized by the internal predators (communist cells and most likely intelligent agencies) to deeply divide the country by race and sexual orientation; only hate and physical destruction has ensued since then instead of brotherhood and pride.

With all this said, I still think that Malone should drop the ridiculous law suit and both sides should try to mend the rifts with humbleness, forgiveness and open discussions. He has been viciously attacked for his stance against Covid, and unable to strike back at the deep-state, he chose an easier target; we are all prone to this type of “kicking the dog” behavior.

Reply to  oneperson
1 year ago

That is quite a summation. Closest thing to common sense yet.

Reply to  oneperson
1 year ago

Everyone here runs to one side or the other and picks up a mantle, while shouting nonsense. Yet in the midst of it all one brilliant post appears written by oneperson.

Reply to  oneperson
1 year ago

Mass obedience to mass manipulation is neither psychosis nor hypnosis, unless we alter their definitions.

Never forget the Chinese theater pieces (shown on US National News broadcasts) @ the onset of the Plandemic showing people dropping over dead in the streets of Wuhan.

Many actors, both corporate and governmental were involved in the Covid MASS DECEPTION.

Our education system has been MINE-FIELDING children away from unapproved/disapproved Facts & Reality and FUNNELING them into false but official narratives (e.g., the acceptability of sexual deviance, religions of peace, etc.). MINE-FIELDING is how liberals make convert normal human behavior, values, traditions, beliefs and even science into DANGEROUSLY EXPLOSIVE engagements that damage and ruin people reputationally, socially, and economically through naming and shaming, and ostracization.

Children today regular hear teachers denounce conservatives, Christians, and normal people as Homophobes, Racists, Deniers, Anti-Vaxers, Islamo-phobes, Trans-phobes, etc. (Pedo-phobes and Groomiphobes are coming.) TEACHERS instruct children how to avoid talking and thinking within these dangerous Mined Field of human history, tradition and normalcy.

Stochastic Terrorism is the new TERM for this kind of coercion and brainwashing. Children are taught that it is a virtual DEATH SENTENCE to wander cognitively or conversationally into one of these minded fields of human experience.

Reply to  oneperson
10 months ago

Thank you for being balanced and fair. I pray this circumstance is resolved soon. I would not be comfortable in western courts these days. They are captured with 2 out of 3 Judges corrupted by bias. Nothing good can come from going to court. Let the Lord be our only defender.

Bob Sontrop
Bob Sontrop
1 year ago

Is this the same Malone who’s up “front and centre” as the hero of the Covid
battles? Gee! . . I/ we seem to be confirmed in our low-tech, peasant non-
awareness with every new “revelation”!

Dr. & Ginger Breggin, thank you for lettin’ the “cat outa da bag”!

1 year ago

God will bless and protect the Breggins as He has always done in the past. Malone comes across as a Deep State agent of chaos in search of money. His countenance (those deep-set pinhole eyes) are the first tip-off. That he takes great pride in inventing mRNA gene altering jabs, in effect altering God’s creation, should be the sure sign he is not working for the forces of Light. May God curse him.

1 year ago

The snake showed his face. This really exposed Malone as not part of the freedom movement.

Reply to  Barry
1 year ago

That’s the paranoid effect of this “divide & conquer” activity, and very UNLIKELY to be true..
We should not be demonizing each other at all.

Reply to  Corinne
2 months ago

I agree with you that this divide and conquer is constantly being used. Following/Hero Worship is what is leading to this in my opinion.
People are putting others forth as someone to follow and never question. This hero worship/following leads to people being labelled controlled opposition when we eventually disagree with something they say. Then we “throw the baby out with the bath water”. I tell people that I never agree with everything anyone says, even my husband. Everyone has made mistakes and is flawed and everyone’s ideas deserve debate.  
    Nowadays it seems that every freedom fighter has been labelled as controlled opposition by someone. People are essentially “throwing the baby out with the bath water”. I agree with Jon Rappaport on the subject of controlled opposition. I encourage people to think about what Jon Rappaport says about Controlled Opposition @1:06:00

P.S.  I wish Dr Breggin should just call or visit both these individuals and have a discussion with them instead of the public mud slinging. Every one of these people have contributed immensely to this fight against tyranny in their own way. The only one who wins when they fight are the dark forces behind this.

Daisy Beagle
Daisy Beagle
1 year ago

Malone has always puzzled me. According to this self acclaimed inventor of the MRNA protocol he had first and second jab which in his own words caused him a lot of trouble and a long recovery. Why would someone, who should know better than most, do such a thing ? Everybody knew this new experimental technology was untested and therefore nobody knew the potential long term consequences it may have and especially him. We are now seeing the results and they are not pretty. If he is a health crusader as he puts himself out to be then why is he suing his fellow crusaders at all and for such a large amount of money ? Is he being pressured by someone else to do this…?

Andrew Benjamin
Andrew Benjamin
1 year ago

THE CHIEF INVENTOR OF THE MRNA TECHNOLOGY (there were many others not chief – and Malone was not even a minor player) received these awards. I am interested to hear what awards Malone received.

TIME Magazine Most Influential Person
Five-Story Mural in Budapest to Pay Tribute to mRNA Pioneer Katalin Karikó
Biochemist who fled Hungary in 1985 slated for Nobel Prize nomination for work on COVID vaccine – Dec 13, 2020
Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman. A shared Nobel-prize for mRNA? – Dec 19, 2020
CARNEGIE FOUNDATION: Katalin Karikó Receives American 2021 Great Immigrants Award – July 2, 2021
Biochemist Karikó Awarded Semmelweiss Prize – May 25, 2021
Katalin Karikó Awarded Reichstein Medal, Nobel Prize on the Horizon? – June 21, 2021
Katalin Karikó, mRNA Trailblazer, Awarded 2022 Vilcek Prize for Excellence in Biotechnology – June 24, 2021
Katalin Karikó Receives ‘Spain’s Nobel Prize,’ Princess of Asturias Award – June 26, 2021
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY: Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman Awarded Horwitz Prize for Pioneering Research – AUG 16, 2021
Researchers Drew Weissman and Katalin Karikó Awarded the 2021 Albany Prize – Aug 26, 20
French Academy of Sciences Honours Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Creator Karikó
Johnson & Johnson to Honor Karikó and Fellow Researcher Weissman
Spain Now Also Has a Karikó Mural
Karikó and BioNTech to Receive the Most Prestigious German Prize
Hungarian mRNA Pioneer is to receive yet another award, this time from a university in Japan. She will be given the Keio Medical Science Prize
mRNA Pioneer Karikó Receives ‘Oscars of Science’
First Patient Administered mRNA Cancer Vaccine Developed by Hungarian Researcher Karikó
Katalin Karikó: BioNTech to Develop mRNA Vaccines for Every Virus
mRNA Pioneer Karikó Mentioned Among Favorites in Two Nobel Prize Categories
Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Creator Karikó on TIME’s List of 100 Most Influental People
mRNA Vaccine Inventor Hungarian Karikó Honored With Germany’s ‘Future’ Prize
Katalin Karikó of Hungary Wins New York Academy of Medicine Award
Katalin Karikó Receives Prestigious Cancer Research Award for mRNA Technology
Katalin Karikó Receives Golden Plate Award 2021
Karikó was nominated for the Golden Plate by Nobel laureate scientists Frances Hamilton Arnold, Jennifer Anne Doudna, Robert Joseph Lefkowitz and James Patrick Allison
Hungarian Katalin Karikó Elected to French Academy of Sciences
Katalin Karikó Admitted to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Andrew Benjamin
Andrew Benjamin
1 year ago


Kati and Norbert are childhood friends, pictured here with their dads, also childhood friends.

Andrew Benjamin, Budapest, Hungary

See my comments below.

Reply to  Andrew Benjamin
1 year ago

Dr Malone NEVER claimed to “invent the technology”… he holds patents on a PIECE of the mechanism that is instrumental in functionality….

1 year ago

If Dr Malone’s NAME is not mentioned in your books/articles, it would be a frivolous attempt and the “defamation” lawsuit dismissed immediately. You could seek legal fees reimbursed, but of course that will start a never ending process of appeals, etc.

1 year ago

Time for him to grow a conscience and come clean about his role in The Great Reset and the vaccination program. Dr Malone, do you spend your remaining years as an honorable man or have people talk about how evil you were after you die? The choice is yours.

1 year ago

As an objective, uninvolved viewer, I have to say – to the public, it DID in fact appear that you were defaming and attempting to discredit Dr. Malone. And it did in fact have the effect of making him look bad and marginalizing/demonizing him.

It also had the effect of making you look bad/questionable in the eyes of the public – for so pointedly attacking him.

I was personally shocked & appalled when I received an email or news notice that contained the defamation. (I can’t remember exactly what it was because I quickly tried to forget I saw it.)

It seemed uncalled for, petty and inappropriately personally directed at him.

It was the first time that I saw this type of in-fighting or personal attack of “our own” from anyone involved in the medical freedom cause – and it was definitely harmful to the cause and to the public.

There are millions of silent observers (stake-holders) of the public drama over medical freedom. You should think carefully when you publicly air grievances or personally attack someone from the same side.
Most likely, you should not be doing that at all – keep the dispute private.
It comes across as bickering and power-mongering.

Be the change we want to see – attack ideas, not people.

Desmond O' Donoghue
Desmond O' Donoghue
1 year ago

I’m behind you 100persent Dr Breggins your one of the bravest men I know and I have always had a gut feeling about Malone as I have also felt that he and his buddies have their own agenda. I thank you and your wife for standing up for the ordinary people. You will be in my prayers from now on. Take care and mind yourselves.

Jessie Stone
Jessie Stone
1 year ago

God Bless You BOTH. Pls do not get threaten by this thug, Malone. He is an arrogant SOB. His lawsuit is garbage. He confirmed what you said to be true by this classless senseless and stupid behavior

1 year ago

It always seemed strange how a prominent voice in the health freedom movement was so deeply involved in the development of a Covid vaccine and Big Pharma business himself.

Malone is a co-developer of RelCoVax, a vaccine “which resulted in ACUTE LUNG INJURY in animal studies and introduce Aluminum (neurotoxin) directly into human cells”. (according to

1 year ago

Economic warfare and lawfare seem similar to establishment censorship tactics of late. Which has the degree in this field? Dr. Breggin. But he is not allowed to criticize the assertions of an individual who is not degreed? Dr. Breggin is not allowed to give his own professional opinion?

Last edited 1 year ago by Laura
1 year ago

i have heard both doctors make comments that were unfortunate. i have seen all of them and US do the same…
how DARE any of us claim to know someone’s heart…
what this despicable series of events suggest is yet again, WE put people on pedestals when only God belongs elevation…
think for yourself, understand everyone makes mistakes, accept NONE of us is perfect and stop worshipping humans… the research and information both these doctors provided to the public have been beneficial to everyone posting here… where opinion was offered, its up to US to decide what we think is accurate based on OUR research…
they are both amazing HUMANS that helped millions during this horrible ordeal… these factions developing are insulting to all os us (the doctors included)…

1 year ago

It seemed at one time that you and Dr. Malone were on the same team, trying to get to the truth about the vaccine, mandates, and misuse of drugs. Both of you have done excellent work protecting people from medical authoritarianism. Why then would you question the idea of mass formation psychosis in public first? Converse in private, then if necessary, make it public. The public loses out when both of you fight.

Last edited 1 year ago by Chamanit
1 year ago

Malone (like Dr. Desmet etc) is controlled opposition, everyone can see that readily just read this … He like Desmet are propagandizing distorted narratives of the whole truth — falsehoods and lies, essentially. Malone has been serving the criminal medical establishment for decades promoting their sick and destructive interests and agendas. Now, suddenly, he wants you to believe he’s a saint, and on your side.

“All experts serve the state and the media and only in that way do they achieve their status. Every expert follows his master, for all former possibilities for independence have been gradually reduced to nil by present society’s mode of organization. The most useful expert, of course, is the one who can lie. With their different motives, those who need experts are falsifiers and fools. Whenever individuals lose the capacity to see things for themselves, the expert is there to offer an absolute reassurance.” —Guy Debord

In one of this “expert’s” articles (“Groupthink: we are all victims”) his public misdirection, his disinformation is already evident in the title. His dissemination of the total lie of the public as “innocent victims” appeals of course to the public and their general dishonesty but it is a complete distortion of reality:

Who do you think goes to war and does the killing (mindless immoral NON-innocent soldiers)?

Who do you think murders and maims a massive amount of people with toxic Covid shots (mindless immoral NON-innocent doctors and nurses)?

Who do you think has been working on the destructive technology behind the toxic Covid shots (mindless immoral NON-innocent “experts” like Malone)?

Who do you think wears useless Covid masks (or puts them on their kids) (mindless immoral NON-innocent people)?

Who do you think trusts, follows, obeys, votes for, and does the dirty work for the governing authorities (mindless immoral NON-innocent people)?

And on and on…

Yes, the ruling authorities control brainwash you. BUT … YOU do their bidding DESPITE that you know politicians lie to you all the time. There are TWO pink elephants in the room … and they are MARRIED and NEITHER is innocent at all ….

1 year ago

Is this why Dr Malone has come out against the current covid jabs?
Is he just promoting his own product?
Doesn’t sound like chemicals I would want in my children’s bodies.

Also, if it wasn’t for Dr Ruby, the public would still be unaware of the amyloid protein that have been growing inside the blood vessels of the jabbed.

Now that we know he has a shot to sell of his own Dr Malone’s many appearances on video and tv along, with his civil actions appear as a marketing ploy rather than the altruistic Dr Dogoody impression we have been given.

Another thing several nurse friends do not get is why Malone keeps blaming the government for telling him the lie that the jab stays in the deltoid when we all learned in A and P 1 , that IM injections wind up in the blood vessels after they go to the Lymph system.
Why does an MD like Dr Malone not seem to be aware of this?

Even Dr Sucharit Bhakdi said, “Any person with a medical license who believes the covid jab stays in the deltoid muscle should have his medical license taken away.”

There are just too many questions and knots behind what we are seeing playing out.
Threats and lawsuits are questionable especially when the person initiating the litigation purports to be on the same side as the people he is going after.

Where’s the humility and grace of settling for mediation to work out differences rather than going on the attack to completely financially destroy other individuals?
Dr Malone is a millionaire, according to what is on the Internet. Has all that money made him too proud ?

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