
I am not going to let this one sit.

A new Substacker accused Rachel Scott of being “too strident: in her questioning.

As a female journalist, my response:

When a male journalist asks tough and direct questions, they aren’t accused of being “too strident.”

This comes across not only as a gender slam, but an “angry Black woman” trope.

“She was too strident” in her questioning?


She was precisely what this campaign and what that man needs to get him under control.

Corporate media no longer has the balls.

She has balls. And I am not going to stand by and have someone undermine her professionalism and power by using this kind of language.

Anyone else want to chime in on this? I stand with my powerful Black sisters.


With kind thanks to a very funny and spot-on reader who almost wrote what I wrote above about male body parts, but then offered this correction:

Corporate media no longer has a vagina.

She has a vagina (read, POWER.)

Thank you Don. Loving it.

350 replies
407 Restacks
3:00 PM
Aug 3, 2024