
Book Review

What I Learned About Investing from Darwin” by Pulak Prasad

My Rating: 4/5

Pulak is an investment professional with an unorthodox approach (at least by the standards of today’s regular investors). He plays the long and patient game. This book takes us through how he picked up this approach from a highly unlikely source - evolutionary biology.

We travel to Darwin’s world and fascinating discoveries and then he connects them to some guiding principles of his investment philosophy.

The stories are fascinating and the way he has connected the dots is fairly simple. There are some strong opinions, but I find the preachiness at just the right level.

I would not have imagined a book on investment strategy to have so many interesting stories. It surely kept me glued.

The narration (in audiobook version) is manageable, it did irritate me when the narrator pronounced a couple of names incorrectly! That’s a small pain, though.

This book gives a great example of power of “connecting the dot”. Worth a read!

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4:18 AM
Aug 30, 2024