
The app for independent voices

Wordcountability: Tuesday the 1st, Wednesday the 2nd, and Thursday the 3rd of October, 2024.


I did take the screenshots, but didn’t post them here. This week has been pushed for time, but I managed to draft for 30 minutes each of these days, nevertheless.

Technically, today, I only drafted for twenty one minutes, but that is because this thread of the story is now finished.

In total, the tale of the still-nameless TKARCH stands at 24299 words. There are a few scenes which are missing, with notes to push the narrative along, but it is mostly drafted. I suspect, with editing and those scenes added, it will be around the same wordcount.

Add that to the other point of view characters, of which there are three more, and the story will almost certainly be between 80k and 100k words in total. This is the longest of the Tales of The Lesser Evil, which makes sense as it is also the penultimate one before the longer work ahead.

The final book, as I mentioned before, is already mostly drafted and will be much shorter, a novella at most.

I am quite happy with this story. To now take the different threads and weave them together seems like an easier task than it did a couple of months ago, before I crafted this—the character of TKARCH and the events in her story arc were certainly what was missing in this book.

Now, I just need to get that finished in time (my currently serialised novel, Death in Harmony, only has a few more weeks left before it is entirely shared—the following tale, Dancing With Death, will take us into the new year, but not far!). This story needs to be redrafted, rewritten, proofread by me and others, then heavily edited before it is ready. I also have the ongoing edits of The Care Industry to finish…

I shall return to my Wordcountability posts next week, with a different project.

Wordcountability: Wednesday the 25th of September, 2024.

I’m secretly (not that secretly!) rather proud of myself that I managed to get any words done at all the last couple of days. Poor little Ailsa still has a fever and cough, which means I’ve not slept properly for a while now, and it’s beginning to catch up/hit me rather hard! Yawn.


Oct 3
8:13 AM