
What’s on my mind?

Funding for Ukraine. I’m deeply concerned that the MAGA faction can obstruct support to Ukraine by preventing Congress from voting on additional security assistance for Ukraine’s war effort.

Why It Matter: Without US support, Russia could seize the initiative and conquer more Ukrainian territory. This is a recipe for longer and wider war. China could come off the sidelines and Eastern European states could directly bolster Ukraine’s war effort, deciding it’s better to fight on Ukraine’s territory rather than their own. What a gift MAGA would be delivering to Putin and the authoritarian world.

I’m also concerned about the Middle East and prospects for wider war. I’m deeply saddened by the human toll of this war. The loss of life perpetrated and consequent to Hamas’ horrific 10/7 attack will not end until Hamas is defeated. Israel cannot accept the existence of a terror group maintaining a safe haven from which to launch future attacks on its territory. Hamas calculated that Israel would respond to 10/7 with overwhelming forces and sees Gazan civilians casualties not as a something to be avoided, but rather the heart of its strategy to turn sentiment against Israel. Hamas has been wildly successful with this. And, Iranian proxy terror groups may use civilian casualties to launch attacks on Israel expanding the war.

I remain confident that Israel will continue to abide by the Law of War and International Humanitarian Law. Nevertheless, civilian casualties will multiply and Israel will be blamed regardless of Hamas using civilians as human shields. Israel must take care and be thoroughly scrupulous in minimizing civilian casualties. It will therefore need to accept hire risks for its military forces conducting military operations in Gaza.

Why It Matters: It is likely this war will unfold over the coming months, not weeks. I hope to see the U.S. continue to counsel Israel to take care with civilian lives and offer well-considered criticism, when necessary. It is to easy to be quick in passing judgement to avoid criticism from those looking to be critical of the U.S.’s Israel policy. Frankly, it’s also easy and satisfying to criticize Netanyahu who has been a horrible leader, mismanaged Israel’s security, and abused the Palestinian population. I also hope to see the U.S. target terrorism’s financial and military infrastructure after Hamas murdered dozens of American and continues to hold American hostages, including Palestinian-Americans. It’s just about doctrine, that failing to punish terror invites further attacks. The U.S. should exact a pound of flesh from Hamas.
