
To all 'Palestinian supporters'

Please tell me, if you care so much of human rights and human lives as you pretend to be, where were you when millions of Christian Nigerians were slaughtered by Muslims there?

Where were you when thousands of gay men were executed in Islamic countries according to their 'sharia law', have you EVER spoken against that?

Where were you when Turkey and Iraq persecuted thousands of Kurds?

Where were you when hundreds of thousands of innocent people worldwide fell victims to Jihadism during last decade, were you afraid to appear 'racist and Islamophobic' to condemn that shit?

Where were you when China interned millions of Uyghurs in concentration camps and forced them to labor, if you pretend to care of Muslims so much?

Why were you silent when the most terrible of human right abuses in the world were happening, and why are opening your mouth only to condemn Israel when it tries to defend its land against Hamas terrorists (yeah, sometimes going over the top with it, but still, NEVER initiating the conflict and primarily defending is land!)?

So nope, don't tell me shit that you care of 'dead Palestinian children'. It's lies. If you really did, you would have shouted an alarm when million times more children were slaughtered in Nigeria. Nope, you just hate Israel (and all Jews by extension it seems) and open your mouth only to condemn it, and nowhere else.

Don't try to disguise your hatred and blatant Antisemitism as 'care for human rights', it just won't pass. So, you're either Antisemitic Israel hater, or just deluded brainwashed dumb idiot who jump on the wagon of 'Palestine' without any slightest idea what you support really and why do you do it. You just follow mob mentality. It's no less toxic and disgusting than actual Antisemitism.
