
DemonRats are 100% Anti-Family and Anti-Children Party

RFK Jr. fiery resignation speech where he talked of child health and overall protection of kids and how DemonRats are largely failing at both, made me think deeper on this issue so I reached pretty unsavoury for DemonRats conclusions indeed.

If ten years ago back during gay marriage battle DemonRats could still have claimed that they aren’t really anti-family but for the extension of traditional family to gay couples - and since as I gay man I just wanna marry a person of the same sex, not ban or destroy traditional marriage, it sits well with me - now, after trans and COVID shit, it’s pretty obvious that DemonRats are indeed 100% anti-family and anti children.

I mean, these people support hormonal intoxication and genital mutilation of minors as ‘life-saving surgeries’. During COVID scamdemic, they were forcing kids as little as toddlers (!!) to wear dirty pieces of cloth on their faces and, even worse, to get injected with genetically modified experimental drugs they falsely called ‘vaccines’, despite kids had ZERO risk from COVID, despite NEITHER ‘masks’ nor’ vaccines’ stopped the spread of the virus but only harmed kids’ health (well, they harmed adults’ health too but with kids the adverse effects were worse due to underdeveloped child bodies). Again, if that was not grievous, vicious, evil and downright criminal child abuse with ZERO excuse, then WHAT it was?

DemonRats hadn’t apologized for any of it and, moreover, are poised to repeat it again in case of new scamdemic, either moneypox (and nope it’s not a typo!) or bird flu or something else Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab would release into the world. So, DemonRats are real and existential threat for our kids, their health and well-being, and this alone is enough reason NOT to vote for this totalitarian neo fascist party (though there are countless other reasons as well).

Other DemonRatic policies also harm kids and families albeit indirectly. That is, DemonRats are way more concerned with protecting illegal migrants (who then will vote for them ofc) than kids whom those illegals rape. DemonRats are way more concerned with ‘destigmatization of pedophilia’ and ‘removing stigma’ from ‘minor attracted people’ rather than with protecting kids from those sick pedos. DemonRats are way more concerned with aborting unborn babies rather than with helping more babies to be born. All of that is just monstrous.

Also, name to me at least ONE SINGLE DemonRatic policy which is pro family and pro kids? Nope, all you hear from DemonRats instead is transgenders, illegals, Ukraine, Gaza - nothing not just pro kids and pro family but even pro America. The only American thing you hear from DemonRats is ‘cancel student debt’ and even that is because brainwashed Woke college students along with illegals are DemonRatic primary voter base.

Again, I would have understood if kids were just not a primary DemonRatic concern - though even here, as the future of the nation, kids should be our primary concern, but other issues can be important too so I would have understood that.

But when kids and families are of ZERO concern for DemonRats? When, moreover, DemonRats directly HARM kids and families with their policies and push for direct child abuse? That’s entirely fucked up and that’s alone is reason enough NOT to vote for this satanic neo fascist party (although there are countless other reasons too).

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6:43 PM
Aug 24, 2024