Here's how I see it. 

A foolish boy builds a treehouse. He hangs a sign out front that says "No girls allowed. Also, make me a sandwich." 

Obviously we hate the sign and text each other a lot about how he's a gigantic idiot. We rage and cry and curse the patriarchy that such a boy is completely empowered to be a gross, misogynistic prick. We feed our families, hug our babies, and tuck them in with a promise to take care of them always.

The next day, a girl shows up with a torch and a megaphone. She sets the sign on fire and shouts, "This boy is an idiot. Furthermore, if you like making sandwiches, you're a witch."

Those of us who love sandwiches and even love baking our own bread are engulfed in a second dimension of rage. This girl has a megaphone — why is she yelling about sandwiches? Feeding our families is sacred work that we love doing (btw we’d love it if someone would help with the dishes). Girls making sandwiches for people they love is not a problem; it has NOTHING TO DO with this stupid little boy. His stupid little sign and his systemic empowerment are the problem. 

That's it, I don't have a moral to the story. Just know that no one, NO ONE, is angrier right now than stay-at-home-moms.

May 22
5:14 PM