For the record: it’s not that I don’t have opinions on the SAN controversy (and above all, opinions on platforming Hanania) but I’m personally burnt out. The problem IMHO is less Substack leadership specifically than a Silicon Valley culture writ large that has major blindspots to race in America and is changing no time soon. What’s that quote? It’s hard to understand something when your paycheck depends on not understanding it. Learned this lesson the hard way when I got banned-by-association on Airbnb and fought a long battle of uphill appeals. I have tons of respect for everyone fighting the good fight (not seeking to censor speech, but questioning whether platforming = neutrality). I think the best thing reasoned voices can do at this point is use the Substack platform for good. Don’t waste precious time and energy on dead-end political debates when it could better serve you elsewhere. Don’t let others’ ignorance exhaust or extinguish the voice that can uniquely effect change long term. Give me your essays on justice, give me your beauty, give me your art.
