Today in the History of Psychology (18th February 1896), Fritz Heider was born. A pioneering psychologist, Heider applied Gestaltist principles to develop landmark theories within the field of social perception and causal attribution. Among his best known work was the interpersonal perception classic 'An Experimental Study of Apparent Be…

Step into the world of Wilhelm Wundt, the pioneering figure who transformed psychology from a branch of philosophy into a rigorous experimental science. In this special edition of my newsletter, I’m republishing a remarkable 1921 article that pays tribute to Wundt’s extraordinary life and work.

Through firsthand accounts from his students…

In Memory of Wilhelm Wundt
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Today in the History of Psychology (16th February 1988), Richard Atkinson, became president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); the first psychologist to hold the office since Edward Thorndike in 1934.

President emeritus of the University of California and professor emeritus of cognitive science and psychol…