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Netanyahu just sacked Yoav Gallant, Israel's Defense Secretary (with hints he may soon fire the IDF Chief of Staff and the head of Shin Bet, Israel's mighty secret police), and this is an excellent opportunity to say something about Netanyahu's role in the great scheme of things.

Two things I have been saying consistently for the past year: Israel will only escalate, and this is its demise.

I want to add one very crucial layer of meaning to this, regarding Netanyahu's role in exposing fully the face of liberal Zionism.

One of my earliest posts going viral on Twitter was a retweet of an image showing the impressive size of big anti-Netanyahu protests. I said something like: don't be fooled. Everyone you see in this picture will put on their IDF uniform tomorrow and resume their role in the genocide.

And I was proven so unbelievably right. No conscientious objection was registered in Israel throughout all this. Zero.

And that's what I refer to as Netanyahu's role, in this context. He leaves those people no cover. No shred of deniability or dignity. They are exposed fully,


You see, that demographic, made up predominantly of Ashkenazi elites, had a million trillion chances to say no. To change course. They never did.

They always chose to walk hand in hand with their supposed political rivals - the religious rightwing crazies. Always. A-l-w-a-y-s


They could have said 'enough' when it was clear Israel did not mean to pursue the two-state solution, and was using the time it was given by falsely pretending to work at it to deepen and expand the apartheid and the settlements. They continued to serve and defend.

They could have said 'no!' when Jewish terrorism in the West Bank, and the occupation, became more and more violent and crazy. They continued to serve and defend.

They could have, should have, refused after the March of Return with its abominable mass sniping of innocent people. They continued to serve and defend.

They could have voiced serious doubts and issued serious demands after, or during, previous Gaza operations - each gradually more murderous and fanatical than the last. They continued to serve and defend.

They could have stopped after the first week of genocide. The second. The third. The first month.

The first 1000 dead children.

The first 10,000.

The first attack on a hospital.

The ISIS-like destruction of Al-Shifa.

They had endless reasons, causes and opportunities to say 'My conscience does not allow me to do this anymore'.

Instead, they continued providing pilots to carpet bomb the entirety of Gaza, economists and statisticians to handle the starvation, the prevention of medical care, and the ethnic cleansing, spokespeople to defend it, generals to plan it, computer scientists to streamline it, and elite soldiers to mask it as daring military activity.


Step by step. the mass murderer, may his soul rot in the deepest dungeon of hell for all eternity, peeled every mask and facade they ever had, going with them on a mutual journey of demonic insanity straight to hell.

Now no one can back out anymore. They have made it all the way through to the other side of humanity. There's no going back.

Netanyahu does not need to even fake-cater to them anymore. So no residual sanity will be allowed to remain. He knows they can't escape anymore. They are forever mired in his psychopathy and craven bloodlust.


As I wrote a day or two ago: Israel is facing its mightiest foe in Iran after having its reputation thoroughly ruined, and with its population no longer able to hide under the slightest bit of legitimacy. And its elites already know they have been defeated, humiliated, and devoured by Zionism's absolute worst incarnation. They are going to war under the banner of a demon, fully unmasked, and they know it, and can't do anything about it anymore.

They are just as bad and evil as he is, and he is the worst of humanity

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Nov 5
7:58 PM