America's Undoing 

Helped elect AOC and push the Green New Deal. Now, I’m breaking down America’s decline—wages, healthcare, why people turn to MAGA, and what it’ll take to fix things.

A piece about Bernie and AOC, two of my political heroes. With a little gentle prodding. americasundoing.substac…

The Right Builds Power. The Left Hosts Rallies. That's Why We Lose.

We keep hearing that real wages are up. Folks like

, , , andtheir ilk are committed to the idea that everything is fine. That never seemed right to me, so I started digging.

How much work does It take today to get the stuff we need vs 1950?

  • Healthcare: Our grandparents worked ONE WEEK for a year of healthcare. We’re working TWELVE WEEKS f…

A Massive American Pay Cut
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Today’s Democrats are to the RIGHT of Nixon on a lot of issues. Trump is the price we’re paying.

Democrats Can’t Stop Trump—Because They Don’t Really Want To