Hello Notes Readers!

I’m starting a new section on my publication that invites you to ask a Time-traveler from the past about life in the 20th Century and/or time-traveler perspectives on life in the present-day.

I will be inviting my current students to submit most of the early questions to get the section rolling, but I don’t necessarily want ALL the early questions to come from late-teen / early 20s college students (altho I’m sure they’ll have some interesting questions!) — But if you are a…

When Karel Capek wrote RUR in 1921 and invented the whole idea of the "robot" (and the word robot) as it exists in stories (ie: not just a machine but a thinking machine, a man-like machine), he concluded the story with the Robots rising up and literally killing every last human being on the face of the Earth. Why? Because, the robots pr…

AI and the Missing Mother

There’s a line in The Manchurian Candidate where the senator tells Raymond that a paid enemy agent couldn’t do more harm to the US than his mother and stepfather — and turns out that’s exactly what they were.

Well that’s just charming ! 😄

Irony too funny for words

My latest on preserving and cultivating our humanity despite These Inhuman Times


MAGA/Elon Musk supporters, right now.