The app for independent voices

🧵If you were to make a religion from scratch and you had no innate morals except ethnic self-interest you'd:

Insist the group never rat on eachother, make strong distinctions between sex with women of the group vs. outsiders (the honor of the first would be protected, the honor of the second irrelevant, screw as many of them as you like, in fact be sure to teach your women to suck it up if your men should sleep with outsiders), insist that group members may lie to outsiders but not each other except for very good reasons, allow members of your group to steal but only from outsiders... Onwards, and onwards.

If however you were to try to create a religion to brainwash your enemies or slaves you'd insist: That members of the group actively CONFESS their crimes, never have sex with any woman not sanctioned by the overweening authority (or better yet be chaste/self-sterilize), and be sure to teach their women that they must destroy their family if her man ever "cheats", and indeed teach the man (again) that he must confess to his wife if he ever does (and teach her not to forgive him), insist that believers may never lie not even to protect each other, insist they never take anything without permission not even from defeated enemies... onwards and onwards.

Oh and you'd arrange your enemy's religion so that people of your different religion always had a special protected place, they'll have to think you're wrong (don't want them converting and suddenly acting in their own interests) but their religion will specifically protect your group as sort of a understandably mistaken little brother they're supposed to feel protective benevolence for (of course your religion will teach your kids to hold these people in contempt and hate their God, can't risk that they might accidentally convert) This way even if your enemies or slaves should attain dominance, they won't seek revenge and indeed they'll even help you up so that you may conquer them again (when you won't be so merciful), indeed this should be one of the most important things your gollum religion teaches them! Don't seek revenge, be merciful, forgive those who wrong you (except your cheating husband, destroy your children's lives in that rage).

Of course it is obvious once you think like this that the "Master Morality" you'd create for your own people is in fact Talmudic Judaism, and the "Slave Morality" you'd create to insinuate amongst the women and children of your enemies, or to brainwash and pacify them if they should ever be conquered is Christianity.

Sep 9
1:18 AM