📜This attitude... The idea that violence in itself is always wrong and must only be used as an absolute last resort is disgusting.

People lose their life's saving they worked for 20-40 years EVERY DAY, people die needlessly and pointlessly EVERY DAY, people endure tyrannies that would make 18th and 19th century men fight apocalyptic wars EVERY DAY.

Life is not some rare and beautiful gift of unaccountable preciousness... It is an expiring non-preservable asset with literally billions of replacements. You are dying one second at a time. So are your parents. So is your spouse. So are your children.

And you are wasting those irreplaceable seconds filling out forms, researching regulations, and dealing with diversity compliance meetings .

Lethal violence even in wrong, stupid, and nonsensical causes isn't some unthinkable horrifying extremity... It should be the baseline.

Because unlike your pathetic lives... freedoms, ideals, families, and dignities CAN last longer than a well maintained toyota.

Having this amount of reverence and pearl clutching for ONE'S OWN LIFE would be revoltingly cowardly... Having it for a complete stranger already past middle age in what is one of the most pressing struggles Americans face... Absurd.

Violence should be happening over things like the cost of living, healthcare, immigration and all the rest every day.

The billions of hours spent worrying about these issues and the endless fortunes in work hours destroyed by the bureaucratic and regulatory malaise adds up to hundreds of thousands of human lifespans every-year.

The idea that hundreds of thousands of net American lives should die 1 second at a time of bureaucracy, but that a lone instance of actual violence ending a individual specific life is unconscionable is the most disgusting cowardly squeamish bugman value imaginable, and yet seemingly our entire culture has sucked it down out of complacency and karenism.

And you have too, you putrid snivelling curs. You complacent bent over sodomites.

What is the alternative?

Choose violence.

Choose unnecessary violence. Choose unjustified violence. Choose excessive violence. Choose stupid violence. Choose senseless violence. Choose counter-productive violence. Choose incompetent violence. Choose misdirected violence. Choose pointless violence.

If you have to fill out an hour's worth of paperwork and 10s of millions of Americans likewise have to fill out that paperwork, that is thousands of total net lives being ended yearly by that individual worthless goddamn form.

That is well worth episodes of people actually immediately lashing out and ending a particular life... It is worth it if it achieves nothing at all except the ruin of the one who lashes out, because at least that disincentivizes the bureaucracy... At least that sets a limit on how fake and ghey things can become. At least that confirms that we are not yet so far removed from the violent cruel heroic men who conquered these lands when they were still wilderness.

And if you protest say "but what about the process" when we all know the process is corrupt or "The rule of law" when we all know the laws themselves are well past the point of universal contradiction, or "Basic human decency" when we see ten thousand inhuman indecencies every-day... know that you say these things obviously not out of thought but out of complacency and discomfort at having to consider your own values. A trained flinch wondering if your grade school teacher is watching... a broken curr and coward, even in your own thoughts.

Our society does not want for charity, or empathy, or academic consideration, or legal review, or philosophy, or hospitality, or ethical consideration, or religious debate... It lacks for violence. It lacks for the basic tension and contest of human existence that has been the baseline of life right up until everybody watched CSI and convinced themselves cops were magic instead of the bumbling donut eaters they've always been.

43 Replies
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10:14 PM
Dec 7