
Project 2025 Listed Authors Who Worked in the Last 45 Administration

Jonathan Berry - US Department of Justice

Adam Candeub - Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Deputy Associate Attorney General

Brendan Carr - Senior Republican on the Federal Communications Commission

Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., MD - Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Ken Cuccinelli - Acting Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services; Acting Deputy Secretary for the US Department of Homeland Security

Rick Dearborn - Deputy Chief of Staff

Diana Furchtgott-Roth - Deputy Assistant Secretary at the US Department of Transportation

Thomas F. Gilman - Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Chief Financial Officer at the US Department of Commerce

Mandy M. Gunasekara - Chief of Staff at the Environmental Protection Agency

Gene Hamilton - Counselor to the Attorney General at the US Department of Justice

Jennifer Hazelton - senior strategic consultant for the Department of Defense

Dennis Dean Kirk - senior positions at the Office of Personnel Management

Christopher Miller - several positions during the 45 administration in areas of defense

Mora Namdar - Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs

Peter Navarro - Director of 45’s Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy; also went to jail

Max Primorac - acting Chief Operating Officer and Assistant to the Administrator, Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance, US Agency for International Development

Roger Severino - Director of Civil Rights at the US Department of Health and Human Services

Kiron K. Skinner - Director of Policy Planning and Senior Advisor at the US Department of State

Brooks D Tucker - Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Legislative Affairs and Acting Chief of Staff

Hans A von Spakovsky - former member of 45’s Advisory Committee on Election Integrity

Russ Vought - Director of the Office of Management and Budget

William L. Walton - member of 45’s transition team

Paul Winfree - member of 45’s transition team

Paul Dans - Chief of Staff at the US Office of Personnel Management and senior advisor at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Steven Groves - Assistant Special Counsel, the Mueller investigation

If 25 of the 36 listed authors of Project 2025 worked in my former administration, there’s NO WAY I wouldn’t know about it.

Make this go viral, people.
